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Afraid of falling for someone else

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    Originally posted by beckychan View Post
    When I close my eyes at night I feel so comforted by the fact that even if there isn't that warm fuzzy feeling anymore, he's still going to be there for me in the morning, and the day after that and every day from then on.

    *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


      I also agree with the other responses. It's fine to have a crush and become friends with this guy. Just don't go any farther than friends!


        Thanks for your replies and advice, everyone. I really appreciate it! I meant to respond earlier but I decided to wait until today, after I'd had a proper night's sleep. It's been a very long, very stressful week with my anxiety going on overdrive (for reasons other than this).

        I've been exhausted all week and just... worn thin from the stress of the first week of class (I usually get stressed but this semester it was pretty bad for some reason I can't place :\) and I realize that that didn't help my state of mind in class and probably blew things waaaay out of proportion. Class went okay on the second day. I still had something of a reaction but it wasn't the "LIEK, WHOA" I had the first day. I think my brain is under control now that I've rested properly and and had time to think about things. My brain is no longer going "WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON, MAAAN", haha. I talked to my boy as well and things are fine. Tuesday should be interesting, but I think I'm okay now.

        Thanks everyone.

