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That you-gross-me-out feeling that people have when they are single.. only worse

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    That you-gross-me-out feeling that people have when they are single.. only worse

    So I'm sure you all know the feeling that I'm talking about, the one where you see a normally cute couple holding hands and being all lovey dovey, but because you're in a ldr and you don't have the luxury of doing that with your SO, you're disgusted by it. If anyone (which I'm sure most of you have) has seen the movie Going the Distance, it's the same response that Erin has when she sees the couple at the park on Christmas. It's the same response that someone who is single has when they see it, only for us, it's much worse because we have someone that we wish we could hold hands with and be all lovey dovey, yet we can't because they're on the other side of the world (or maybe only a few hundred miles but it still feels like a world between you).

    Anyway, I'm not entirely sure what the point of this thread is, maybe it is a thread for people to come and talk about experiencing such feeling, how you handle it, how it makes you feel, etc.


    I've had that a lot lately. Sometimes I feel like it's even worse for me because I'm in a lesbian couple and even if she was here we'd have to be careful out in public due to assholes. I just miss her so much. I need her.

    Love you forever and forever
    Love you with all my heart
    Love you whenever we're together
    Love you when we're apart.


      I know how this feels, not so much disgusted by it but i do sometimes get jealous. Makes me miss him so much, not being able to hug him when i want, and makes me feel like i should have hugged and kissed him so much more when he was here...
      I love you Nathan <3
      5/25/09 <3


        I get jealous as soon as i see people being "lovey dovey", makes me realize how much i miss my SO so much and how much happier i would be if she was holding my hand . Why does it seem like life sucks more most of the time than it is when it's going great? poopie!
        My favorite text message conversation:

        Tobby:love ko! what are you doing?
        Nika:learning how to cook love ko.
        Tobby:cooking? please put some in a plastic bag and send some to me so i can taste it! <3
        Nika: weh? your silly! I'm learning how to cook so when we get married, I'll be cooking all your meals love ko. <3
        Tobby:your so sweet.<3 marry me now? hahaha
        Nika: We're still kids love ko, lets wait until we're more mature, but you know my answer will be yes, whenever you ask!
        Tobby:I love you so much! You're the one for me, I'll wait as long as i need to love ko. love you!
        Nika:I love you too! call me Nika Sy now.. hehe
        Tobby: Addict!
        Nika: Addicted! <3


          It made me feel wistful for him, but not really disgusted. Honestly, once I entered a happy relationship of my own, I stopped feeling jealous of other people in public. It just made me look forward to his next visit that much more.
          My heart belongs to a pilot!


            Most of my friends are couples and its hard to be around them because I get quite envious, yet I love these people and can't be mad at them for having a more convenient situation than I have, so I thankfully they aren't mushy all the time or it would drive me even more crazy.


              Can I just say that the Going the Distance movie is not something you should watch on a 13 hour plane ride back home.


              Most of my friends are single which is great and I guess I try not to notice over couples that often when I'm out. However, if they are being all PDA I get a little bit sad. I just try and remind myself that it is not long to go until I'm back with my SO again.


                I look at couples enviously occasionally and wish that were me and my SO, but the majority of the time I look at couples and think " well that will be me and my SO soon. No point in feeling down about it". I'll admit sometimes it's hard to think that, but most of the time it hardly bothers me. I've gotten used to it, being at school surrounded by couples.


                  There are a lot of threads on this, I guess a lot of people feel this way or jealous or something.

                  I never had that problem. But I think we can all work on being happy for our fellow man rather than internalising everything... you know?
                  Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                    I know the feeling of wanting to be with your SO physically, to hold hands and hug and all that. But I don't feel disgusted at other couples, I think it's cute sometimes, but I can get jealous and envious.


                      yeaaaah i know the feeling, when were together were a very lovey dovey will show lots of PDA and it just sucks seeing someone else have that with there SO and you cant right now


                        When I see happy couples around I'm not disgusted by it, but I do get really lonely. Not all the time - there're many couples around! - but it does happen. I suddenly feel so alone and wish for my SO to be with me. It makes me miss her a lot.


                          I really don't like being all PDA with my SO simply because I know that there's probably someone who was once like me - lonely - watching us and starting to feel terrible, and my SO thinks I don't like PDA's because I'm embarassed to be with him! I'm like NO! I just don't want the people around us to start feeling like shit because of me!


                            I always feel lonely when I see couples together, or hear my friends talking about what a great day they had with their SO. It's always that yearning to be able to talk about the day I had with mine back, or to be with him. We always would hold hands, or link arms, and constantly smiling or talking with each other. It's those little things that I miss of just being able to walk beside him. It drives me up a wall. Especially when I see couples arguing in public together. It bothers me even more to know that they aren't treasuring their time that have together when I would give anything to have some time with him. It's moments like that when I miss him even more if it's possible.


                              I never noticed my two roomates cuddling before, I had always been really used to it. But now I am noticing it. It doesn't disgust me but I feel my eyes get all stingy and my throat gets dry, like I'm about to cry.

