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After a wonderful summer together

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    After a wonderful summer together

    The SO is back at college and I am pretty bummed but so far I am handling this very well. I have pretty much been MIA all summer from here because I was so busy hanging out with him! Basically I just wanted to say I'll be back on here more regularly (yay!) and I wanted to see how everyone has been doing. I hope everyone else had a great summer, with or without your SO!

    Madly in love with Michael

    The summer has gone by so fast!! Glad you had a good summer spending time with your boy.


      Agreed snow_girl, the summer's passed by way too quickly for my liking. I look forward to spending more time with my SO come the christmas school holidays. Hope you both had good summers


        Hey welcome back! its great that you sound like an awesome time with your SO! I spent early summer with my SO... and i will never forget it.. my first summer in my life and the best of course!

