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MY girlfriend says we need a break. Plz help us

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    MY girlfriend says we need a break. Plz help us

    Well my girlfriend of two years started to show less interest in me recently. She would ignore my messages and do other stuff like go on blogtv and what not. I have no problem with her doing that what o ever but i would have liked an update every now and then. She said that she has kinda gotten tired of me and needed some space because she felt like i was suffocating her.

    Recently she began going on blogtv and doing webcast with chat rooms full of guys were she would disscuss certain things me and her only discussed. Topics like sex and what turns her on and stuff like that. I know all of this because i spied on her ( guilty as charged) but it made me kind of jealous so I think I was right for spying on her.To be honest i was really hurt because it bothered her to be having fun with other guys and i was simply just alone in my room sulking in my missery.
    In the chat room she met some guy named Shawn who lives in chicago ( she lives in virgnia) and she told me that he had a crush on her and that she has a crush on him but they were just friends. As i was spying i noticed that she would spend alot of time talking to Shawn and she would ignore the other users.
    Recently she told me that she needs a break from our relationship so that we can miss each other when we get back toghther. l bother me and things would never be the same.

    I believe that they have been video calling on skype and yahoo if that is the truth i think i will be very worried i hope they re not havig cyber sex because that wou

    She also said that she is not sure whethr we will be toghether forever anymore which makes me worry .

    How can i prevent her from alling for thi guy i really want her o come back to me so that we can be happy toghether.

    Last edited by loveyboy; August 19, 2011, 03:36 PM. Reason: speling errors

    Hi there... I'm sorry that you're going through this. It seems that your girlfriend has already emotionally detached herself from you, or is in the process of doing so. There is no way you can force her to do something she doesn't want, but what you can do is at least talk to her and tell her how all of this is making you feel. If she disregards your feelings, then I would say, let her go. There needs to be effort on both parts in order for a relationship to work.


      Sorry to hear about this..

      You can't push feelings, if she just don't want to have relationship with you anymore then.. i think there's nothing you could do. From the things you wrote here, you said your self that shes suffocating by you. Maybe in past you just being too controlling, and sometimes over the time it just made your gf worn out and tired. If you do something im afraid its just drift her much further away from you, especially if she know that you're spying on her.

      If she need some space then give it to her. If YOU are the best for her she will know it better. Love shouldn't be hurt, if its hurt.. its not love anymore


        Sorry to hear about what you're going through .

        Unfortunately, we can't force people to feel a certain way about us. If she has emotionally drifted from you, there isn't much you can do because it seems like this is what she wants. I would talk to her, see where you two are. Love isn't always a pleasant feeling Sometimes love hurts. Sometimes love means you are willing to do anything for a person and their happiness, even if it means you aren't with them in the long run.

