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In need of advice and support from everyone here

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    In need of advice and support from everyone here

    In this moment iam going through a hard time with family not being suported and missing my so . I lost friends that i thought i had now they disappear . I have a bit more time left here in canada until i get to close my distance of being far away from my so . I need to be strong but i usually spend all my time around my mother because of her health . Sometimes i feel iam on my own on this . Iam glad I have found a place here where i can vent out . Each day i feel like its getting hard living the life i have is stressful especially when friends aren't around anymore . Iam getting lots of pressure to doing lots for our family business . Also i spend my nights crying because i miss my love and i need to cheer up . No one takes my relationship seriously . Which isn't nice that i got to put up with alot of rude comments .

    I have plan already living with my so . Iam just trying to pass everything i got to go through being here . Ihope someone can give me advice. please and thank you

    I can understand all this, I don't really have close friends, and my family can really stress me out. I recently just got through a emotional fight with my mom. And I used to get alot of negitivity about my relationship, and sometimes still do. And sometimes life is just stressful it piles up and you feel like you have no options and no direction. But you do have future plans, It sounds similar to my own, of starting a life with your SO. So i say focus on that, work towards that, its hard but i think depression is a mind set, if you let yourself sit and wallow in self pity. I know its easier said then done, and everyone has those mentally hard days, but just take a step back, have a day to yourself, breath relax and focus on small goals at a time. Treat yourself, I also find venting on here helps, because you let out all your stresses and get no judgments. I hope you feel better soon
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      I been trying to not stress out . Now there is a good thing iam suppose to be leaving soon . I hope so because go through more issue here . My so is also going through hard time . Thats when you feel you really need to be together . But being so far isn't easy . Iam just holding up as much as i can . Just at the moment feel like crying .


        Right in the moment i can say iam doing much better . Iam living with my so i have close the distance . Its the best I have in the moment .


          You should not be thinking that you are all alone at this. You and your significant other shouldn't be losing faith in this relationship that you guys have formed, stay strong. In fact a few hours back i just read this post on this blog called which explained all the fine nuances involved in having a happy and successful long distance relationship, everyone should give it a look because it had some really helpful tips to give! I'll be making use of those tips as much as i can, i hope they help you in improving your situation as well.


            You can do it! Just think when you finally close the distance and be with your SO you'll be able to prove to everyone your family, your supposed friends, and yourself that you did and it and it was all worth it. Also you'll be living a new life with your SO and have new opportunities to make friends. Those who will be close and see you and your SO together more often. Just keep your head up, and remember that it will all be over soon. c:
            .We've Closed the Distance.
            no matter where i am, no matter where you are
            i'll be there when it's over baby - cause i was there from the start
            no matter if i'm near - dont matter if you're far
            all you do is pick the phone up baby & i'll be there when you call

            Whenever you need me, whenever you want me,


              I know what it is like to feel alone in this situation however i feel its best to always tell him things after all he should be one of your bestfriends as well as your lover always here if you need a chat as i also get alot of bad comments everyday and to most people i have to hide it

