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The Longest 5 days of my life

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    The Longest 5 days of my life

    Blah!! I just want Tuesday to be here already! It seems like the days are going soo slow now that it's only 5 days left. And what's even worse is that tomorrow (or later today) he will be getting on a 16 hour train ride to Beijing from Hangzhou, which means that I won't be able to talk to him, it also means that I'm not even sure if he'll have internet access once he gets to Beijing or if he'll even really have time to get on the internet to talk. That means that these days are going to go even slower than they already are! I just want him home already!! Today especially is going really slow, I think it's because in my mind i keep thinking, once I get through work, and go home and sleep, it'll be 4 days, but I got to work 2 hours ago, and I feels like it should be more like 8 hours already!! (I work at a hotel, and today is a slow day)

    Anyway, does anyone have any ideas to make these next 5 days go faster?!


    Weeelll watching stuff makes it go faster. Faster than you think!

    Love you forever and forever
    Love you with all my heart
    Love you whenever we're together
    Love you when we're apart.


      hhaha well the best thing i can think of now is buying an addicting video game
      trust me hours and hours will pass and you wont notice
      i would recommend something like sims or spore but really all games are addicting




          I keep playing the helicopter game on the computer here at work, but it sucks because I keep looking at the time and it's only 5:41... Today is the worst, because I'm antsy and it's like 5 days is so close yet so far away!



            learn to bake something! it will took the whole day start when you get the ingridients...hehe if i miss him i will bake something--eventhough at the end i wont eat it and my sisters and in laws will be in cupcakes or brownies party hahah


              ^yeah baking is a good idea too! That way, you can have something yummy for him when he gets there. I guess that would be something for the last day or so.


                the more you look at the time, the slower it'll go jaja. try really hard to not look at the time!


                  I watch movies, do some cleaning ups and cook to make time go faster. It works for me haha.


                    Luckily today we have a lot of reservations at the hotel, so hopefully the 8 hours that I'm here won't go too slow. The cooking is a great idea, I love cooking for him, and I'd love for him to have some cookies or something to come home to.



                      Find a cooking blog or something and go through the baking recipes, that's sure to kill some time and you'll get lots of good ideas.


                        The whole thing is just so surreal to me. I think that's why the days seem to be going so slow, it's not so much that they're going slowly, it's just that it still feels unreal, it feels like 4 days from now is just not supposed to come.


