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So sad...

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    So sad...

    I'm surprised at myself for starting a thread like this, but I just feel so SO and I restarted our LD for the second time after being CD for a year. Last night was his last night in our hometown and I just cried into his shoulders because I felt so sad. I think going from LD to CD then back to LD sucks! Especially because after being CD for a year, I know now what I'm missing out on. It sucks and I feel like half of me is missing. *sigh*

    awwww....... i want to say everything going to be all right... but i know its very sad thing too... just see things as a "small pebbles" on your relationship.... hang in there.. *hugs*


      I'm sorry to hear that. I understand what you are feeling and I'm amazed at how strong you are. That's actually a very big plus. To go from LD to CD and then back again to LD takes a lot of courage. You've gone through difficult times, I'm sure this time you will also be fine even if it takes time. Be strong, patient and optimistic. We're here for ya.


        I'm sorry to hear that! It is difficult, but the upside is that you both know what to expect and this time around it probably won't be as hard as it was before, even though it seems that way right now. Stay strong, I know the first two or three weeks are the worst, but I promise, you start to get used to it, and then it's not so bad.



          Thanks guy. The tears won't stop coming...they'll stop from time to time when I'm keeping myself busy but then I remember and they start all over again. I know it'll take some time...and pytsip, that's true. We do know what to expect this time around...I just feel like its been so long since we were LD...I feel like I've forgotten how to do it lol if that makes any sense...I'll just have to be patient


            Except that he just stopped by my house for a few minutes to say goodbye...when I closed that door I could not stop crying I just remembered how horrible a feeling it is to say goodbye...I haven't felt that way in 2 years :/ ugh


              Aww I'm so sorry! That must be incredibly hard for you. You'll fall back into your normal routine soon enough though. And as soon as you "get used" to being LD, you'll be together again! Keep your head up


                I know EXACTLY how you feel. It was hard for me to leave Chris in Alabama and try to go back home after living together for 3 months. But all you can try to do is keep yourself busy and hang in there. It'll get better, Just think of it as a hurdle before you're able to be with him forever


                  Hang in there! The first days/weeks are always the toughest ones, as you can't help remembering all the good moments and such, but yeah, then as sad as it seems things well get 'normal' again and you'll only be waiting for when he can be CD forever. Stay strong at first it's tough, but you've got an awesome prize which you've already gotten a taste of waiting in the end!


                    Thanks for all the comments guys. I'm feeling a little better...he called me earlier to check up on me and after we hung up the sound of his voice made me start to cry lol. I kinda feel pathetic atm but I guess I can't help it. :/...I kinda just wanna fast forward the next three years so we can just start living together already jaja. I'll just have to be patient. Thanks everyone


                      The first few days when my LDR started, i had no motive to do anything at all. i was emotionally drained, wallowed in my sorrow all day and didn't talk to anyone. WE ALL KNOW WHAT YOUR GOING THROUGH! and it is very hard! we're all here for you when you need it. don't forget your in the same boat as us . just hang tough! I agree with Esther, at first its tough, but it gradually gets better, just keep busy and productive and just remember every time you think of him, remember ALL the happy moments you've had with this guy. and what a great thing it is to have him in your life! this I look at LDR's as a test, to see if it really is going to work between two people. and I believe you will pass with flying colors . However if it does get really difficult, this site will help you ALOT! i'm glad i found it. stay strong! !
                      My favorite text message conversation:

                      Tobby:love ko! what are you doing?
                      Nika:learning how to cook love ko.
                      Tobby:cooking? please put some in a plastic bag and send some to me so i can taste it! <3
                      Nika: weh? your silly! I'm learning how to cook so when we get married, I'll be cooking all your meals love ko. <3
                      Tobby:your so sweet.<3 marry me now? hahaha
                      Nika: We're still kids love ko, lets wait until we're more mature, but you know my answer will be yes, whenever you ask!
                      Tobby:I love you so much! You're the one for me, I'll wait as long as i need to love ko. love you!
                      Nika:I love you too! call me Nika Sy now.. hehe
                      Tobby: Addict!
                      Nika: Addicted! <3


                        I had the same situation, LDR, then together, then LDR, then together. My hb used to joke that I cried because I KNEW what to expect. It does get easier with time, but it never gets easy, if that makes sense.
                        17 years LDR out of 18 years of marriage. Oh, yeah, plus a year of LDR courtship.

