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First time meeting your did it go?

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    First time meeting your did it go?

    In 53 days I'll be flying 22 hrs (with 2 stops on the way) to meet my SO for the first time. To say that I'm freaking out is an understatement.
    Thoughts going through my head are (and this is also my first time flying so far away alone!!)

    What if he doesn't like me?
    What if we don't recognise each other ?
    What if I go to the wrong person?
    OMG I'm probably going to trip over my suitcase or do something clumsy and make a total fool of myself. What great way to make a good first impression
    What if it's really awkward?
    He better hug me damn it! (He asked me what the first thing I wanted when I saw him and I told him I wanted a hug, and I keep telling him not to forget it lol) I know he won't forget, but what if his nervous too and just doesn't do it and I go for the hug and he doesn't do it and it's all just awkward.

    I could go on forever..there are a lot of 'what ifs' going on in my head and I already know I am going to have a silent heart attack (meaning I will be breaking down and freaking out on the inside while trying to keep my cool on the outside) once I'm in the same state and walking out looking around hopefully not like an idiot and walk over to him lol

    SOOOooo I thought what better way to feel more nervous and calmed at the same time than hearing others stories of the feelings and thoughts and everything leading to the day, the actual day, how did it go, what happened? Tell me everything!

    Congratulation!! thats the first thing i would say to you!

    Take a deep breathe! come on this is what you've been waiting right?? for better or worse, he like it or not.. is there any chemistry or not.. try to relax a bit....

    I met my SO before we do LDR. But it doesn't made me stop feeling nervous to see him again after over 7 months not seeing him. I feel i want to throw up every time i remember that..before my flights. I just try to get very busy with the preparation... and talk about it here help me a lot.

    Even when i already meet.. we meet like 5 days! i was thinking the same just like yours.. is he going to be the same person like he was months ago.. even thinking is he going to shake my hand or give me hug and kisses??

    There are like over 1000 things that i worried about!! but only less that 1/3 of those things really happens! we do have arguments on the first visit.. but we make up less than 1 hour! and i like it some how because then we know whats each other feels inside!

    Relax, and try to think about happy things that both of you will be doing together.. and hahah i always say he owe me over 500 kisses and 400 something hugs..that he kept saying on phone and on emails... so he had loads of kisses and hugs to do.. hehe same to you.. better to think those happy thoughts rather than be nervous too much--and made things even more awkward!

    You will be just fine!


      Whoa whoa calm down! :P

      Haha just kidding! I understand with the "what-ifs", but now that it's fixed you're going to see your SO, there is no sense in worrying too much. I mean, yes you can worry but try not to freak out. Try your best to think positively, use this grand opportunity as a way to get to know your SO a lot better and spend time with him as much as you can. It's normal to be nervous, take it as a good sign. Just be yourself, be who you are brave for whatever you're going to deal with later.

      I had already known my SO as a friend before we started dating and his first visit, so I guess at some point it could be different from those who haven't met their SOs yet. Apart from that, I did feel nervous while waiting for him to arrive. I distracted myself from feeling too nervous by making up plans of what we were about to and other things. It was 10 days of visit but we had a lot of fun together. Truly one of the best moments I've had in my life. There are always worries during LDR, no matter how small they are. But as I said, we have to be brave for what awaits us in the future. Make everything balanced.

      Like uniquefem said, you will be just fine!


        You will be fine. It's natural to be nervous but just remember that you are there because you are in love and let things flow naturally. He's probably just as nervous as you are!

        With my SO, I flew to meet him and then called him once I had gotten to the hotel. He arrived about 30 minutes later on a motorcycle, in February and half frozen. I was watching for him and saw him pull in but wanted to watch him for a minute first. I couldn't stand there hiding behind a pole and not say anything so I said something stupid like "I thought it was supposed to be hot in Texas" and that smile he flashed just floored me. Walked over and wrapped my arms around him and got the biggest hug and kiss. Walked into the hotel and went up the elevator just kind of catching glances at each other and smiling alot, then got to the room where I pulled his gloves off and held and rubbed his hands warming them up. (It was about 25 degrees outside and he'd traveled about 40 miles by motorcycle.. yeah... cold). I remember him saying after a few kisses and lots more smiles, that I owed him a cuddle so we curled up together just kissing and whispering "i love you" back and forth. Then.. yeah.. let's skip that part I'll spare the rest of the details, but lets just say that was how the rest of the weekend went
        Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
        Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
        Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


        You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
        Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

        Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
        Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


          Congratulations! I know it's really nerve-wracking meeting him the first time but trust me when I say you'll feel better once you're there and with him. Just remember, deep calming breaths and try to avoid thinking in worst case scenerio mode all the way there.

          As for me. I met my SO at my mom's house, where he stayed for the full three weeks of his trip up to me. We even shared a bed. It was odd for like half a minute. We hugged first and went inside, he insisted on grabbing my bag for me because he's like that. We spent a lot of time just cuddled up and it took us a bit to get to kissing at all. We were super duper nervous and we're both sort of shy. Still, it didn't take too long to get comfortable, after all if you've been talking for months and months then you know each other pretty well!

          Either way, you'll be fine so don't focus on the nerves, focus on how happy you will be to see him! Have fun


            22 hours on a plane? Wow, thats quite the trip.
            First time I met my SO it was amazing, we didn't have a lot of money to do a lot of fancy stuff but I loved just being able to sit with him, sleep with him and just generally be next to him. I cant wait till I am able to see him away.
            I was very nervous too but when I saw him in the Airport I ran and literally jumped on him, that broke the ice pretty quick.


              I feel the same way! Me and my SO are trying to plan to meet soon and all thoughs What-ifs are going through my mind. It will be a perfect moment for the both of you and will cherish that moment you lay eyes on eachother for the first time Congratulations!


                Meeting my SO was everything I wanted it to be and more, I dreamed about it for ages and I still was blown away by how amazing it was to finally have him in my arms. We didn't really even go out, we spent our short time together cuddling and just enjoying each others company. It was perfect ^^

                Met: 8.17.09
                Started Dating: 8.20.09
                First Met: 10.2.10
                Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                  It's perfectly natural to be asking all these questions and to be nervous, but you really shouldn't worry so much. I mean, he's your SO, he chose you for a reason so of course he'll like you! Don't be shy about your appearence or anything with him! I'm sure your stunning in every way to him and just keep that in mind! Try to have fun, be yourself, don't worry about the negatives and just focus on the positives of this meeting. Also, be glad that you are in fact meeting!!! That's great! It really is, and sure you'll be nervous, but don't let that stop you from having a great time with him. As long as your your genuine self, anything goofy or awkward that may happen, will be something to laugh about later and cherish as a memory to look back on, and in all likeliness he'll think it's the cutest thing in the world.

                  Anyway! During my meeting, I was nervous at first, when I saw him behind my gate with flowers in his hand I was all tense. It was so...odd seeing this man I have loved for months for the FIRST time in person ever. It was like a dream, at first he didn't even look like he did on webcam, but then he came up and hugged me and I knew instantly this was him, and he was there, and it was...incredible. It felt like it wasn't even our first meeting, it just was...natural. After that, he came into my house, looked around and made remarks like, "Oh! This is where you sit when we webcam!!!" Which was cute. :P Then he just smiled at me and said, "Were finally together!". Then I introduced him to my parents and sister. Then we unloaded his van and put all his stuff in our house (since he was staying over). The next couple days were amazing, we went to Old Sacramento and I showed him around, we went out for lunch and he bought me a necklace. Then we came home and got intimate for the first time ever. I got my very first kiss from him and it was amazing. Then after that, the next day we went bowling and went to the movies, we were the typical "touchy feely" couple you see at a public place (you wouldnt even have guessed that we just met the day before), then on the last full day I had with him, we went to the State Fair and after that had dinner with my mother's half of the family and played lazer tag with them. My SO is sooo incredibly cute when he's all "into" lazer tag, he got completely soaked in sweat lol and kissed me everytime we ran into each other (I couldn't keep with him so there was no way we could team up). Then the next day, he had to go, he stayed in the morning and baked a pie with me though, which was sweet...but eventually, I got sad realizing we had only a couple hours left, and he held me while I cried about it then, he left. I was sad for a couple days after, but once he got back on webcam with me, it was like everything was alright again. Anyway, It was the happiest I ever been now that I think about it. It may be cliche to say that, but really...when I think on it, nothings made me feel that warmth in my chest, butterflies in my stomach, and made a smile almost completely permanent on my face until him. I loved every second with him, and although he only stayed for 3 1/2 days, I feel so much closer and in love with him than ever before. I think, in all honesty, no matter how long your with your SO, may it be a few days or a whole month....there's a certain experience we get that no other relationships that are local get. We get to experience a higher intensity of love for our other halves because we get to see them so little, and when we do, it's not the time we have together, but what we do with the little time we get, and that's what make these meetings special, fantastic, wonderful, etc etc. My point with that is, enjoy the time you have together, love every second, and don't waste a single moment when your with him.

                  I wish you the best of luck, have alot of fun, make memories, and remember to always smile.


                    haha that sounds so like me. I had so many what if's just like that i was so nervous, and self concious and paranoid. Had a ton of fears, but you just have to go and once you see him all those fears wash away. For me before he was here i was like you have to hug me first, and when your here if im shy be patient with me, and you have to start everything. haha that didn't happen. I was so comfortable with him as soon as i saw him i went and we hugged. And for me this is so big and new, ive never even held hands with a boy let alone been in love, so to be the one to first kiss him or be close and not shy alone with him was amazing, it was so comfortable. so relax and just be excited lol
                    I love you Nathan <3
                    5/25/09 <3


                      I was so nervous and worried he wouldn't like me or it just wouldn't work out. At the airport I was freaking out going omg omg omg omg haha and the second I met him, all my worries and nervousness went away. It was like we had known each other for years even though it had only been about 11 months. We even kissed on the first day! Which I had been SO nervous about since he was my first kiss but that's how not nervous I was. It's seriously the best feeling in the world being with them =) We had the best week of our lives at the beach and he got to meet all my friends and family. It was perfect =) We we're so comfortable around each other kissing and hugging and everything =)

                      My advice to you is to not worry about being nervous and if you guys will be awkward or anything. It is the BEST feeling in the world the first second you meet them and if you guys are close, it will all go away and be perfect =) Also, remember to cherish every moment you have with them because before you know it they or you will be going home. You're going to have the time of your life =) Even if you do have a little awkward moment, remember they love you no matter what =] HAVE AN AWESOME TIME AND TAKE LOTS AND LOTS OF PICTURES!!


                        Well, the first day I met my SO, I drove down 7 hours to go pick her up. She was actually coming back with me to Alabama to stay with me for a while. It was a risk, and a big step considering we were only dating a short while at this point, and never met. We've been talking a while before hand, and felt very comfortable with each other. I drove up there, and as I neared her house in the neighborhood, I've NEVER felt so nervous and anxious in my entire life.

                        I pull into the driveway, and I proceed to the door. I pace a little before finally getting the nerve to knock. I finally did, and then my SO, Alexa opened the door. My heart stopped a minute, I could feel it. I was trying so hard to play it cool, but I get kinda awkward when I'm nervous. From that day forth though, I KNEW she was the one.

                        We walked into the house and she showed me around, and when we made it back to her room, we embraced. The feel of her against me was unlike any feeling I've ever had. I was also nervous to kiss her, but I did, and her lips made me melt. I almost went limp. We just hung out from then on and got to know each other.

                        We left her house, and got a hotel together so we didn't wake her Dad up when we got up early the next morning to head back to Alabama.

                        Also got to meet one of her friends and we all ate together. We all hit it off well.

                        I guess I can summarize and say, it went AMAZING. It was easily one of the best days of my life.


                          My SO flew 17 hours to visit me in july. It was our first time meeting. His plane was over an hour late, so I was waiting in nervous anticipation for him at the airports arrivals area. I kept thinking I would see someone who looked like him, and my stomach would do flips. Then finally he came, and I just felt a huge sense of relief. Knowing that he landed safe and that he was finally here. We hugged at first, like we had agreed, but it was awkward. I just couldn't get over it and neither could he. When we got back to my house, we skyped with his aunt and his mum, it was so surreal. It was only weird for the first 3 days until we kissed and that broke the tension haha. He's sitting next to me right now, and will be here until october. Its awesome. It's like I've known him for years.


                            Zapookie I'm from Sydney Australia too

                            It's so good to hear everyone's story. It's nice to know I'm not the only one that gets like this lol


                              Yay for first time meeting! It is ok to be nervous..i'm pretty sure once you see your SO your nerves will go away

                              My first time meeting with my SO was a bit romantic *blush* As soon as I saw him and our eyes connected I swear my heart settled and I felt like all the conversations on skype/phone calls/emails were worth it for that moment. I literally ran to him and we hug and (you can roll your eyes if you want to lol) my SO pick me up and swung me around in the air

                              It was lovely. We then got a taxi to our hostel (right on venice beach ) and had a meal while watching the sunset..also Kelly Rowland was doing her music video for the song "when love takes over" on the beach which pretty much was our song for that summer

                              Have a great time with your SO when you meet him! i'm sure everything will turn out how you want it to!

