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Buying souvenirs for your SO

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    Buying souvenirs for your SO

    Ok, so I've always had this problem that whenever I go anywhere I always buy Andrew more souvenirs than I buy myself. While in China, I went to Inner Mongolia, and it ended up being that everything I bought was for him! I didn't actually get any souvenirs for myself. I just kept passing things and was like "Oh! Andrew would love this!" I did the same thing when I was in Phoenix, I ended up buying him a bunch of things and ended up with only an ASU Hoodie for myself.

    The issue came about that while in Inner Mongolia I bought him a leather canteen that held the liquor that is native to Inner Mongolia, horse milk liquor (which is actually not as bad tasting as it sounds), but I told him the other day that I realized I had absolutely no souvenirs from that trip and that I wanted to make sure he was bringing the empty leather canteen home. He said that he would try but that since he had a lot of things and could only bring two suitcases home that he wasn't sure if he would be able to fit it. It kind of saddens me that he might not be able to bring it home, but I guess its my own fault for not getting myself something from there. Anyway, I'm curious, does anyone else do this?


    I think souvenirs are a cash grab so I don't buy any. I do though collect a postcard from each place I visit and send a couple to family and friends. They are cheap and don't take up any room in your suitcase. You gave him the canteen as a gift, seems kind of cheap to ask for it back.


      Actually, I did tell him that I wanted the canteen back when I first gave it to him. Really I was more excited for him to try the horse milk liquor. I guess the thing is, he knew I wanted it back, but I don't think that he knew it was the only thing that I really had from Inner Mongolia.



        I send out post cards from the places I get them. That way it's stamped in that location which I think is awesome! I sent myself a postcard from Machu Piccuh, so it has that stamp on it. Neat, right??!! I don't buy souvenirs anymore. They're usually pretty junky.


          I think that might be my reason for not getting souvenirs, I think most are tacky, if I do get anything it's because I think it's got a useful purpose. A lot of the things I bought in China were clothes and fake designer purses. However, my apartment is decorated in Chinese style, so I did buy a Chinese pillow (if anyone read my post in the ramble on section about how I'm addicted to pillows they would understand why i did that) but I guess that may be the reason why I always buy things for Andrew, for some reason I think hey he'd like this, not me, but he would. haha



            I don't really travel, so I can't really buy any souvenirs. I do send Germany related stuff to my SO though - a city guide, a postcard, leaflets, food, things like that.


              Originally posted by NaNi View Post
              I don't really travel, so I can't really buy any souvenirs. I do send Germany related stuff to my SO though - a city guide, a postcard, leaflets, food, things like that.
              mm, I wish my SO would send me food from China! hehe.


