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In need of some advice....

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    In need of some advice....

    To help everyone out and what not, I will catch you on how my SO and I met. It was actually on a video game and at the time we were together for about one to two months before she cheated on me, this was in '07. It was not until December of 2009 that I had actually seen her again and we got together again from there. and that is basically how we met.

    Now onto the dilemma that I am having, recently we both had gone back to the game and I've noticed that she never wakes up until the early afternoon now.... I didn't suspect anything at first but earlier today, she got a tad bit too jealous because I gave a girl a compliment, not a perverted one or anything but like 'Your avatar is cute'. I was frankly upset that she was getting jealous over me giving a girl a compliment when I give her one everyday.... Anyway, she and I were on the phone until around midnight ,my time, which was 10 for her and she said would call me back because she had to cook for her younger siblings.

    However, I look on there about 15 minutes and BAM! She's on there and active but apparently wouldn't talk to me. I actually recently woke up because I have a little cold and noticed that she didn't bother to even call me once when she usually would call me two times per night before she would go to bed. So, I called her and guess what? She was still awake at 6 AM my time! and so I was thinking 'why is she still up?', pretty soon I looked at the game lo and behold, she was on the game not even 10 minutes ago at the time! So I asked her on the phone 'You're just now going to sleep aren't you?' she tells me 'yeah, I'. I'm just wondering if it is sad if your SO would much rather play a game than call you at all.

    I know I'm not over reacting or anything since I have only told you what has happened since I have yet to do anything on this matter but can anyone help me on what I should do now because it just kinda hurts right now thinking about how she would much rather play a game than call me at all. Now if you tell me 'she probably forgot to call you tonight' or something then I will say this. She ALREADY KNEW that she was suppose to call me after she was done but instead she went onto the game we play.
    Start of LDR: December 2009
    First met: August 2008
    First meeting irl: Never
    Break up: February 8 2012

    Price of relationship: Pain
    Price of the memories: Priceless
    I'll always know that she was my first love that I took seriously.
    I'll miss you, Vanessa.

    I may young and stupid but I can't help it at all.