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i give up! :(

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    i give up! :(

    it's been a week and he's still not talking to me after our big fight. 3 emails and a phone call. none.

    i didn't want to give up but i also refuse to be the only one trying to make it work.

    one year of fighting for this relationship and he couldn't find it in his heart to forgive me for what i did and choose to throw everything away just because of a petty fight over facebook.

    i guess my LDR didn't work out.

    but i still hope and pray that all of your LDRs will end up happy.

    God Bless!

    I'm sorry to hear this! I wish you the best. <3


      Some people don't have the strength to put forth the effort into a LDR. Apparently, he didn't. I'm so sorry. *hugs*


        well.... maybe u should warm him about how if hes gonna give up then so r u... im pretty sick myself of only being the one trying 2 save the relationship but its worth itt<3 and he comes through... so send him a message maybe saying if he doesnt answeer then u might just give up cuz ur giving it ur all and hes not...>_< idek/: im soweey...


          Im sorry to hears this maybe he we realize how much you guys are turely in love and he will come back. I wish the best for you xoxoxo


            thank you everyone! i already sent him a message... i told him i didnt want to give up... that i would do everything to fight for what we have...

            but if he doesnt want me anymore, then i'm not going to force myself into someone who's not happy with me.

            but seriously. to ignore me completely and not even forgive me over facebook???????? it's too petty.... seriously!


              I'm sorry to hear this Wish you the best. xoxo


                thanks for your wishes.

                i love him. sooo much. but there's really nothing i can do if he doesn't want me anymore. or how would i know since he's not replying or trying to communicate with me after the fight. i assume it's all over.

                i love him. i would have done everything to fight for what we have. i even deleted my facebook. he's more important to me than facebook, which caused everything.

                but he chose not to fight for it anymore. and i guess i have to respect that and i hope he finds the happiness he deserves.


                  I'm sorry to hear what you're going through, hun. A good relationship does take teamwork. It's also unfortunate that it was Facebook that caused everything, it actually shouldn't get in the way. There are already too many couples fighting just because of Facebook.
                  Anyway, I wish you best of luck!


                    thank you again for your kind words. they're lifting my spirits up.

                    please pray for him... i still love him... i always think he's the one...

                    and i hope still finds the happiness that he's looking for.


                      Facebook is a relationship breaker for sure... ME and my SO have been fighting over it for over a year and finally he deleted me from his and later on blocked me. WE did not break up or anythign but I am no longer on his FB and he is not on mine. It was not my idea and I personally find it stupid and childish and even inappropriate for a couple, but that is how things are now and to be honest there are positives: at lest we no longer fight over what we see on each others FB.
                      I am sorry about your relationship but you may be surprised. May be he will call you once you stop.


                        I wish you the best.
                        I suggest leaving them alone and letting them come to you when they are ready.

                        Good luck <3


                          So sorry to hear this... i hope this is the best for both of you... God always put test on every relationship.... if its really worth the happiness things will get better... if its not.. then.. oh well... you could always move on for it might be really what made both of you happy!


                            IF something like Facebook is going to break a couple up, then I don't feel they had a good chance to begin with. Just MHO. Relationships are about trust. My SO has many friends on his facebook I don't know, some of who he has a definite history with. I have the same on mine. Understanding that they are history is a big part of any relationship. I could get freaked over every comment, or I can understand that if he wanted to be with them he would be with them, not me. I count all of those people as part of what made him what he is today and I'm thankful a lot of ways that they got some of the rough edges off first

                            I don't know what your particular situation is, but if anyone is going to get tweaked to the point of arguing over facebook, then I would sit back and take a serious look at the relationship in general. Online activities like facebook, gaming etc don't cause problems in relationships. They will sure bring existing problems forward fast however.
                            Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
                            Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
                            Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


                            You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
                            Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

                            Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
                            Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


                              it's been 3 weeks since we haven't talked. and he's leaving for another country on Sunday. he's going to be there for a month. i was hoping that me and him can reconcile before he leaves, since it's easier for us to talk while he's still in the country. i really do love him but to end it all on a petty fight over facebook doesnt make sense. its like to him, i committed a big sin like cheating on him, but i didn't.

                              i also stopped calling and sending emails. i still hope it works out. we've been fighting for our LDR for a year and to throw it all away over some stupid fight? come on!

                              thanks for all the advice and hope. that's all i can do right now. hope and pray that he will find it in his heart to forgive me and work things out. if not, then it's sad to admit that it's not meant to be.

                              it's sad that it took me almost 300 miles to find the most decent guy who makes me happy and makes me think that being in a relationship, not just an LDR, but being with someone is worth it. i stopped believing in love before he came into my life. he made me feel that i was worth of being loved. but after what happened... it's gonna be pretty hard for me to start believing again.

