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The Myth Busters Thread

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    Originally posted by Piglet- View Post

    Myth: You don't know what you got til it's gone.
    I'm unsure how this is a myth as I do largely believe this to be true. Perhaps I am misinterpreting though.


      [/COLOR]RE: Myth: One person in the couple always has to sacrifice more than the other person in long distance relationships.

      Crazy. As if folks in geographically close relationships don't have times where one person gives more than the other. An LDR just makes it a bit more obvious. I work as a family/marriage therapist, and my rule is that the balance of give-and-take is never 50/50. It's 20/80 one time and 70/30 the next. It how it all balances out in the end that matters. And each couple's balance is unique to them.

      RE: LDRs as booty calls
      OMG that just makes me die laughing when I hear that. If I wanted a booty call, I would sure as the day is long find one that I could hook up with in less than an hour, not some guy I have to wait months to see!

      Myth: People in LDRs are more invested in their careers/schooling than in their relationships and families.

      Originally posted by Rosebud View Post
      I'm unsure how this is a myth as I do largely believe this to be true. Perhaps I am misinterpreting though.
      I'm thinking that when you have an LDR, you learn what you have while you still have it, because you end up missing it while you still have it! I know I sure appreciate my guy a whole lot more after missing what I had when we are apart.[COLOR="Silver"]
      17 years LDR out of 18 years of marriage. Oh, yeah, plus a year of LDR courtship.

