How do you know? how can you know if you've never been with them in person how do you know you arent just saying these things and that you actually mean them?
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How do you know its love?
I dunno. I wondered the same thing for a long time. I honestly didn't think I'd ever be in love again (I wasn't even sure if I'd been in love in my previous relationships). When I realized I was in love with my SO, it shocked me, and I almost felt like an idiot for not understanding what it was sooner.
I feel completely accepted. We trust each other completely. When I was with him it filled something in me I didn't know was missing. I'm a better person for knowing him. Just knowing he's out there in the world gives me comfort and makes me happy. I'd do anything for him, but I know he'd never ask me to sacrifice any part of myself for him. I love to laugh with him, and I love to watch TV with him. I can talk non-stop with him or we can just sit on Skype saying nothing and just looking at each other.
I loved him long before we met, so I do think it's possible to love someone you've never met before. But it took meeting a second time for me to figure out the "in love" part. I do believe people can be in love without meeting, but you never know how much until you do.
Me and my SO met online and we still didn't meet in person. But I know that it's love, the most beautiful thing and feeling in this world...
It takes one month before we used video call or had a webcam encounter but even before I trust him. When we had first webcam encounter I really proved and trust him more for everything. I met his Mom and siblings through webcam, that's one of the proof of his sincerity and many things that he did for me. Online relationship needs extra trust than other relationships in order your relationship work. And one thing, You and you're SO have different situation so you're the one who can say and feel if it's love or not. You will feel if it if it's really true"Love wins everything especially fear."
There's no way of being able to tell for sure HOW it is that you find out it's loveI guess it's just something that can happen. You just KNOW. My SO and I are soulmates, we must be, because there's no other way to define the relationship we have. It's something I find words cannot describe, and I honestly do believe in love at first sight because it's how I felt about my SO, without consciously realising it, from the moment I met him. He consciously knew it from the moment he met me. How is it possible this could happen when you've never met? Who knows? I only know it's the best feeling in the world, and that I would never want anyone else in the world than my Chris <3
Thats always a scary question, because you can't know for sure you just have to trust your SO and put yourself out there. I had just deep feelings and in my gut knew he loved me as much as i loved him, very big risk but it was so worth it. I wish you the best of luck. I think you just "know"I love you Nathan <3
5/25/09 <3
When words like beauty become just a word.
Sure your SO may be handsome or beautiful but such superficial attributes lose it's value and you would still love that person if that changed.
It's very confusing to understand unless you're in love.
So if you understand the statement above, you are indeed in love. haha :P
Originally posted by Zsgirl View PostHow do you know? how can you know if you've never been with them in person how do you know you arent just saying these things and that you actually mean them?
There's no way to know if someone is telling you the truth on the internet, or in real life for that matter. It's up to you to sense dishonesty. I say go with your gut - if you feel like someone is lying to you, they may be. If you feel like you can trust someone, maybe give them a little more trust. With my boyfriend and I we spent over two years building a friendship before we pursued our relationship - that's how I know I can trust him - all those years we spent talking to each other and sharing parts of our lives. The consistancy with the things he's told over the years is what lets me know I can trust him.