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Is it too soon?

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    Is it too soon?

    Hi my name is Sofia and I'm 22 years old. I met this guy on a dating social site and it has been 3 days that we have started talking. I live in Southern California and he lives in San Fransisco Ca. By the second day we have been talking on the phone. We have seen each other through pictures on the site and some through cell phones. We talk at least twice a day and text all day. The question is, "Is it too soon for him to say that he loves me?" He loves the way I am, personality wise. He has a 3 year old daughter and he asked me if I would accept him even though he has a child. I told him that I would. No matter who I fall for and he has a child I would think & treat that child as mine, if he would allow it of course. He loves how family oriented I am and always calls me his princess and his love. But is it too soon? I really do like him a lot.

    Is there such thing as love at first text? Lol

    I think there is such thing as extreme infatuation at first sight. After three days he is probably very giddy and feeling butterflies and very much in like with you, but I wouldn't call it real love. I mean maybe it could be but people mix up lust and love far too often. I would regardless of what it is, take it slow if he has already rushed into saying he loves you, I'm not sure what else he might be trying to rush.


      I would say that it might be too soon to say "I love you" in such 3 days talking especially when you only talk through phone aka never met each other in person.
      It might be a crush and as per my previous experience, people in the very first weeks/months in the relationship are really seems to "deeply in love" and tend to say all the great thing they can say, such as "I love you" or "You are the greatest person in the world" or etc. But as time passes by, it might be changed or it might be still the same.
      I would say that better to give it a time and don't rush it.
      Time will prove it if it's a real love or not.

      All the best for you and your SO! *hugs and smiles*


        I think you can start falling in love from pretty much the get-go. My friend fell in love with a guy after meeting him at a party; they stayed up all night talking after everyone had gone to bed. That was 8 years ago and they're engaged now. I personally don't think you can *know* it's really love at such an early point but I do know that you can start to feel yourself falling that quickly - and once you get to know them more, the deeper love feeling takes hold, you know?


          I think you can start falling in love from pretty much the get-go. My friend fell in love with a guy after meeting him at a party; they stayed up all night talking after everyone had gone to bed. That was 8 years ago and they're engaged now. I personally don't think you can *know* it's really love at such an early point but I do know that you can start to feel yourself falling that quickly - and once you get to know them more, the deeper love feeling takes hold, you know?


            If it happened to me I wouldn't take it too seriously, knowing that falling in love in a matter of 3 days can be biased. To me, it is too soon. I'm not saying that such a thing is impossible to happen, but I think I'd take it more as a compliment at first. It could be love, but it could also be lust or extreme infatuation, just like lucybelle said. I don't think you would actually know until you take more time and meet him personally. The important thing is, keep your logic going and don't rush.


              I do falling in love at first sight--well.. i took hid picture for souvenir, when i was not even know who he is that time

              It could possibly happens... but to say you love someone, it took some process... because love is something deep that i don't think i could express by saying to a person i "MET" even in real. Even my SO say he love me by Russian, hehe i guess he also not sure to say it clear that time hahah...

              I think youre in "crush" mode now. But yeah.. wait and see how it will develop. For me.. i won't trust it not that early hahaha... to love you have to feel the sad, the happiness.. laughter, and some disagreement or even arguments... when he still stick to you.. then its love

              Good luck!!


                I think 3 days is too soon. Love is more than just a fleeting feeling, it's a deep set emotional connection that bonds you to a person through thick and thin. There are other types of love, not just romantic love. Romantic love, however, takes time to form, much longer than 3 days.


                  I didn't used to believe in love at first sight, but I do now. I'd say 3 days is a little too soon to be completely honest, but it's clear there's a deep attraction on both sides, and I think the signs are looking good. I'd say there's a strong possibility he has feelings for you, but give it a bit longer and get to know him more first. Let the feelings blossom before you both take the plunge.

                  Good luck!


                    I think is too soon. One thing is to feel it and another is to say it... To decide to say it, when its honest, it's not that easy... I would freak out and start thinking bad... I don't want you to do that, but be careful, it could be honest but it could have other intentions too. 3 days talking is not enough to know someone and their intentions, so I think you should ask him to slow down a little, if he really loves you he would do it for you
                    If he still rushing and pushing after you ask him not to do it, it's because he has other intentions... Just be alert of any possible red flag and be careful, you have to protect yourself
                    Good luck!


                      Thank you all for the responses. Yea I know it's too soon. To me it's like a crush and to him it might be too but is confusing to him to know which one I guess. If it gets more serious he would be my first boyfriend and he knows that too but that he would wait for me.


                        How old is he?
                        our story.


                        02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                        "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                          He is 27


                            3 days? Yes, I think it's too soon. There is nothing wrong with taking things for what they are (an attraction, a crush) and letting more serious things develop over time. It seems to me like you may be getting ahead of yourself if you are already saying he would be your first boyfriend. There would be many more things I would want to know about him before even thinking about becoming official.


                              I believe its too early to be in love...he may just be extremely infatuated with you. I'd ask him to slow down and let him know that he's moving to quick for you and you're finding it intense... Keep talking to him and be aware of anything suspicious try and find out his intentions..if anything sets off a flag keep it noted. Best of luck!
                              .We've Closed the Distance.
                              no matter where i am, no matter where you are
                              i'll be there when it's over baby - cause i was there from the start
                              no matter if i'm near - dont matter if you're far
                              all you do is pick the phone up baby & i'll be there when you call

                              Whenever you need me, whenever you want me,

