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Is it really love?

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    Is it really love?

    I have been official with my BF for a month now, but have been skyping for two months.
    We are not the extreme LDR, only living 2 hours away until he goes to school which will then be 11 hours, so we have seen each other 4 times.
    There was a spark from the first time he held my hand, and fireworks after the first kiss. He told me on our last date that he loves me and has wanted to tell me for a few weeks but didn't want to scare me off. And although shocked, I felt the same way and told him I loved him as well.
    But I am very insecure, which he is aware of, so I just feel like it might be lust for him. He is a medical student, and very attractive; whereas I am studying medicine but just average, in my opinion. He has dated gorgeous girls in the past, and I just feel that he is dating me because his parents are, well bluntly, wanting grandchildren. We talked last night, and he says that he loves me more than I know and realize and he is happy to date somebody that he can have intellectual conversations with.
    I have been hurt in relationships prior by having guys use the L-word too quickly, but the way he said it just seems different. My ex told me near the end of our relationship that the first time he told me he loved me was so that I would sleep with him. I told my BF about it, and he waited to say it until after we slept together so that I wouldn't assume the same.
    Am I overreacting? I'm just really scared to get hurt again...

    I don't think you need to worry that he is with you because his parents want grandchildren. I also think you need to stop comparing yourself to his past girlfriends. You said yourself you are insecure so you probably don't see how beautiful he thinks you are. Try to stop worrying.


      There's nothing wrong with being cautious - I don't think you're overreacting. But don't let it get out of hand where you'll hold yourself back from a happy, healthy relationship. Yes, the "L" is very strong and has a lot of power. But, honestly, using it or not using it won't prevent you from getting hurt. My theory is...if you feel it, then say it. My SO and I moved very fast and said it earlier than most probably would have (we said it even before we met) - but it just felt right. Our love has changed over the months, and it will continue to change over the years but that doesn't mean that we didn't mean it when we said it months ago.

      Now, what will really matter is how he treats you. Actions are louder than the words "I love you." It's his actions that will tell you the truth and that will only be determined over time. So, in the meantime...if it feels like love and it feels right to say it, then don't hold back just because of your fear of getting hurt. Life is too short.

      I wish you the best of what love has to offer. Go for it!


        If you're really that worried about it ask him WHAT he loves about you, usually guys that are just saying it to say it don't have very strong sounding evidence they'll just go with the normal well you're cute and funny and nice, you'll know he really means it if he points out small things that you barely know about yourself, for example oh I love the way your face lights up when you see flowers or hear your favorite song on the radio. Stuff that you do that he's taken the time to notice and appriciates about you.

        Not to say that a guy who can't list those types of things about you doesn't love you but more often than not they know exactly why they love you, be it personality quirks or mannerisms, there's usually something that gets them.

        Met: 8.17.09
        Started Dating: 8.20.09
        First Met: 10.2.10
        Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


          Sounds like a good deal to me. Don't be shoot holes in your happiness let go of your resarvations and go for it best of luck!
          " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
          Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

          Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


            Thanks everybody for all your great advice <3
            Right after posting this he called me from on the road just to tell me that he loved me.
            I know that it will take a lot of time, but maybe one day I will be less reserved.
            I guess even Cinderella can get her prince charming...

