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Worried about what might happen next...

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    Worried about what might happen next...

    I was talking to my SO on Skype a few hours ago just like normal when his dad started yelling at him to do something for him. I didn't think too much of it, just cringed when I heard his dad talking to him the way he does. It always gets me so angry. Anyway, around 30 minutes later, I started to hear shouting and screaming on the end of the line. I'd been playing Halo online xbox live, when I noticed the racket. I started to listen in to what was happening and at first, I thought my SO was being yelled at. But I figured it was something a little worse than that: his mum was screaming at his father, and it turned out, when my SO was later able to talk to me on Skype, that his father had found proof that his mother had been cheating on him. Now, there's been tension in my SO's family for awhile now, with threats of divorce looming for over 8 years, but the way things have turned out today, I think it's fair to say that it was the last straw :/ My SO had had suspicions that his mother had been involved in an affair, but he'd had no proof and didn't dare say anything. Naturally, I feel devastated. Not just for his sake, but because I'm not sure what might happen next. What he might have to go through. I feel depressed, especially since there was no warning for me to turn Skype off. I didn't want to leave my SO, but I feel upset after what I heard.

    What can I do?

    I would do exactly what you did last night, be supportive. I would push back your own feelings and focus solely on him, as yes whatever happens with him will affect you in someway, this is affecting him directly, right now and the stability of his home life is teetering. If you have a chance to really talk to him, let him express how he is feeling. I am personally a very lean on me shoulder type of person so my feelings would always be last.

    I also believe that things happen for a reason. You were at the right place, at the right time, for whatever reason and when push comes to shove, everything will come to light. Good luck and best wishes to your SO's family... I know that is so hard.


      Just be there for him any way you can. Being long distance, you'll obviously talk more often than you see each other in person, which is good in this situation because in hard times it's just nice to have someone there to listen to you, to spill out all your problems to & to give advice & support. I'm not sure how easy it is for you to see each other, but maybe this would be a good opportunity to meet up more? Having so much tension, anger etc in his house will obviously not make it the best place to be in. & he'll probably just need to get away from it all, so being with the one he loves in a completely different environment will do him the world of good. But if this isn't possible, talking still is incredibly effective. Just simply be a rock for him, always be there for him when things are hard, try to make sure that he's never in a situation where he feels alone. It's the most you can do in a LDR, but is no different to if you were CD, just an alternative way of being supportive. Good luck to him in the coming months & I hope you can help him. In a nutshell, just make sure he knows you love him!!

