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Giving the relationship another shot?

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    Giving the relationship another shot?

    Essentially, we split because at the time we had no money. Now its 4 months on, we miss each other, we have the cash - but there's a catch, we are both going to University.

    Part of me doesn't want to, because I'd get back into the routine of missing having the contact of hugging and kissing, and being stressed about when we were next going to see each other...

    Part me wants to try again, give it a shot in the future (New Years we thought about on the grounds that we were still interested in each other) and start a fresh slate. I loved and still love him so much. He is kind and tender, and I miss the feeling of safety and protection he brought me despite the distance.

    University couples on this site - is it hard? Is it worth it?

    Or are we better off moving on?

    I think if you're both still in love you should go for it. My SO goes to a university and we make it work just fine. Just do whatever makes you happy and I hope it works out for ya'll!

    It's definitely worth it!

    Madly in love with Michael


      How often do you see each other? As it stands seasonal holidays would work for us. Summer and winter and maybe when we have time inbetween. you miss not being able to date any one at Uni?


        I'm going to university in a week, and my SO is still in school, but he's nearly done with his schooling. I'm willing to keep fighting however hard I must for my SO, because no obstacle is gonna keep me from being with him. We've yet to meet and we won't be able to for awhile yet, but I think if your feelings are strong, and you love each other like we do, then I don't see why you guys shouldn't give it another shot.


          My SO and I are both attending Uni in different states. Sometimes, it does get hard to make time to see each other, but holidays (even ones like Labor Day, that give you one day off) give us great opportunities to have visits. We especially spend a lot of time together during winter break, spring break, and the summer. Last year, we would go about 3 months between visits, but now we're trying to cut it down to every month, or every other month, and it's been working so far! It just takes a lot of planning ahead for school work, mostly. It can get hard, but it's most definitely worth it! It sounds like you have something great with him, so why not give it a shot? LDRs are hard, but so rewarding, in my opinion. I don't miss having an opportunity to date, but that may be because it's not really my scene...besides, no one I've met here can hold a candle to my SO!


            Originally posted by Beastofknowledge View Post
            How often do you see each other? As it stands seasonal holidays would work for us. Summer and winter and maybe when we have time inbetween.

   you miss not being able to date any one at Uni?
            We see each other once or twice a month just depends. We are fortunate enough to only live 2 hours away from each other. I currently don't go to school so I'm not much help with the whole dating thing.

            Madly in love with Michael


              I'm going to grad school and my bf had to move away recently because of his job, so we are new in this long distance situatin. However, we have been together for 1 year and 8 months, so we had already a stable relationship before he moved. How long have you been together? I think that if you really love eachother you should try!
              About missing dating, not really, just all the time missing him, and doing everything together... But I've been going out with my friends often to dont be sad. I feel Im a little old for parties, but we go to the mall, movies, lunch, bowling... And also I have so many books to read and so many assignmets for my classes that I dont have too much time to get sad
              However, this desition depend in how much you love each other...

