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Tips for university? :)

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    Tips for university? :)

    I wasn't really sure where to put this, but since I'd like to know a few tips on how to manage my LDR whilst managing my uni life, I thought this forum would be apt.

    Ok, so today I just received my finals exams results and I passed them all I've also been told that I've been accepted into university and that I'll be starting on the 1st September. I was just curious if anyone on the forums attends university and is in an LDR and whether some of you could give me some tips or advice on how I could make the most of my time in university and my life there without it disrupting my LDR too much. I want to get the balance right, without causing either of us too much heartache. My SO will be going to school whilst I'm at university, so we need to find a workable pattern. Any suggestions/advice are welcome

    I'm in the same boat as you except we've been dating since about 3 months before we both started college. I'm not gonna lie, its hard at first. The first year, my SO went to a college out of state and I stayed at home in a local community college. It was hell hard. We went from having constant communication to maybe talking for 20 minutes a day. He was trying to adjust to his new life there, and I understood that, but we had to have talks about how I was feeling because living at home while going to uni and living at the university itself are two different things. It seems there's always something to do, someone to talk to. You're going to school with people who are pretty much within your age group. You make friends fast and its hard to start adjusting because everyone is just starting so everyone wants "the college experience".

    My advice? Talk every night. Sometimes you're gonna find yourself so busy. Make time. If its literally something that seems impossible at the time, at least call or text (though calling is preferred) to say goodnight. Its okay to say no to your friends so that you can spend time with your SO. But don't say no to them all the time either. Finding a balance is hard at first, and you'll need to figure out your own schedule first. The first month or so is hard because both sides are having to adjust. This is a great experience for you so make the most of it, but don't forget your SO. Like I said, finding a balance is hard and will take time and patience but it is doable.

    PS- We were together for our 2nd year of uni but this year we'll be apart again. He's going to a different university so we'll have to adjust all over again. We're both entering our 3rd year so its hard but definitely possible . Good luck, pm if you have anymore questions.


      Lots and LOTS of folks on here are LD because of university. The best way to handle it, I think, it to make certain dates when you skype/visit/talk whatever with your SO. The other times you should be going out, meeting people, and having fun. I was in an LDR my freshman year in college and I went home almost every weekend to visit him. I totally regret it because I missed that whole "freshman" experience. I didn't make many friends because I missed out on that bonding time. So make sure to split your time wisely. Don't push your relationship to the side, but make sure to leave time for yourself as well. Good luck!


        I'm in the exact same spot as you! And as it was said before, a lot of people on here are also with us. Let's see if i can give any advice that hasn't already been said...
        *Skype Dates are a life saver... we try and plan one once a week (usually around the weekends) to catch up on things. It's nice to see his face every once and a while
        *Texting CAN be a lifesafer. Me and my SO are on two different time zones... so sometimes texting is the way to go so you guys can continue a conversation, but not having to worry about time, etc. Calls, at least for me, have to be scheduled.
        *Join awesome clubs/groups. I find getting involved really does distract you if you're missing your SO
        *ALL means of communication are welcome! Here on LFAD, we encourage writing letters... because Hey! Who doesn't like getting mail?
        *People WILL discourage you... don't listen to them! Haters gonna hate, but they can mind their own business!
        *A branch off the previous ones... guys will try to break you up. Guys will flirt, hit on you, try and dance with you... they assume that if they can't *see* your boyfriend, he doesn't exist. Remind them that he does... and talk to him if something unintentional (or intentional) happens... trust is key!
        *Don't drop your studies to balance social and your SO... keep it above them (I know, it's very hard!)

        ...hopefully some of that helped! If not... A for effort?

        Good luck!
        Every long lost dream led me to where you are
        Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars
        Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
        This much I know is true...
        That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you

        |First Met: 02/28/14|Exchanged Numbers: 03/07/14|First Date: 03/14/14|First Kiss: 03/21/14 |Became a couple: 04/05/14|

