*I am going to write this in blocks at a time, so i apologize ahead of time*
My SO and I met over a video game (Call of Duty) in July of 2010 (before our senior year of high school) and it blossomed into love and we finally confessed our feelings on November 24th.
We live over 400 miles away from each other so it automatically long distance.
I told her that i loved her and what resumed was a 5 hour phone conversation of nothing but butterflies and "i love you's". We consider this to be the day her and i became a couple.
Ever since then we had texted each other all day long, skyped frequently, and talked twice many days, once every night when we went to sleep (we go to sleep while on the phone with each other, most nights i "tucked her in" telling her sweet nothings until she fell asleep). We still talk every night to this day.
I even started a notebook and we have been writing/putting things into it ever since.
I have a section where i list the reasons are relationship isn't a coincidence and why we are meant to be.
I taped a list of reasons why my SO loved me (written by her) into the notebook. It includes of 60 things!~!
We have a list of all the places we have eaten together. (Over 30 places within my 4 week stay)
We have "Our 'Ballin' Movie List" listing all the movies we want to watch together and the ones we have (15+).
We wrote down a list of, for lack of better words, catch phrases we say all the time to each other.
And we have a "diary" section where we write important dates and what happened on those dates. (13 pages so far) lol
It includes receipts from the post office where we sent each other packages full of goodies, receipts of restaurants we've been together, movie tickets, and plane tickets.
We had gotten into about 3 big fights, one of which was her "plans" in college. It was, in a nutshell, about her wanting to have her freedom in college before spending the rest of her life with me.
I am her first everything, and she is mine minus first kiss.
This was a complete blow to my confidence about the relationship and the slump lasted almost a whole month.
(this will come up again later)
Eventually i had forgotten about it and all was good again.
I came to see her for the first time in the summer for, what had originally been planned 1 week, 4 weeks in total. Two sets of two weeks, one was going on vacation to the beach with her.
My plane ticket to visit her was my graduation gift. (:
I stayed at her house the first time and it went very well. We had never had an awkward moment between the two of us.
They (her and her mother) came to pick me up from the airport and my SO and I cuddled in the backseat for the hour ride back to her house.
We went straight to her room and i, regretfully, started kissing her a lot. It was a good moment, but definitely not ideal, i blame myself for ruining her first kiss.
I blame it on the fact that our comfort level was/is as high as i can imagine and i felt as if i had known her for a lifetime, forgetting that we had never met in person before, and that she had not had her first kiss. Eighteen years of waiting and she cannot remember it. I don't think i will ever forgive myself for this.
Everything minus intercourse occurred between us. We agreed that we would never feel as comfortable with anyone else than we did with each other.
We both agreed that we would wait until we could be together in person indefinitely. Needless to say, we are both virgins.
By the second night together we had been sleeping together. I very much enjoy waking up to see her lying next to me.
Our week together was almost over and we were becoming sad. After much consideration from both of us, i bought another week to stay with her. Greatest decision of my life.
It cost myself $140 but that extra week was priceless. The best ever in my life.
We were able to go to the midnight premier of the very last Harry Potter together (my 1st midnight premiere) which we wanted to do together.
She cried A LOT as i did not cry at all because i had been told what happened when the last book came out.
We sat in the car together after the movie for about 30 minutes while all the other cars departed the parking lot. We just sat there and smiled the whole time.
I was also able to attend her graduation party (congrats baby!) and meet her family and friends. We kind of had to keep it on the down-low because only her closest friends knew that we were dating. But all worked out well, i had an amazing time with her.
Our time was coming to an end and before we knew it, there we were, standing in front of the airport drop off holding each other.
She cried multiple times while on our way back to the airport but i stayed strong and held her tight.
She had told her that i should come back in a week and a half to come on vacation with her, i told her that i had to ask my family if it would be okay but deep down inside i knew that no matter what they said i would find my way to the airport and come see her again.
I held her tight and kissed her until she was safely back in the car. I told her i would see her again very soon and that i would talk to her later that night.
I had cried plenty while i was there but i didn't at the airport because i knew that my departure wasn't our goodbye.
My SO and I met over a video game (Call of Duty) in July of 2010 (before our senior year of high school) and it blossomed into love and we finally confessed our feelings on November 24th.
We live over 400 miles away from each other so it automatically long distance.
I told her that i loved her and what resumed was a 5 hour phone conversation of nothing but butterflies and "i love you's". We consider this to be the day her and i became a couple.
Ever since then we had texted each other all day long, skyped frequently, and talked twice many days, once every night when we went to sleep (we go to sleep while on the phone with each other, most nights i "tucked her in" telling her sweet nothings until she fell asleep). We still talk every night to this day.
I even started a notebook and we have been writing/putting things into it ever since.
I have a section where i list the reasons are relationship isn't a coincidence and why we are meant to be.
I taped a list of reasons why my SO loved me (written by her) into the notebook. It includes of 60 things!~!
We have a list of all the places we have eaten together. (Over 30 places within my 4 week stay)
We have "Our 'Ballin' Movie List" listing all the movies we want to watch together and the ones we have (15+).
We wrote down a list of, for lack of better words, catch phrases we say all the time to each other.
And we have a "diary" section where we write important dates and what happened on those dates. (13 pages so far) lol
It includes receipts from the post office where we sent each other packages full of goodies, receipts of restaurants we've been together, movie tickets, and plane tickets.
We had gotten into about 3 big fights, one of which was her "plans" in college. It was, in a nutshell, about her wanting to have her freedom in college before spending the rest of her life with me.
I am her first everything, and she is mine minus first kiss.
This was a complete blow to my confidence about the relationship and the slump lasted almost a whole month.
(this will come up again later)
Eventually i had forgotten about it and all was good again.
I came to see her for the first time in the summer for, what had originally been planned 1 week, 4 weeks in total. Two sets of two weeks, one was going on vacation to the beach with her.
My plane ticket to visit her was my graduation gift. (:
I stayed at her house the first time and it went very well. We had never had an awkward moment between the two of us.
They (her and her mother) came to pick me up from the airport and my SO and I cuddled in the backseat for the hour ride back to her house.
We went straight to her room and i, regretfully, started kissing her a lot. It was a good moment, but definitely not ideal, i blame myself for ruining her first kiss.
I blame it on the fact that our comfort level was/is as high as i can imagine and i felt as if i had known her for a lifetime, forgetting that we had never met in person before, and that she had not had her first kiss. Eighteen years of waiting and she cannot remember it. I don't think i will ever forgive myself for this.
Everything minus intercourse occurred between us. We agreed that we would never feel as comfortable with anyone else than we did with each other.
We both agreed that we would wait until we could be together in person indefinitely. Needless to say, we are both virgins.
By the second night together we had been sleeping together. I very much enjoy waking up to see her lying next to me.
Our week together was almost over and we were becoming sad. After much consideration from both of us, i bought another week to stay with her. Greatest decision of my life.
It cost myself $140 but that extra week was priceless. The best ever in my life.
We were able to go to the midnight premier of the very last Harry Potter together (my 1st midnight premiere) which we wanted to do together.
She cried A LOT as i did not cry at all because i had been told what happened when the last book came out.
We sat in the car together after the movie for about 30 minutes while all the other cars departed the parking lot. We just sat there and smiled the whole time.
I was also able to attend her graduation party (congrats baby!) and meet her family and friends. We kind of had to keep it on the down-low because only her closest friends knew that we were dating. But all worked out well, i had an amazing time with her.
Our time was coming to an end and before we knew it, there we were, standing in front of the airport drop off holding each other.
She cried multiple times while on our way back to the airport but i stayed strong and held her tight.
She had told her that i should come back in a week and a half to come on vacation with her, i told her that i had to ask my family if it would be okay but deep down inside i knew that no matter what they said i would find my way to the airport and come see her again.
I held her tight and kissed her until she was safely back in the car. I told her i would see her again very soon and that i would talk to her later that night.
I had cried plenty while i was there but i didn't at the airport because i knew that my departure wasn't our goodbye.