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How to deal?

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    How to deal?

    My SO, Alexa, and I recently had the opportunity to live together for about 3 months. We got together on April 20th of this year. Surprisingly, yes, we closed the distance for a while that soon. She needed to get out of Florida for a while. I drove down to get her on May 11th. We came back to Alabama on the 12th. I knew that it was going to be temporary before she came here. Over the duration of her stay, I came to realize that I'm deeply in love with her. She's, without the shadow of a doubt the girl I want to be with. No one has ever made my heart beat the way she does. The way her voice soothes me, and gives me chills. Her touch makes me feel even more alive. I realized that I didn't really want her to leave. I didn't expect to become so close.

    The problem is, I'm having such a difficult time coping with the fact that she's not here anymore. It's hard when you live for someone for three months, and then in the course of a day, it all changes. She had to go back to finish some of her college. I'd love to move to her now, but I can't right now. I'm tied down right now. We're running the idea of her returning around May of 2012 after her classes. That's 9 months away. I know, that's not that long compared to others on this site, but it doesn't make it any easier.

    We're going to attempt to see each other once a month if all goes well with finances and getting time off from our busy schedules. I guess the fact that when we're ACTUALLY going to see one another isn't certain scares me a little. I hope I don't sound desperate, because it's not that. I just love her, and I don't want to be without her longer than I have to. I hope some of you can relate.

    I'll let that be it for now. I turned to this forum and community to hopefully help me pass some of the time, and help me through this tough waiting game we're forced to play. Thanks for reading.

    I know it's a hard thing to deal with, having been so close to her everyday, then her leaving. but i think it's a special kind of pain only people who really are "in love" only feel. i think you should just focus on finishing your classes with good grades until you guys can permanently settle down. Don't have high expectations with something that's unstable, It'll only make you feel bad knowing that she won't be able to come.Instead have low expectations so that if you guys can meet, You'll be much more excited! Whenever your feeling down, The people on this forum will surely help you ease your pain! count on us! read some of our stories, get involved with the forums, For me its certainly helped out alooot. I can actually get through the day without breaking down and crying now hehe. I hope this site helps give you the motivation you need to push on and to never give up!
    My favorite text message conversation:

    Tobby:love ko! what are you doing?
    Nika:learning how to cook love ko.
    Tobby:cooking? please put some in a plastic bag and send some to me so i can taste it! <3
    Nika: weh? your silly! I'm learning how to cook so when we get married, I'll be cooking all your meals love ko. <3
    Tobby:your so sweet.<3 marry me now? hahaha
    Nika: We're still kids love ko, lets wait until we're more mature, but you know my answer will be yes, whenever you ask!
    Tobby:I love you so much! You're the one for me, I'll wait as long as i need to love ko. love you!
    Nika:I love you too! call me Nika Sy now.. hehe
    Tobby: Addict!
    Nika: Addicted! <3


      It definitely does suck there's no question about it. Although we didn't live together in the strictest sense, my boyfriend was pretty much with me every day, he slept in my bed almost every night, and then one day, he wasn't there. It's almost as though he died, but he didn't. I mean I'm still able to talk to him and such, but it's not quite the same as seeing his smile every day, and hearing his voice, and feeling his kiss, there's nothing in the world that can compare to that. And so I know exactly how you feel, and the only thing is to remember that soon, it will all be over, that the reason why you're dealing with all the suckiness right now is because in the end, you'll get the rest of your life with that person. And it sucks, there's no other way of putting it, even after a year and a half of being long distance I still cry sometimes because I just hate being so far away from him. But really, all you can do is wait, and eventually it'll be over.



        I know exactly how you feel. My SO left back to college today, and he won't be done for 3 more years, whereas I'll be done in two. We both started college at the same time, but his degree is a 5 year thing, not 4. So it's not like we can close the distance anytime soon. I'm still trying to cope with being LD again, especially because we were CD for an entire year. Everywhere I go, I'll have his memory..our memory. It'll be hard but I'll get through it. I just have to remember that it will all be worth it in the end, because he is definitely worth it.


          This is probably the hardest thing I've ever done to date, to be honest. I know it will be worth it in the end. I'd do anything for my SO. I could wait for her forever if I had to.
          On another note, we're going to try to see each other every month, whether it be me going down to see her, or her coming up. We just discussed the possibility of her coming at the end of September, and my heart started racing just from the thought of the possibility of it even though it's not official. God, I'm head over heels, but I love it.
          Thanks for the input. I do appreciate it.


            I know exactly how you're feeling. My SO and I literally spent every single day together for over 3 years, and I had to stop cold turkey in the matter of one day for boot camp. I was lucky to get 20 minute phone calls once every few weeks, and only one letter a week. It's never easy to go from having that constant comfort of knowing that you have your SO right by your side to not having them at all. It's always worth it in the end though. I always try and tell myself how lucky I am that I get to relive the experience of the first kiss again and first date again after being able to close the distance, even if it is only for a short while. He's more than worth it to me though. I couldn't picture my life with anyone else, and I would never want to. I love him more than I thought it was even possible to love another person.
            You and your SO will get through it. There's always little things you can do for each other. Pictures, videos, texting is always a god sent, even if it's just a little one to say "I miss you."
            If you ever need to just vent you can always send me a message. I don't mind.


              I'm in the same boat as you were... My SO is here with me for 3 months, from july to october (this was our first time meeting). Life is just a lot more fun when he's around and I don't know how I'm going to cope when he's gone. Hopefully I get to visit him in the first half of next year too.

