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Daily Communicaton

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    Daily Communicaton

    in less than 2 weeks I'm going to be getting less computer time with my bf. I will be back to work full time and he's already back to work. this means that we won't be writing each other on the computer as much. now I will wait up hoping he comes online when he gets home from work but once I start work there's no way I can do this. our daily contact is great and keeps up close and I'm worried that this is going to change. anyone else experience something similar? how did you cope with it?

    Well. . .the only way me and my SO can communicate is through facebook messaging, but with the 15 hour time difference and school starting its gonna be extremely hard catching each other at the same time. She's also pre occupied with hard classes, chores, and being the second mom in her family. The last time we actually chatted was july 4th. It's really hard for me not being able to know how she's doing every now and then. But i just reassure myself that this girl loves me with all her heart and is also struggling with the same problems I'm dealing with. I just give her updates on whatever is happening on my life through her messages and whenever she has a chance to check them, she won't be disappointed. It's hard Don't worry, you have it better than me. I'm reverting back to my old american lifestyle now, hanging with friends, exercising, playing video games, I'm not suffering as much as i was anymore. So just keep productive!
    My favorite text message conversation:

    Tobby:love ko! what are you doing?
    Nika:learning how to cook love ko.
    Tobby:cooking? please put some in a plastic bag and send some to me so i can taste it! <3
    Nika: weh? your silly! I'm learning how to cook so when we get married, I'll be cooking all your meals love ko. <3
    Tobby:your so sweet.<3 marry me now? hahaha
    Nika: We're still kids love ko, lets wait until we're more mature, but you know my answer will be yes, whenever you ask!
    Tobby:I love you so much! You're the one for me, I'll wait as long as i need to love ko. love you!
    Nika:I love you too! call me Nika Sy now.. hehe
    Tobby: Addict!
    Nika: Addicted! <3


      My SO and I used to talk almost daily. On Skype. It was wonderful and made us grow really close. But then I started school again and my SO went to uni. Now we can only talk once or twice a week. On the weekend. We do email daily though. It's important for us. Even if it's just a quick goodnight message.


        My entire experience of being ld has been like this, it's the downside of being 12 or 13 hours (depending on day light savings time) different. There have been days that he and I just can't be online at the same time. When that's the case, usually we will send each other messages on skype, even if the person isn't online. Now, typically most people could send messages on facebook and such as well, but since my boyfriend lives in China that's not an option for us because it's not always easy for him to get onto facebook there.

        Really the whole thing is about getting creative. You may not be able to have instant access to talk to them, but you have to take what you can get. Maybe also set aside a time, maybe twice a week, where both of you are able to be free and can talk online. It is difficult, but it shouldn't be anything that messes up your relationship, it's just a major bump in the road. Do what you can, but don't stress yourself out over it. If there's days that you can't talk to him but really need to, send him an email or a message on facebook or any other thing that allows you to send messages without the person actually being online. A lot of times for me, it's just the idea that he will get the message and he will respond.

        Edited to add: Another option is if you have a smart phone like a droid or iphone, you could download the skype app, that way even if you're not able to be at your computer, you can still talk to your SO.



          I actually have a very hard time with this... We communicate more than many other LDR couples but a lot less than we used to and it bothers me. It bothers me coz we actually have an opportunity to chant more through the day and text and even call. But we don't as much any more. As for me I want to do it just as much as before but he doesn't seem to need it as much any more. Sometimes I think we are growing emotionally apart because I notice that I talk to other people more than I talk to him. But then when he calls I calm down. I do always wnat to talk to him and let him know that I want us to communicate as often as before or at least more often then we do now, but I am scared to seem nagging and also he seems completely content with our communication and he is ok with the distance and I am not...
          So I understnad how it feels. Keeping busy helps if your SO is not paranoid that you are doing something bad when you are busy AND if you actually have friends to hang out with and a job or school

