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Does anyone else hate Friday evenings as much as I do?

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    Does anyone else hate Friday evenings as much as I do?

    Every Friday it comes...sadness, fear that he might be going out and having fun, but I am trapped at home and even if I wanted to go out I really can't. All I want is to skype with him all Friday. That would make me feel so much better. But we do not. HEll, we hardly skype anymore anyways, we haven't even talked in four days after an argument.
    That is not the point. Basically I am very lonely in the country where I study. My family is far away. All my friends live in another state (I used to go to school in another state and there were people from my home country so it was somewhat easier).
    Here I have only 2 friends. One of them is married. I do not spend much time with them (I do but not like every minute). I do not have a car. You can imagine (for those of you who knows) that living in the USA without a car is impossible. I can't buy a car coz I am poor and I can not legally work in this country. My SO is in another state and things are not great as I said above. During the week I handle isolation better: there are things to do here and there, but when Friday evening crawls close...i get very depressed. I hate that my SO doesn't want to share Fridays with me. I hate not having a car, I hate being where I am now and seeing only campus and nothing outside campus, I really feel like quitting and going home. Watching movies and stuff only helps for so long. I feel like a bum always watching TV or browsing the internet (what I always do). I ALWAYS have homework to do but have 0 motivation.

    Is anyone else in my situation?



      Aw... I'm sorry you're feeling down about Friday evenings! They're actually one of my favourite times in the week, as even if I'm not going out (which is actually relatively rare), I'm quite happy with a movie or a good book! I can understand how that might get boring, though, if it feels like it's the only thing you can do... Have you looked for any free activities that might be happening near you? Or maybe clubs/societies you could join?

      I can understand your difficulties with not having a car a little; I've been in the US without one for almost 18 months! However, SF does have a relatively good public transport system and I also have a bicycle. I take it that's not the case where you are?

      As for your SO "not wanting to share Fridays" with you - it's probably not that he doesn't want to spend them with you; I'm sure he'd love to be able to go out with you, but he probably doesn't want to spend them in front of a computer screen while his friends are out having fun, which I can understand! You say you're afraid that he's out having fun - why is that? Is it just that you're jealous that he can go out when you can't, or are you afraid of something happening?

      Perhaps if you were speaking more regularly on other nights, you might not find it so hard to do without him on Fridays... I can't offer any advice on how to fix your communication issues (since they're much like my own), but in the meantime, all I can really suggest is that you look for other ways to enjoy yourself without relying on your SO. Perhaps you could take up a hobby? I'm sure there are plenty of things you could do that wouldn't cost too much money, and might even help you save some - for example, knitting or sewing. Or you could just make it a special time, just for you; pamper yourself a little, paint your toenails, figure out a new way to wear an outfit or your hair, write a letter to your family, listen to music, or just enjoy the peace and quiet of being alone


        I'm about half and half, sometimes I hate fridays and sometimes I enjoy them, it just depends on how my day went I guess, when my SO goes out I hate it but then I feel awful about that so I try to change my mind set. It's all about trying rather than just waiting for your mood to get better.

        Met: 8.17.09
        Started Dating: 8.20.09
        First Met: 10.2.10
        Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


          I am in your situation as far as the whole isolation and being depressed thing, but it doesn't just happen on Fridays, it can be any day of the week. Right now Im on campus, 3 hours away from my family (who are basically my only friends). I don't have a car/license, because Im a slacker and have bad anxiety about driving. It really sucks to be so alone when you know you have someone who wants to be there with you. My boyfriend and I both keep to ourselves and basically only talk to each other. At the moment he has no computer and can only use his moms phone cuz we go through the minutes on his tracfone in 2 days (or less). It sucks so bad but we are doing everything we can to work through it. Being alone just gets the best of us sometimes


            Originally posted by YorkshireLass View Post
            I can understand your difficulties with not having a car a little; I've been in the US without one for almost 18 months! However, SF does have a relatively good public transport system and I also have a bicycle. I take it that's not the case where you are?
            No public transport here sux big time.

            Originally posted by YorkshireLass View Post
            As for your SO "not wanting to share Fridays" with you - it's probably not that he doesn't want to spend them with you; I'm sure he'd love to be able to go out with you, but he probably doesn't want to spend them in front of a computer screen while his friends are out having fun, which I can understand! You say you're afraid that he's out having fun - why is that? Is it just that you're jealous that he can go out when you can't, or are you afraid of something happening?
            It is both. Jealous that he can and has the means to go anywhere any time and i do not. And afraid that something might happen (he cheated in previous relationships).

            My university is in a not-so-safe state and not-so-safe area so the university itself doesn't offer very many activities for students on campus. Can't really join those. I feel like giving up on everything and going home.


              I was just sitting here thinking about how much Fridays suck for me! I don't have a lot of friends and the ones I do have are pretty busy so we usually hang out during the week. And to make me feel just a little more crappy my So ALWAYS has plans on Friday night, makes me wish I was there with him and sometimes I even get a little jealous that he is out having a great time with his friends while I am sitting here alone. I am so ready for this weekend to be over lol

              Madly in love with Michael




                  Fridays have never been the 'oh yay its friday! Lets go out and party!" kinda day. It sucks even more when your SO decides to watch football instead of doing something with you.


                    Bah I hate weekends. I don't have many friends I hang out with, the ones I do are all family types and not really up for for going out. I don't actually have hobbies or anything like that. He usually has some plans for the weekend, just when I'd really want to talk to him. I don't resent him or anything, I know he works hard during the week and also tries to maintain connection with his friends there, so he has to make use of the time he has. He makes an effort to stay in touch... but I'm just so bored without him. I just want to spend more time with him.
                    Ah what can you do :-/

                    Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                      my bf works Friday and Saturday nights so we're not able to talk. we're trying to talk more online on other days.

