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Feeling depressed -_-

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    Feeling depressed -_-

    There's a lot of things weighing on my mind right now. I'm having to worry about a lot of things in my LDR, since things are happening individually to both my SO and myself and none of them apart from a couple are Good. Our problems are a constant worry and I can't seem to stop thinking about them. My minds constantly trying to work out a way to work through all these problems (which I'd rather not discuss openly) and it's wearing me down. I'm completely alone on this because I can't tell anyone about it because 1)People won't understand how I feel and try to contradict me and 2)my parents wouldn't like it. I suffer from a condition called costochondritis, which causes the costal cartilage in my chest bone to become inflamed and as a result, I suffer severe chest pains that become unbearably painful if I become too tense or get stressed out over something. Lately the pain has become agonising and I can barely sleep at night for the pain. I just feel depressed and I'm stressed out all the time at the moment, and sometimes I don't know what to do with myself.

    My question to everyone is this, what could I do to help distract myself? And is there any way i could help myself relax more? Any advice or suggestions are welcome.

    I am in a somewhat similar situation as you are, having a disease flare with stress and the depressive issue.
    I have learned that you are only as good as you treat your body, so relaxation is something that I have to do daily, no matter how busy/stressed I am.
    Epsom salt baths with lavender essential oils mixed in is my calling for when I am stressed. Nothing lets me unwind more than a soak in the tub with my favourite music to forget everything. (if you need the recipe let me know )
    Another thing that has been relaxing to me is writing down what your feelings are; I have written some pretty deep poetry and it's like an emotional release.
    You may think that people won't understand your situation, but you may be very surprised that you are not alone

