Would you ever/consider give up on your LDR ?
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Would you?
My SO and I talked about this question when we first moved from CD to LD. We agreed that, while we still might break up because it turns out we're not compatible or whatever other reason, we would try very hard not to let the distance make that decision for us. In other words: I might decide to break up with him or vice versa (let's hope not!) but my decision would be about HIM not about the distance. It's difficult to separate, but, while we've committed to make the distance work while we're in this relationship, we didn't want to feel forced into a commitment of forever before we were ready just because of the distance.
It's not the ideal situation, and at first I was against it purely because I didn't want him to be alone (I'm used to it but he's not). But I honestly believe our relationship is once-in-a-lifetime special, and I won't let a few thousands miles get between us. What we have is so much bigger than the miles between us. I believe in him, and I believe in us.
I would give up being long-distance only if it meant being close-distance with the same man. Although it is extremely hard, I believe this is where God has us right now. Fortunately for us, we are looking forward to closing the distance in just under two years.It will definitely be worth it.
To be completely honest I considered it, I mean it was a lot to handle when it first became a real serious relationship. I had to ask myself if it was worth it, if he was worth waiting for and giving up a normal teenage love life for. Of course once I started thinking about it I realized how stupid I was for even considering it, I want to be with my SO more than anything and even though I'm young, and it has been hard, and I can't be in a relationship like every other teenager my age, it is so completely worth it, I found my soulmate, as cheesey as that sounds it's true, and I would never give up on being with him just because he's so far away.
Exactly..how could someone give up when its something so special..
Do you guys think its normal being in a LDR for 6 years and then wanting to give up ?! because you are just tired and have no energy left and everything is just a routine..
according to someone. Or is that just an excuse ?..
I wouldn't want to live in a world where I don't have my SO around me, full stop. I think that just about sums up how I feel about him <3
As for being in an LDR for 6 years, I wouldn't say it was abnormal, no. It's a long time to be in an LDR with someone, but then again, there is someone on this forum called Gator_Girl i believe who has been in an LDR with her husband for 17 years. I've seen someone who's been in an LDR for 4 years too. To be honest, if you both love each other deeply enough, you'll keep fighting for what you love the most to whatever end, and you'll stand by them. It takes strength and a lot of guts to be in an LDR but it isn't impossible to beat the odds. You wouldn't be in one for 6 years if you and your SO were weak, xBreakerIt's natural to feel weak sometimes - heck, I've been feeling quite down lately because I have a chest condition that makes the heartache even worse due to the fact it becomes intense, physical pain which can be extremely bad at times (sometimes even making breathing painful) - and of course you'll feel lethargic and tired too, but it's one of the things you have to put up with in an LDR. You just have to keep fighting for what you believe in, and the end products will be extremely rewarding
Yes I plan to give up my LDR within 2 years... for a CD relationship lol. Eh but no, as hard as it is... and it gets HARD I could never give up on my Nathan. We have had this question we asked eachother before, if its wrth it, and we both knew it was and is. And there were times when I was so scared he would give up, but he's proven he's committed to me. So no I don't see us ever giving up.I love you Nathan <3
5/25/09 <3
Nope not a chance. I just spent 4 months with my man and now that we are going 8 months without seeing each other it sucks but, knowing he is there with him. LDR'S suck and always will but, when the man is worth it stay with it.
There was time when i am down on my knees, weep because i missed him so much, and it feels hurt when i see people walking hands on hands or went to movie with their bf/gf.
But i would say "NO" if i had to let him go.
I think everyone had the time when feel so angry about the LDR situation..me tooonce i did stupid thing like call him and start to say "its your mistakes because you're not here, and i miss you like crazy" well short of like that. And thats a big mistake because i made him sad and feel guilty too. So, don't do what i did hahaha... i feel bad after that!
Just try to do something else that made you feel happy, and always think that you are very lucky because you had him.
I'll quote from visualize:
Its comes to a point that you love someone so much...
That even though it hurts a lot to stay, you kept holding on.
Its because you can always let go of all the pain
but, never the little happiness you get out of loving that person