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How do you celebrate birthdays when you're far apart?

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    How do you celebrate birthdays when you're far apart?

    Just curious how you guys celebrate each other's birthdays when you're far apart? Do you go all out? Just a card? Just saying 'happy birthday'?

    I guess I'm feeling a bit anxious. Today's my birthday (yay lol) and the past few days I've been feeling a bit worried. I don't really make a big deal out of it, but I guess I kinda like a little deal to be made out of it heh. My boyfriend hasn't hinted to any surprises or gifts or anything. I know he's not really into birthdays tho. I haven't said much except reminding him that it's coming up and giving him some ideas for inexpensive gifts he could give me. Just things like sending photos or video. But I'm a bit concerned that he doesn't have anything planned...

    His birthday was last January and I knew he didn't really like to celebrate it, but I couldn't help doing something a little bit special for him. I took a page out of the LFAD things to do and made him a crossword of all our little jokes. I spent a couple hours trying to think of them so it'd look filled out. It kinda fell through because when I gave it to him he said he wasn't really into crosswords. :/ I just figured he might like it because he likes puzzle games. He did appreciate it tho and attempted to finish it without cheating. ^^

    I don't expect things in return for the things I do for him, but I guess I have a little expectation because he's not just a friend, he's my boyfriend. I hadn't brought it up to him or on here because there was still time until my birthday. I mean, there's still time tomorrow when it's the day of. But I'm not sure if I should say anything if all he does give me is a 'happy birthday'. I know he's been busy lately with work and he hasn't had much money to spend on other things. And we had a discussion after his birthday that he feels like he's not being a good boyfriend because he can't do the things he'd normally do if we were closer. I told him that he is (and he really is, he's so very sweet to me, treats me well, and is very loving and affectionate), but I don't want him to feel bad... Am I worrying over nothing and just being childish and silly? -_-;;

    well all i did with my girl is have a very length loving talk when it was her birthday, we would cyber hug, kiss and snuggle up(hell we do that when its not her birthday :P ). even though we couldnt be in the same room it still felt nice because your there right then talking to them


      Well I did A LOT for his last birthday. I did a whole package. I sent him a letter, card, a couple of shirts, a t-shirt I made (Like from the movie Just Friends....I used a photo editing program to place our heads on a pink cat and blue cat. It said the "Purrr-fect couple. The kind of love that lasts Fuuuurrr-ever" ahahahaa put it on t-shirt transfer paper and made it), some boxers with lipstick kisses all over them ;D , his favorite candy, a cookie cake, his favorite hot sauce, a keychain with a heart charm that said "Always" (i had a matching bracelet, but it broke i have to make another one), my graduation ring and an extra set of of dogtag chains he had given me so he could wear it, extra pairs of his fave boxers (lol he was running low on undies and having to wash clothes every few days.), pillow cases (i made them but it sort of looked like the ones from BoldLoft...I just wanted the boy and girl to look more like us), I wrote an entry for LFAD A Day In The Life Of so I printed in book format and sent it to him, typed/printed/laminated a list of things that make our relationship what it is the top said "IT'S" and there was a bulleted list of things like "Its checking your phone for a missed a call or text before your eyes are even fully open" and "Its spending 450 dollars on a plane ticket to only spend 4 days with him" and the last one said "It’s the most amazing and beautiful love you have ever experienced." I picked up a party kit for him with balloons a sign and some hats and stuff. Some flavored massage oils those are fun.....

      He sent me some of my favorite movies I asked for (Sweeny Todd, Edward Scissorhands, and Blow!), the new 311 CD, a little bear dressed in ACU's that he recorded his voice on!! a card, and Godiva chocolates. I nearly died bc I just saw the little gold box and was sure it was jewelry (I had been asking for a necklace bc all i had were his dogtags and couldn't wear them when i dressed up) and I opened it to find

      idk about this year. Probably not much because I will be student teaching and will have very little time to do anything but that!


        For me and my SO, we have yet to celebrate each others birthdays. Mine is coming up next month... but since it falls so close to her last week of exams I'm probably going to be celebrating it at home, maybe with some friends. As for hers which will be coming up in june, I am actually planning on traveling and seeing her in person around the time of her birthday.
        I would like to receive something from her, since I've sent her bunch of things. But since the postal system isn't the best... maybe she could wait till we meet to give me my birthday present *hint* *hint* my love

        I am looking forward to when she receives my easter gift... but that will be a about a week from now.

        btw y'all... anyone know website or places in canada which sell celtic promise rings and/or mizpah charms?
        "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
        "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
        "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

        Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


          Last year on Rane's bday, I got him a webcam, a mizpah charm, a little stuffed cow (because we met in wow as tauren... :P), some fancy caramels, and maybe that was it? Then on my birthday I got my engagement ring (I got it early), a build a bear panda (Panda Cop!), and some other misc things.
          This year, if he gets approved for his visa, he will be flying to me on his bday! I have surprises planned.


            Hey Alisz, I hope you had a nice birthday. When we've been apart on birthday's we've just done phone calls. But we have been lucky enough to plan visits quite near, so were able to do a little celebrating then. We are also a rubbish cyber couple - it's phone calls all the way with us. I think if you would like your boyfried to do something, then it's not unreasonable to let him know - he can't read your mind, and having expectations that he doesn't know about is never going to work out well. (Or most of the time anyway). After all, it's not like a test he has to pass - how would any of us know what to do for anyone if they didn't tell us or we didn't ask?


              Originally posted by woop woop View Post
              Hey Alisz, I hope you had a nice birthday. When we've been apart on birthday's we've just done phone calls. But we have been lucky enough to plan visits quite near, so were able to do a little celebrating then. We are also a rubbish cyber couple - it's phone calls all the way with us. I think if you would like your boyfried to do something, then it's not unreasonable to let him know - he can't read your mind, and having expectations that he doesn't know about is never going to work out well. (Or most of the time anyway). After all, it's not like a test he has to pass - how would any of us know what to do for anyone if they didn't tell us or we didn't ask?
              Thanks. Yeah, I tried to let him know how I felt yesterday without directly telling him. I'm a bit bummed this year because things haven't really been going the way I expected them to. We still have "house guests" that is making it difficult for my family to plan anything for my birthday. And I was half ranting to him about it. There's also we had talked at the beginning of the year him making it up here for my birthday, but obviously that didn't happen and with current circumstances wouldn't have turned out well anyways. But I guess I sort of expected him to do something (anything) special and out of the ordinary. :/ I asked him playfully today if he had gotten me anything. He apologized and said he hadn't. I explained that he didn't have to buy me something... That it's just the thought behind things that count. I told him I had hinted to him about photos and video. He said we'd have video chat later. But I dunno, it's not really the same when I have to tell him. :/ I know I'm being a bit bratty and it's probably more amplified that I'm not feeling well and the house guests are driving me crazy. But I thought I was being pretty clear about my expectations. I didn't say what I wanted from him specifically, but my expectations in general.


                You have to just tell him. It makes everything easier and everything happier!! How else will he know? Guys are just absolutely terrible at reading minds, they just can't read a girl's mind. So if you tell him everyone is happier. You're happier bc you get what you want and he's happier because he knows just what you want, just what he needs to do, and you're not upset with him. Also when i tell him what I want, he doesn't do it, and then I get upset, he can't tell me "I don't understand why you're upset." YES you do! I told you exactly what I expected and you didn't do anything even close to that!

                I tell the SO all the time when I want stuff. I've been telling him I want letters, I want cards. Still don't get those unless its a special day (Valetines Day, B-Day). I've also told him I want packages. I told him I try to send you something about once a month. I spend a lot of time and usually all my tips (i waitress) putting together the package and sending it to would be nice to get stuff too, even if it's just a note. His don't have to do that stuff, I really like it all, but you don't have to do that. *rolls eyes* whatever! But I tell him exactly what I want. [which reminds me, it's been almost a month since he said he'd write that letter....i'm texting him right now since he says I have to "remind him"....its not nagging if he tells me he needs reminders right?! ]]

                But yea....tell him


                  Originally posted by BJL_Sweetheart1109 View Post
                  You have to just tell him. It makes everything easier and everything happier!! How else will he know? Guys are just absolutely terrible at reading minds, they just can't read a girl's mind. So if you tell him everyone is happier. You're happier bc you get what you want and he's happier because he knows just what you want, just what he needs to do, and you're not upset with him. Also when i tell him what I want, he doesn't do it, and then I get upset, he can't tell me "I don't understand why you're upset." YES you do! I told you exactly what I expected and you didn't do anything even close to that!

                  I tell the SO all the time when I want stuff. I've been telling him I want letters, I want cards. Still don't get those unless its a special day (Valetines Day, B-Day). I've also told him I want packages. I told him I try to send you something about once a month. I spend a lot of time and usually all my tips (i waitress) putting together the package and sending it to would be nice to get stuff too, even if it's just a note. His don't have to do that stuff, I really like it all, but you don't have to do that. *rolls eyes* whatever! But I tell him exactly what I want. [which reminds me, it's been almost a month since he said he'd write that letter....i'm texting him right now since he says I have to "remind him"....its not nagging if he tells me he needs reminders right?! ]]

                  But yea....tell him
                  Yeah, you're right. I just didn't want him to feel bad. I know it's not his fault that money is tight lately. And I already know he feels a bit insecure about not being able to do things for me because of the distance and his lack of time. I didn't tell him, "For my birthday I want you to do this." But I've told him that if he wants to give me gifts he doesn't have to spend money. I've given him all sorts of ideas of things I would be overjoyed to get from him. I keep in mind that he doesn't have a lot of time to himself or extra money to spend too. Hell, he could just tell me what he's doing to plan his visit here and I'd be happy. I'd rather he spent his money and efforts on that. I mean, he knows I get upset over these things and we've talked about it before. *sigh* I guess I don't see what is so difficult about doing something small and special. It doesn't have to take hours and hours to plan or do. Just a bit of thought.

                  I wonder if it's just guys. I mean, I'm like you. I put together packages and stuff and send it to him. I tell him he could do the same and he tells me the same thing your boyfriend says. That he appreciates it, but I don't have to do it. I do it because I want to and it's my way to show him that I care about him. That he's more than just a friend to me. I don't want to nag him either, but I have been telling him for the past few weeks that it'd be nice to have some more pictures of him. I send him pictures all the time. Again, maybe it's a guy thing, I don't know. He claims he knows about girls because he's lived with 2 all his life (his mom and sister), but I think if he really knew he'd know that girls like to get tokens of love, no matter what they are. Why else would girls generally like to receive flowers? :P They don't last heh.


                    I tell him he doesn't have to spend money either. Maybe you could tell him you'd love a small package of sorts for your birthday, but you understand funds are low. You aren't asking for a HUGE expensive gift. Since you want pictures you could say something like I just really miss seeing you. Id be totally content with a small photo or two of you ! I just like seeing your name on an item that i recieve in the mail no matter how big or small!

                    ...oh. and i texted the SO after I posted that asking for a letter or card. Telling him I was just feeling the distance and needed a little response. Boys! Some times I just want to pop on the those V-8 commercials "Duh you could have had a v-8" ..........."DUH! ALL I WANT IS A NOTE!!"


                      I hope you had a great birthday! My birthday was on the 7th and I was hoping for something out of the ordinary also. It was my first birthday since we have been together...and i wanted something different. I don't like a big deal made of my birthday either, but i would of loved to have him make a little big deal out of it...He sent me an e-card which he NEVER has done before and he sent me a nice was a month since i had gotten one. He also called me like 50 times, saying Happy Birthday, and singing Happy Birthday. He did make a deal about it...but I was secretly wanting something like flowers delievered to my work or a card in the mail. But thats ok, he is doing what he thinks is best..and he did make it special in his way.

                      For his birthday, we were kinda in a little rough patch and I had made him a Candy Bar poster..well i put it on just pages and took pictures of the pages and made a slide of it..saying things like He good "look"ing, using a Look candy bar..and I bought a piece of cake and put a candle on it..i tend to make big deals out of things..and then secretly want the same but would never tell anyone


                        I know what you birthday was this past January, and I gave Jared many hints that I wanted something special >.< However, we lived close together at the time, so we spent almost the entire week before my birthday together. He took me to the mall and I pointed out some things that I wanted, and then I walked around waiting for him to buy some things. We met up an hour later, and he gave me my presents right away since some of it wasn't appropriate to open in front of other people He got me a dress that I had pointed out that I liked and The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks. I really loved it because he was so excited about it! However, it made it easier going to the mall together because he said it is hard picking out gifts for me! It would be really easy though if he just listened lol!

                        His 25th birthday is coming at the end of this month, and I cannot afford to spend a lot of money O_o. He told me while I visited him during spring break that he wanted Lost Season 5, so I ordered it on Ebay for him that same day.....but I got so excited about it that I told him about it. I didn't want him to tell anyone else to get it for him! I want to do something else that will not cost a lot. I have thought about mailing cake ingredients so that he can make it himself--since a cake would get messed up in the mail! I will also probably include a letter.

                        However, our one year anniversary is only a week before his birthday, so that is why he is not getting more. I have already mailed his anniversary present to his house, and he should be getting that shortly. I have asked Jared if we could exchange gifts for our one year and he said yes....but I am a little worried that he will forget about me and not get me anything....I know this is bad since our anniversary hasn't even happened yet, but he has not mentioned mailing me anything at all so I am sort of doubtful....I have tried to point out that it is really important to me that we celebrate it, but what if doesn't get it?!!? I have told him that it doesn't have to even cost anything; I would be extremely happy if he wrote me a letter! We have mentioned having a mini celebration on the actual day and a real celebration when we see each other in person next month, but I am still paranoid >.<


                          Originally posted by BJL_Sweetheart1109 View Post
                          I tell him he doesn't have to spend money either. Maybe you could tell him you'd love a small package of sorts for your birthday, but you understand funds are low. You aren't asking for a HUGE expensive gift. Since you want pictures you could say something like I just really miss seeing you. Id be totally content with a small photo or two of you ! I just like seeing your name on an item that i recieve in the mail no matter how big or small!

                          ...oh. and i texted the SO after I posted that asking for a letter or card. Telling him I was just feeling the distance and needed a little response. Boys! Some times I just want to pop on the those V-8 commercials "Duh you could have had a v-8" ..........."DUH! ALL I WANT IS A NOTE!!"
                          Doh! Yeah, already went down the route of "I miss seeing you." He's just forgetful, I guess. I hate to keep reminding him because I don't want to nag. ^^;; I'd be thrilled if he sent me a postcard (even a showgirl Vegas one lol) that said "I LOVE YOU!" lol Boys! :P

                          I think he sensed my frustration and he did stay up later with me tonight so we could spend more time together. And he did hop on the webcam (even with his family around, which he's never done before o_O). Just seeing him made me feel a lot better. ^^ He has this way with him that I can't help but be happy when we talk. I look at him and it's like, how can I be annoyed? I know he tries the best he can and that's all I can ask of him. ^^


                            Originally posted by BJL_Sweetheart1109 View Post
                            I tell him he doesn't have to spend money either. Maybe you could tell him you'd love a small package of sorts for your birthday, but you understand funds are low. You aren't asking for a HUGE expensive gift. Since you want pictures you could say something like I just really miss seeing you. Id be totally content with a small photo or two of you ! I just like seeing your name on an item that i recieve in the mail no matter how big or small!

                            ...oh. and i texted the SO after I posted that asking for a letter or card. Telling him I was just feeling the distance and needed a little response. Boys! Some times I just want to pop on the those V-8 commercials "Duh you could have had a v-8" ..........."DUH! ALL I WANT IS A NOTE!!"
                            Doh! Yeah, already went down the route of "I miss seeing you." He's just forgetful, I guess. I hate to keep reminding him because I don't want to nag. ^^;; I'd be thrilled if he sent me a postcard (even a showgirl Vegas one lol) that said "I LOVE YOU!" lol Boys! :P

                            I think he sensed my frustration and he did stay up later with me tonight so we could spend more time together. And he did hop on the webcam (even with his family around, which he's never done before o_O). Just seeing him made me feel a lot better. ^^ He has this way with him that I can't help but be happy when we talk. I look at him and it's like, how can I be annoyed? I know he tries the best he can and that's all I can ask of him. ^^

