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    So I got my university timetable today. What I'd previously thought was going to be only two days at Uni, has now turned into 4. I also work 2 Days a week.

    With the previous schedule, I could see my SO every few weeks or so for a good 3 or more days. Now, he's gonna be waiting around for me to return from lectures and the library. I am ANNOYED. As if it's not hard enough to be in an LDR without severely limiting the amount of time I can see him.

    UGH. I'd had it so well planned, and that's just gone to hell.

    Rant over.

    So you can't switch around your classes? I know in my university the first week of classes you could change what you wanted/


      I'm in the UK, so my classes are set. Can't change them


        Sucks when plans are changed like that. I really don't want to come out and say "oh well, others have it way worse", but you should definitely keep in mind that:
        1. Even though your schedule isn't great right now, it will only last a semester. So, it is very temporary.
        2. Getting to see your SO every couple weeks even for a short amount of time is an absolute blessing.
        3. Having to work around each other's schedules during visits is pretty common and almost to be expected. When I went to go visit my SO after not seeing him for 5 months, I spent the first full 2 days there alone while he attended university. I still got to see him those evenings and was thrilled. Your SO will be too.


          That does suck a lot and I'm sure you don't want to hear this but I agree with the above post, at least it is only a semester and after that you will be so relieved I'm sure! Good luck and I hope this semester flies by for you

          Madly in love with Michael

