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How do i tell my parents?

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    How do i tell my parents?

    I haven't been able to find anything on this and im worried. Im 17 and he's 18 we've been together about a month and a half. We met online but have never met in person, we live over 10,000 miles apart. i want to tell my parents but i know they wont like it and i cant stand conflict. my mum will probably try to stop me going on my laptop or using my mobile, she'll probably stand over my shoulder everytime im on the computer. so how do i tell her without her freaking out and me breaking down in tears?

    Instead of telling them you are in a relationship start bringing him up in conversation. Tell them you've been talking to someone and they said something really interesting you could share with your mom, once they are familiar with the name tell them you have feelings for him. Maybe once you are comfortable with the whole thing let you mom say Hi over skype. Don't wait too long to say anything though, they will be even less impressed if you tell them months down the road that you have hid it for so long.


      I agree with snow_girl. Mention him in a convo and slowly build it up. And yes, the sooner you start talking about him, the better. Best of luck!


        Yeah, don't hide the fact, but take it easy. 1 month and 1/2 is not much, and you don't want to use big words such as "the love of my life", or your parents will panic! Good luck!


          I told my mom 6 months into my relationship. At the time i was also 17. For me I down played my feelings. I knew if i said I was in love with him that she would have freaked out. So what I did was asked her if we could go out just me and her. And when we were out I told her that I had met someone online. That I like him and want to keep talking to him and getting to know him. I told her that she could have as much in as she wants, and she could talk to him if she wanted and she could be around when I was on. That way I let her know I wasn't hiding anything. And it helped because a year and a half later mom helped in her way when he came to visit for the first time by being the one to take me to the airport. I think that as long as you let them know your not rushing anything, your being safe and your keeping them involved it will be more smooth.
          I love you Nathan <3
          5/25/09 <3

