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I need help!!! Please any and all advice is appreciated!

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    I need help!!! Please any and all advice is appreciated!

    Ok, so Andrew got hired at one of those jobs that I like to call an "employment cult." If anyone has ever heard of the Lander's Group, it is that job. (different face, different name but same bullshit). It's one of those jobs that lures college aged job seekers in by saying that it's "Sport's Marketing" and blah blah blah. I don't know if anyone knows what I'm talking about, but I'm sure that you've seen the ads if you've ever looked on Craigslist or Monster for jobs. If at the least, these companies have unethical employment policies, but it goes even deeper, they teach people to be manipulative and to be cold hearted, they also work their "Independent Contractors" (but of course the employment ads say "Hire immediately" leading people to believe that it's an actually employee job.) at sweat shop rates.

    At most, I'm worried about him being manipulated into thinking the way that these scum think. Which is to get people to do business with you, you have to be manipulative and misleading. It's obvious that if that's how they attract employees that that's how their "marketing" techniques are as well, however, I can actually verify that they ARE indeed manipulative in their marketing techniques because I actually worked for the same exact company that he just got "hired" at. After two weeks of being there, I realized that as a marketing major, I didn't want to become accustomed to those types of practices which I personally feel extremely unethical.

    Anyway, a friend of both mine and Andrew's had also worked there for about two weeks before realizing that the place was ridiculous (he is now a stock broker on Wall Street with Morgan Stanley, so if HE finds the practices unethical well then...) Both me and Oleg (our friend) are both telling Andrew to get out now, but Andrew just doesn't get it. I don't know what else to do, I can't stand the thought of him working there, even for a little bit because I'm afraid that he'll get sucked into their web. I've tried to explain to him the dangers in working there, I've told him to look up The Lander's Group on Google (which I actually suggest everyone do, because the more you know about companies like this, the less likely you will be to actually go in for an interview) I've explained to him why I and Oleg think it's unethical, I'm explained to him that it's best to just get out now, and to look for a better job, than to stay with them even until he finds one because they will consume all of his time (10+ hours a day 6 days a week) and he won't be able to find a different job, and yet, he keeps saying "I understand, I'll get out as soon as I am done training," or "I'll wait until I find another job,."

    arrgh!!! I just don't know what to do!!


    Oh, and also, I have been trying to talk him into applying at a call center that is always hiring, although it's not a great job, I believe that it's much much better than this crap that he's in right now. Oleg (our friend) worked there for 4 years and never had a problem with it. But again, Andrew is being stubborn. I just don't know what to do... I want to get him out of this as fast as i possibly can..



      Oh dear. I don't really know what sort of advice to give, but I also worked for a company just like this, and I got out after the first few days of training when I clicked onto what it was all about. These jobs turn people into monsters.


        Originally posted by MadMolly View Post
        These jobs turn people into monsters.
        I know, that's what scares me...

        Please if anyone else has any kind of advice please, PLEASE help me out. It's really scary, and it makes me sick to my stomach to think that he's working there. I need to get him out.



          Those places are hideous. Perhaps yuo could hypnotise him into being strong and accepting another job?

          Perhaps you can show him graphic informatino about what happens to people because of the policies and practices of some corners of our dark economy. I've gotten some people off of supporting the wars in teh middle East by showing them, for example. graphic pictures of white phosphorused victims.


            I have kind of done that, more or less I've told him to look up a number of these companies that have been outed for what they really are, which are actually just cleverly disguised pyramid schemes. See, I personally did the research after I turned around and never went back to that place. I've even told him the reason and the situation that made my decision for me. It was when I was in a town and was approached by a police officer whole told me that even though I was going business to business, since I was not actually selling it to the businesses but instead to the employees that I had to have a license to do so, and that if he caught me or anyone else that I worked with in that town again that he would fine us. I faked sick after that (which was only about 10am in the morning, still had a while to go) told my team leader that I was sick and I needed to go home, and I never returned to that job. My "boss" had told me countless times that what I was doing was completely legal and that I did not need a license to do it.

            I told him this last night, I should have told him at the beginning, but I didn't, I thought that I could talk him out of doing it without giving the harsh reality. he told me he understands and that he realizes that she's manipulative (the boss), but yet he won't get out of it.


