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Longhaul flights

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    Longhaul flights

    So, I met this guy on FB who was the most devastatingly handsome and absolutely fascinating guy I've ever encountered. Problem is, he lives in Canada and I am in New Zealand...

    I was planning to visit a friend in Canada next year ANYWAY so we'd always flirt around with the idea of meeting when he said one day "you should visit me in October for my birthday. I dare you." And I can NEVER turn down a dare. So I saved every penny I could grab like crazy for 6 weeks (apparently I am excellent at saving money, haha) and booked my flights. First going to visit my Canadian friend, and then Handsome a week later. (Talk about being impulsive, what can I say, I'm kinda crazy)

    Anyway to the original point of the thread before I get carried away talking about how big my crush is on Handsome, I have not been on a long haul flight since I was about 10 years old. I'll first be flying from Auckland to Sydney (4 hours, no problemo) and then Sydney to Vancouver (15 hours!! Grrrr). The way there, I have a 12 hour gap between flights so it's not so bad, but on the way back I'm going straight from plane to plane in Sydney so that's 19+ hours of flying in one day.

    I need advice from people who remember what long haul flights are like!
    • What is the best seat to take? Aisle or window?
    • What are some essential carry-on luggage items?
    • Do most planes these days have little screens for each passenger, or is that a rare thing?
    • What kinda shoes and clothes should I wear?
    • Any advice regarding food I should know? I'm not very fussy, even with airplane food :P

    Ok you frequent flyers, shoot!

    What is the best seat to take? Aisle or window? Aisle is good if you need to get up and go to the washroom often, it also is the one that will have to get up most often if any of the window seaters have to go. People also like to bump into the aisle person while walking.

    What are some essential carry-on luggage items? Books, ipod, anything to keep you busy. Plus if you want to bring makeup at all of whatever to freshen up, maybe a face wash for the long flights.

    Do most planes these days have little screens for each passenger, or is that a rare thing? They all have them on long haul, unless you are flying with a cheap airline that is short distance, but there will be ones on your flight.

    What kinda shoes and clothes should I wear? The comfiest ones you own. Sweats/leggings, comfy shirt plus a sweater, sometimes the flights can be cold. Shoes comfy ones, also should be easy to slip off if they ask at security and to curl up to sleep if you need.

    Any advice regarding food I should know? I'm not very fussy, even with airplane food :P Airplane food isn't that bad, but if you get hungry between a few granola bars might come in handy. A bottle of water is good to so you don't have to ask every time you want a glass.


      Thanks!! I am happy I am not meeting him after this long flight haha! Just my friend. So I'm not too worried about looking ravishing :P

      Another one - Does it get very cold on the planes?


        Originally posted by MadMolly View Post
        Another one - Does it get very cold on the planes?
        It can get really cold. I didn't think so, but it happened twice to me so far. Don't worry though, you'll be finding a warm blanket on your seat when you hop on the plane.


          Great thread!!
          I'm on a 9 hour flight to Canada in 13 days and have NO IDEA what to expect as i have never been on a plane before.
          As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


            I love Canada. Heehee. Well, I reckon I will...


              I fly from Texas to England at least twice a year. The flight isn't quite as long as yours, but I hope I can help.

              What is the best seat to take? Aisle or window? It really depends. I prefer the window because it's easier to sleep, but like snow_girl said, you then have to climb over someone or ask them to get up in order to go to the bathroom. It's really a preference thing. Why not see if you can try one there and the other on the way back to find out which you like?

              What are some essential carry-on luggage items? Things to keep you occupied. My flights to visit my SO isn't as long as yours (only 10 hours), but watching movies the entire flight gets boring. Take a book or ipod or whatever you like. I even brought coloring book this last trip, and I loved it! It was very relaxing to me. I would also bring an extra set of clothes and hygiene products. These things saved me on my trip this past November when the airline lost my luggage. Also, take anything that has any kind of value to you.

              What kinda shoes and clothes should I wear? Wear comfortable clothes, whatever that means to you. For me, that means a pair of jeans and a shirt. Definitely wear shoes that are easy to take on and off. I would recommend no shoes with laces as they take longer to take off and put on.

              Any advice regarding food I should know? I actually really like most of the food on airplanes, but that depends on what airline you're on. I flew Virgin the first couple of trips to see my SO, and I thought the food was great. This last time, I flew Delta, and I didn't like the food. You can take snacks through security. If you want to takeany kind of beverage, you'll have to buy it once you get through security unless you have a water bottle that's less than three ounces.

              Does it get very cold on the planes? It can get very cold so I would recommend taking a jacket on th eplace with you. You should get a blanket, but you don't want to have to depend on that. My friends flew from the US to England once, and she didn't get a blanket.

              Another tip that I just realized this last time about make-up. Powders like eyeshadow, blush, pencil eyeliner, and powder foundations don't have to go in your plastic bag. Things like mascara and liquid eyeliner do have to go in the plastic bag. Just one more thing. If you are planning to say for a longer trip, I would recommend taking a back pack and put your purse/handbag in the bottom of it instead of having it as a carry on. You'll be able to fit more things in it. If you need anymore help, please ask.
              "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

              "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

              Met: August 22, 2010
              Made it official: September 17, 2010
              Got engaged: January 15, 2012
              Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
              Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
              Got married: November 21, 2012
              Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
              Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


                I always get cold on long flights, even with the air conditioner vents turned off, often even with the little blanket they give. An extra layer of clothing in my carry-on bag is a must for me- usually a nice comfy sweater I can sleep in, since that's usually when I get the chilliest. Also I'm not happy unless I have a nice assortment of snacks in my bag... the time between meals on a place feels a lot longer than it actually is.

                I have a hard time sleeping on a plane, so I'll take allergy or night-time cold medicine, something that will make me drowsy.
                I also make sure I take ear plugs... I always seem to end up in close proximity to a happily chattering group, or a hyper kid, etc, and it's nice to shut that out when I want to rest.
                We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust


                  The longest flight I've done was direct from Dubai to New York, and it was 14 hours!
                  What is the best seat to take? Aisle or window? I prefer window, so long as you don't get claustrophobic. I prefer having something to lean on, but I sleep and sit in the weirdest positions haha.
                  What are some essential carry-on luggage items? iPod, some sort of pillow, extra blanket (or if you have a blanket that can roll up small, you can use it as a pillow if you're not cold, and then a blanket if you are!) a book, ear plugs, gravol (or whatever motion-sickness medication you have there!) and an eye mask to block out the light.
                  Do most planes these days have little screens for each passenger, or is that a rare thing? It seems to vary by airline, but I'd imagine for a flight that long, they would have individual screens.
                  What kinda shoes and clothes should I wear? I prefer to wear yoga pants, a tank top, hoodie, woolly socks and shoes that I can slip off easily.
                  Any advice regarding food I should know? If you sit closer to the front of the plane, you'll get more selection. Most airlines I've been on offer chicken or pasta, and I don't like airplane chicken... but I usually forget and sit farther back and get stuck with it!! Might not be a big deal for you, I just hate chicken and the gross chemicals they put in it I'm mildly allergic to.

                  But that's exciting, welcome to Canada I love it here massively!!

                  ---------- Post added at 08:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 AM ----------

                  The longest flight I've done was direct from Dubai to New York, and it was 14 hours!
                  What is the best seat to take? Aisle or window? I prefer window, so long as you don't get claustrophobic. I prefer having something to lean on, but I sleep and sit in the weirdest positions haha.
                  What are some essential carry-on luggage items? iPod, some sort of pillow, extra blanket (or if you have a blanket that can roll up small, you can use it as a pillow if you're not cold, and then a blanket if you are!) a book, ear plugs, gravol (or whatever motion-sickness medication you have there!) and an eye mask to block out the light.
                  Do most planes these days have little screens for each passenger, or is that a rare thing? It seems to vary by airline, but I'd imagine for a flight that long, they would have individual screens.
                  What kinda shoes and clothes should I wear? I prefer to wear yoga pants, a tank top, hoodie, woolly socks and shoes that I can slip off easily.
                  Any advice regarding food I should know? If you sit closer to the front of the plane, you'll get more selection. Most airlines I've been on offer chicken or pasta, and I don't like airplane chicken... but I usually forget and sit farther back and get stuck with it!! Might not be a big deal for you, I just hate chicken and the gross chemicals they put in it I'm mildly allergic to.

                  But that's exciting, welcome to Canada I love it here massively!!

                  Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                  Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                  Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                    Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
                    What is the best seat to take? Aisle or window? Aisle is good if you need to get up and go to the washroom often, it also is the one that will have to get up most often if any of the window seaters have to go. People also like to bump into the aisle person while walking.

                    What are some essential carry-on luggage items? Books, ipod, anything to keep you busy. Plus if you want to bring makeup at all of whatever to freshen up, maybe a face wash for the long flights.

                    Do most planes these days have little screens for each passenger, or is that a rare thing? They all have them on long haul, unless you are flying with a cheap airline that is short distance, but there will be ones on your flight.

                    What kinda shoes and clothes should I wear? The comfiest ones you own. Sweats/leggings, comfy shirt plus a sweater, sometimes the flights can be cold. Shoes comfy ones, also should be easy to slip off if they ask at security and to curl up to sleep if you need.

                    Any advice regarding food I should know? I'm not very fussy, even with airplane food :P Airplane food isn't that bad, but if you get hungry between a few granola bars might come in handy. A bottle of water is good to so you don't have to ask every time you want a glass.
                    These are great advices, however, no about the face wash and no bottel of water! Security will stop you if you have liquids in your carry-on!!!! But, you can buy it on the international part of the aerport (after passing security).
                    Also bring a good and confortable sweater. Usually aerlines give you a blanket, but in my experiences sometimes they dont have enough blankets for all the passengers, some aerlines charge for blanket and sometimes one blanket is not enough if its too cold...
                    Ah and you may need earphones for the movie. Some aerlines give it, some other charge for them, so just bring yours just in case


                      What is the best seat to take? Aisle or window? Window if you can sleep on planes, aisle if you can't.
                      What are some essential carry-on luggage items? Books, gum, iPod, word puzzles... and those face wipes that come in a packet.
                      Do most planes these days have little screens for each passenger, or is that a rare thing? I have had screens on exactly half of my long-haul flights. What carrier are you flying on?
                      What kinda shoes and clothes should I wear? Sweat pants, loose shirt, sweater and thick socks.
                      Any advice regarding food I should know? I'm not very fussy, even with airplane food :P Just be careful of airsickness and eating. I don't get sick on regular flights (9 hours and under) but on long haul flights I prepare to vomit 6-12 times, lol. Many people don't get sick, though, so you'll probably be fine. Just listen to your stomach. Oh and drink a lot of water (not pop, not alcohol) so you stay hydrated.

                      Additional advice: Take an aspirin before the flight to help prevent blood clots. Get up and stretch your legs a few times during on the flight too. Oh and have a good trip!


                        About the individual tvs on longhaul flights.. I wouldn't be so sure about that. My SO flew here in July and is here until october. He flew from LA to SYD. The flight was about 15 hours, and it was with United (cheapo airline, but better than nothing, right?). we both expected that they'd have tvs, but when he landed, he told me that it was like an old boeing 747 and the tv's were on the ceiling near the toilets. I guess it's really depending on the airline! hopefully yours will have them!


                          I love having a window seat. Yes you need to climb over other people should you need to use the bathroom, but I like being able to look outside and love having a wall to sleep against. Plus keep in mind if on the aisle, you may not need to climb over anyone to get to the bathroom, but everyone else will be climbing over you. I'd rather CLIMB over a couple of times than be CLIMBED over several times, heh.

                          I wear layers: yoga pants, jogging bra (no underwire to set off the security alarm, plus more comfy), tank top, tee shirt, light jacket (if traveling in anytime other than winter). I usually wear ballet flats as they're easy on and off.

                          Bring at least one set of clothes with you in your carry on, as well as anything valuable you wouldn't want to lose. You can bring toiletries in your carry on, but I never bother as they can be purchased at the airport and I don't want to deal with the extra security screening. So I either just pack them or buy them.

                          I'm a nervous flyer so I depend on the onboard entertainment. I watch movies or TV shows or listen to music. Mostly though I flip through magazines bought at the airport and watch the progress of the flight on the flight channel. I've flown both British Airways and Virgin Atlantic and both airlines had screens and a ton of entertainment (I loved Virgin's as you could watch anything at any time like ordering up pay-per-view; BA entertainment was on a schedule like cable).

                          Food isn't bad. There's usually a choice. It's bland and reheated, like frozen dinners from the store. But you usually get plenty. Oh, and if you get water, asked for bottled. Don't get water from a pitcher as it's probably from the plane's tank, and it's just gross.

                          Mostly it's like a really long bus ride. Just pray you get sat around courteous people. =)

                          ETA: one more reason for comfy shoes: you will need to be standing a lot in the airport, and may need to walk a lot as well. The last thing you want it to be hobbling by the time you get to your honey. This spring I got new shoes for my trip and they ended up giving me blisters just from walking in the airport. Thank god Heathrow has a Boots, I would have been howling if I had to walk much farther without a bandaid!


                            Originally posted by JennyRW View Post
                            These are great advices, however, no about the face wash and no bottel of water! Security will stop you if you have liquids in your carry-on!!!! But, you can buy it on the international part of the aerport (after passing security).
                            Also bring a good and confortable sweater. Usually aerlines give you a blanket, but in my experiences sometimes they dont have enough blankets for all the passengers, some aerlines charge for blanket and sometimes one blanket is not enough if its too cold...
                            Ah and you may need earphones for the movie. Some aerlines give it, some other charge for them, so just bring yours just in case
                            You can bring facewash if its under 100ml. I did it. Also thats what I mean about water, bring some you just have to get it after security.


                              Originally posted by JennyRW View Post
                              These are great advices, however, no about the face wash and no bottel of water! Security will stop you if you have liquids in your carry-on!!!! But, you can buy it on the international part of the aerport (after passing security).
                              Most airlines you're allowed to bring liquids and gels so long as they're 100ml or less. I bring face wash and toothpaste with me all the time, but in little travel-sized containers and within in a clear plastic ziploc bag, and declaring it when I check in.
                              I'd also suggest bringing a hard plastic water bottle on the flight, empty until you're through security, and then you can fill it up from a water fountain or tap once you're cleared

                              Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                              Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                              Closed the distance June 18, 2012!

