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Problem with my Parents...

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    Problem with my Parents...

    So i told my mom i was in a LDR relationship the other day because i really didnt wanna keep it a secret anymore. So i told her and she wasnt ok with it at first but i explain it to her and i show her who my boyfriend is. She thought he looked like a nice guy and stuff. So i thought well she is ok with it. So yesterday we started talking about me and my boyfriends relationship and she said that he will probably find someone else in RL and forget about you and that really worrys me in a way. I mean i love him and i dont wanna lose him and i really hope that doesnt happen but that coming from my own mother she acts like she dont even like the relationship but she should be happy for me right? Me and him havent met in RL yet but we are planning on meeting soon i hope. I just need my mom to be ok with it because if she isnt thats really going to hurt. My boyfriend told his mom today about us which she seemed to be happy. I wish my mom would act like that but with him being in a different country she thinks its not even a real relationship and that it wont last. What do you think?
    Last edited by xAngelx; August 25, 2011, 06:18 PM.
    Close together or far apart, you're forever in my heart.

    I love you soooo much Luke

    Maybe your mom just needs some time and she will warm up to the idea, I'm sure she is just worried about you getting hurt and that's why she said the things she said.

    Madly in love with Michael


      I've heard how a lot of parents don't really support people in long distance for their children. They worry for their health and safety. At least in a way she is showing she cares for you. My mum is happy that I'm happy, but she contradicts herself about the relationship I have so many times. And since she is getting divorced after 3 months of marriage and had a bad marriage with my father, she is no fine role model. In the end, trust is the biggest thing you have in an LDR. What's the worst that could happen? You have a broken heart. You can get back up on the horse after it. In the end, its not what about what she wants or thinks. It's your life and you are your own person. You have to give trust to get it and enjoy what you have. I would .


        Originally posted by xAngelx View Post
        I just need my mom to be ok with it because if she isnt thats really going to hurt. My boyfriend told his mom today about us which she seemed to be happy. I wish my mom would act like that but with him being in a different country she thinks its not even a real relationship and that it wont last. What do you think?
        On this, I have to agree with the others in saying that one of the best ways for your mom to understand that you are serious about this is to allow her some time to adjust to the idea. As well, when she sees you making steps to actively meet or progress in the relationship, that will help her to see that, yes, it is a "real" relationship. I realize that isn't a quick solution, but do know that it's a common issue for relationships that begin online. With time, it will help her to understand your feelings for him. Plus, if she's able to meet him anytime soon, I'm sure that would go a long way to convincing her that he's "real" and may help her to feel better about it all. Best wishes!
        My heart belongs to a pilot!


          My mum knew from the beginning about my LDR and we have told my dad later.
          My mum was ok with it, my dad not. 1 month ago my bf came to visit me and we went to my parents house. Now, after meeting my dad, my dad is ok with it too!
          But it's still a pity that after 1,5 years he is still hiding me from his parents


            When I first told my mom about my SO who lives in another country, she was really concerned. Now that it's been almost a year and she's gotten to meet him, she's accepted it. Like everyone else has said, just give your mom some time. Is there a way she could talk to him over Skype or whatever it is you use? That way she at least knows he is who he claims to be? Before my SO came to visit, I had them him and my mom talk on Skype for a little bit and it made them both feel so much better.
            "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

            "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

            Met: August 22, 2010
            Made it official: September 17, 2010
            Got engaged: January 15, 2012
            Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
            Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
            Got married: November 21, 2012
            Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
            Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


              I've had a lot problems with my parents over the subject of LDRs. Unfortunately, some parents will simply refuse to accept it as mine have done, but it sounds to me as though your mum isn't too sure though is warming to the idea. Hopefully, she understands your points of view and will appreciate you ARE serious and that while she may think that it's not a real relationship, you believe/know it is and that she'll come round. She just needs time to adjust, it's a huge worry for parents when they're confronted with situations like this and they're only trying to be protective. Once she's been convinced though that he is real, then she'll quickly change her mind.
              I'd recommend trying to get your SO to chat on Skype to her for a bit, like princessmeg suggested as well. It's a good start, and can be extremely reassuring for all 3 of you.

