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"checking in" with each other

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    "checking in" with each other

    heyy guys! i'm rarely ever on here anymore because i'm so busy working and getting ready for eric and i to close the distance in ONE WEEK! <3 ahh!

    anyways, just thought of a little thread i could post to get some conversation goin!

    eric and i talk throughout the entire day, always texting, skyping, or talking on the phone. whenever we leave the house we always text each other to let the other person know we're leaving.. unless we were already on skype or something and then once we reach our destination letting the other person know we got there safe! then we text each other when we're leaving that place

    some of my friends think its just too much, but i think it would only be too much if only one person expected it, but we have both just always done it

    just wondering if any of you guys do that as well?

    Yes we used to and I LOVED it. Now we talk a LOT less and it really bothers me to be honest. I never thought it was too much and I really do not think he did either at the time but it has been different for a while. Our relationship is suffering and so is our communication

    I think yours guys communication took you where you both are now: closing the distance


      Man yeah I think that's way a lot. If it works for you guys, then that's what's important. When LD my SO and I never communicated that much. In fact, that would really annoy me. hehe

      But, different strokes for different folks


        Originally posted by Miramaid View Post
        Yes we used to and I LOVED it. Now we talk a LOT less and it really bothers me to be honest. I never thought it was too much and I really do not think he did either at the time but it has been different for a while. Our relationship is suffering and so is our communication

        I think yours guys communication took you where you both are now: closing the distance
        don't worry, we've been there too. eric and i started out really strong and healthy, and then instead of calmly communicating, we ended up attacking each other and fighting about everything. it resulted in him breaking up with me for just a few months, but it still hurt beyond belief. we didn't act like we were broken up, but knowing at that moment in time i wasn't technically his was terrible. we worked things out, and he knew he really did want to be with me.

        you just have to learn how to balance things

        but yes, now we're at a great point in our relationship

        ---------- Post added at 09:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 PM ----------

        Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
        Man yeah I think that's way a lot. If it works for you guys, then that's what's important. When LD my SO and I never communicated that much. In fact, that would really annoy me. hehe

        But, different strokes for different folks
        haha yeah exactly. thats why i posted this to hear what other couples do. everyone is different

        and like i said some of my friends have said it's too much, but thats how THEY feel, it works in our relationship and thats how its been since day 1!


          We don't talk that much, i tell him big things in advance like if im leaving for the weekend or if im going on a vacation or visiting, and he does the same when hes leaving somewhere for a day or two. And if were both online we say if were going out for a bit. But i dont know where he's at 24/7, and he doesnt know when i leave the house all the time. We do talk alot to some, almost everyday if he isnt in school and then when hes really busy every few days im used to talking to him nearly daily though. And thats hours at a time or at least a hour. For me i feel safe or at ease with just him online with me even if were not talking, like "okay he's there, maybe not in reach physically but in contact" lol idk, but i think he would get annoyed if i wanted to know what he was doing all day long throughout the whole day
          I love you Nathan <3
          5/25/09 <3


            When my SO isnt deployed we skype, text, facebook, and talk on the phone. Its never too much when you never see the other person. I think it makes up for the lack of actually seeing each other, though we all know its never the same.

            Its good to talk a lot when you dont get to see them. <3


              No, we didn't do that when we were LDR. We would talk once at the end of the day and usually would just give each other recaps of our days. We also would text throughout the day, but nothing major. We live together now and rarely are we apart except when he's at work. We do check in with one another now, but since we live together it is now common courtesy.


                It's not usually an issue for us because we're both usually online, he doesn't have free texting so it would get expensive for him to text me all the time.
                He hasn't been on all day today and I'm really lonely, I wish he would contact me somehow... He missed 4 days of school though so Im sure he's just really busy...


                  We still do that :P. Then again, we don't live in the safest neighborhood. We started to do it more often after that time he got mugged by that crackhead xD. He was on the way home from my house ;_;. He lost his Red Bull! D:

                  People say it's too much, but they seem to forget that we were long distance. It's hard to break those habits at times. We still text most of the day and talk way too long at night, regardless if we saw each other that day or not :P. We can't help it, out relationship was basically over the phone for over two years. It's how we feel most comfortable opening up to this day.


                    If it's not too much and it works for you, then it's not too much.

                    I'm similar with lucybelle, I never talk that much with my SO because it'd be annoying for both of us. We do talk almost everyday - be it on the phone for just a few minutes, by texting or by getting online - but the frequency is a lot less than yours. It depends on our schedules and other stuff. When he's having his days-off from the rig we can chat everyday, unless he has other plans going on with family or friends. So yeah, my SO and I are definitely fine with our frequency of communication.


                      If it's not too much and it works for you, then it's not too much.

                      I'm similar with lucybelle, I never talk that much with my SO because it'd be annoying for both of us. We do talk almost everyday - be it on the phone for just a few minutes, by texting or by getting online - but the frequency is a lot less than yours. It depends on our schedules and other stuff. When he's having his days-off from the rig we can chat everyday, unless he has other plans going on with family or friends. So yeah, my SO and I are definitely fine with our frequency of communication.


                        We've never checked in with each other. Even now that we are close distance we don't do that. If I leave the house when he's not here I don
                        't let him know. I think it would be weird having to 'report' to him, like I had to get his permission or something.


                          We've never checked in with each other. Even now that we are close distance we don't do that. If I leave the house when he's not here I don
                          't let him know. I think it would be weird having to 'report' to him, like I had to get his permission or something.


                            I think because of our time difference we don't really check in with eachother when we are apart. We send texts and facetime a little bit during the week but the weekends are when we generally talk.

                            However when we are CD we do check in with eachother. Its along the lines of "heading back now do you want to meet" and the like.


                              We typically talk or text only at the end of the day. We might text each other during the day if something comes up or just to send a random message but we don't really check in with each other. The closest we might get to that is if I am going out with friends and won't be home or available to talk, then I'll remind him that I'll be out with so & so and unavailable (and to be prepared for any late night drunk texting )and then he just follows up with me the following day to see how it all went.

                              I don't know if it would annoy me to talk as much as the two of you. Sometimes I'd like for us to talk more but neither of us really have the time in the day to do so. SO we manage what works for us

