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He gave up on me...

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    He gave up on me...

    Been with him for 6 years, he gave up on me he gives up on LDR..
    I don't know how to handle this, he said if we even ever get back together this is not the time..
    today we spoke, i thought we were on a break but he made it very clear that we are over...
    I'm so broken and torn, and so confused ?!??
    He is feeling sick today and i asked him if we could talk tomorrow, maybe change his mind but he kept saying ''it's too late''
    Please help me, what would you say to your SO to convince him/her to stay if he/she was at their lowest point.
    This guy means everything to me, i can't lose him it would mean i would lose a huge part of myself
    why and how could he give us up after all we've been through, why ?!
    any advice is very welcome... :'(

    I'm really sorry sweetheart for what he did to you = Its not fair that he just gives up on you after 6 years. I personally do not understand how he can just give up so easily on you, did you have any clue it was coming before you visited? Maybe he has just gotten to the point where he doesn't want to be alone anymore, but either way, you don't deserve to be abandoned like that. My only suggestion would be to maybe just give him some space


      Did he say why he decided, after all this time, that he was done? Seems very abrupt to me.


        I don't know whats happened to him, I called his mum even she said he's changed. I feel like he is hitting rock bottom in his life, stressed out,on pressure all time and insecure about his job. He told me it feels good to be alone, he sits home all day watching series even ignoring his friends i guess he is avoiding anything that causes stress in his life.
        Last visit was to save our relationship, when i was there it was perfect but after i left he just felt like **** cause i wasn't there psychical and he would be depressed and avoid me.
        This is so unfair.... i can't even express in words how devastated i am :'( I had our life planned out and now i feel like i have nothing.
        Do you think he is making a mistake because of everything else that's going on in his life? I am so lost........


          It honestly sounds as if he has truly hit rock bottom. You said he is even ignoring his friends, and his mom said he has changed? Do you think he may be battling depression or some sort of anxiety?


            Your his girlfriend, have you noticed any changes in him? Has his outlook on life changed, has it become less optimistic. Has he said anything about the future, or his future plans? And when his mother said "he's changed" what did she mean, was it a rapid change? Was it something that he just seems to have given up? It sounds to me like he's almost gone into a severe depression, the fact that he's cut all ties, that he doesn't even talk to his friends anymore, that he prefers to be alone, that he's making rash decisions on relationships, to me I would make sure that he's not feeling suicidal, those are all classical symptoms of depression and it could be leading to more serious situations and thoughts. If that's the case, the best thing you can do is not stress him out, be a friend, which I know is hard when you really want to have the relationship back, but it's almost something that you need to be selfless about and put his needs first and if you do that, he will realize that you were the person who helped him through it all.



              Originally posted by pytsip View Post
              Your his girlfriend, have you noticed any changes in him? Has his outlook on life changed, has it become less optimistic. Has he said anything about the future, or his future plans? And when his mother said "he's changed" what did she mean, was it a rapid change? Was it something that he just seems to have given up? It sounds to me like he's almost gone into a severe depression, the fact that he's cut all ties, that he doesn't even talk to his friends anymore, that he prefers to be alone, that he's making rash decisions on relationships, to me I would make sure that he's not feeling suicidal, those are all classical symptoms of depression and it could be leading to more serious situations and thoughts. If that's the case, the best thing you can do is not stress him out, be a friend, which I know is hard when you really want to have the relationship back, but it's almost something that you need to be selfless about and put his needs first and if you do that, he will realize that you were the person who helped him through it all.
              First of all i want to say thank you guys so much for replying, it truly means a lot to me

              Yes I've noticed a lot of changes in him, he is just cold and dead inside. He rather or doesn't care / want to care about anything and anyone now. Today we're gonna have a final talk i just want some clarity from all this, not even sure if it's going to help. He is that kind of person when he needs help he doesn't accept it from anyone, so he keeps things inside and it would always lead to burs outs and breakdowns. At this point i just wanna be anything i can be in his life, be there for him... but as easy it sounds it kills me inside being his ''friend''. I don't want to be selfish but i can't help wanting him so bad, it sucks cause he seems fine without me ..or anyone? When I'm losing my head over thinking things and being terrified of losing him, witch has happened now.. I know he's depressed cause he's feeling like nothing is going the way he wants it to go, i doubt he is suicidal though, that person would rather be me.
              I will be there for him though, as a friend i guess.. but it scares me what if he realizes he's better off without me at the end. I'd have my hopes up for nothing and be torn AGAIN -sigh-
              Last edited by xBeliever; August 31, 2011, 03:04 AM. Reason: doubble post

