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About some of the things people have been saying

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    About some of the things people have been saying

    "Imagine yourself in his shoes for a minute. You've spoken to someone for 2 weeks and they start to plan a visit, talking about marriage and kids and you think "ok, this is too much for me" and you stop talking to this person. Next thing you know, the person shows up at your door step in your COUNTRY,in your work place and bad mouths you to everyone, ruining your reputation. What would you think of such person, seriousl"

    Someone posted this recently, and ti really made me want to cry. In case most of you cannot tell, I am truly in love with Francesco.

    I am not mad at Francesco because he lost interest, but because he lied to me, ignored me, instead of being honest about his feelings. Or, rather, IF this is what he was doing, I am angry, but I wan't to make sure first.

    Second of all, it was closer to a month, not 2 weeks, and those two weeks we talked about deep passionate loving things.

    Third of all, he was and probably is still in lve with me. He had told me one night that he was afraid to fall in love with me because we lived too far apart and he got burned before, So it isn't "lack fo interest".

    He is very spiritial and Christian and if he is ignoring me it's so neither of us get hurt, not because he is getting too afraid. He was never a coward like that. He was always very honest and open. we even used to have arguments and he stood his ground.

    Also, about the stalking thing. it is NOT stalking to go and ask what you were promised, which is an honest answer, and it is NOT harrassment to ask someone to own up to their deeds. Maybe people like you, who call every unwanted "annoying" behavior from someone you've hurt "stalking" are the ones ruining relatiosnhips these days.

    Yes, true stalking is bad, but this is nothing the same. ALso, people in italy are simply not as skittish as Americans are, they donb't call everything "stalking" or ask everyone to see a pschologist when they hear something they personally think is to emotional.

    News flash- I care about the guy. tha'ts not insanity. That's what being in love is.

    And the reasonI only talk about Francesco is not because I'm a fake accont, it's because, frankly, it's been the only thing eating at my heart lately.

    BTW, how did you guysfind out about my FaceBOok account, just curious?

    Honestly, you're not going to get the responses that you want from people on here. Lots of people have offered constructive advice for you, but it's not what you want to hear obviously.
    Do you have anyone in your life that you can talk to about this? You really need to think about whether you want the few weeks you knew this man to effect you so much.

    Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

    Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
    Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


      You DO NOT know if he loves you, you don't even know if he ever did. If you want to go to italy that is completely fine, but to go there and ruin his job and his life is not fine in any way shape or form. You haven't talked to him in a while, it's best for you to move on with your life and find someone new obsessing over him isn't good or something you should do. With you two talking about things that are really deep also does not mean that he loves you or even cares an ounce about you.

      Him not talking to you should tell you that he does not care about you or want you in his life, if he did he wouldn't ignore you at all.

      I don't care if you think i'm a bitch or whatever it's the truth you need to get out of your he loves you world and really get a reality check that he wants absolutely nothing to do with you.

      Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


        I'll be blunt, you are bordering psychotic. I can understand why he hasn't contacted you back you nut!


          I wanna let you know, I have an Italian friend. A guy she met at a bar (another student at her university) found out by asking mutual friends what dorm she lived in and left her a note stuck to her door with his phone number on it. This to most people is NOT weird behaviour. However she said, in Italian culture, that shit was NOT OKAY and it was "freaky" so to speak. So I don't know where you're getting the "Italians aren't as skittish" comments because that's really not true...

          Also, you know that people play people for fun right? He could have completely convinced you he loved you for - yes this does happen - a laugh. So don't think you are immune to that. People do that kind of stuff for a game. Don't go thinking you are entitled to anything.

          Be DIGNIFIED, jeez.


            I was disgusted by what I read in your last post, and that's mainly why I didn't comment on it. But I wanted to say this, you're completely off the hook. And quite possibly off your rocker, too. Just get over it and realise he doesn't care and never has done. It looks like all he ever did was play you for a complete fool. Move on with your life.

            Cause otherwise you're just wasting your time on a guy who couldn't give two hoots about you. But that's your look out.


              It would be safer to find out whether he loves your or not by simply contacting him and asking directly. I know you think it would be romantic to appear to her doorstep and all that, but honestly, real life doesn't always work like that - it's more of a movie thing, and you shouldn't rely on it. Don't go to Italy to find out whether he loves you, because he could be just a player. Players are good feeding you "deep and passionate" words, and you could only get your heart even more broken. You love him, but he may not love you back, and I think it would be important for you to just ask him.

              If you go to Italy and that guy calls the police, you don't want to get involved with the Italian cops - you don't want to get involved with the police in any country that isn't familiar to you. Because let's face it, they will have his story about just a woman who he met in the Internet and who then suddenly popped in to Italy after him. It won't sound too good in their ears, especially if he colours the story with words like "crazy" and "stalker" and "harass".

              I do not want to judge you, and I'm trying to stay rational with this - please, contact this guy and ask him whether he would like to give it a shot and meet him. If he says no, it will be quite obvious that he doesn't want to see you, and you shouldn't go to Italy to meet him. You're talking about him getting hurt in the past and that he is scared of falling in love, but anyone can say those things, no matter how deep and spiritual they seem. So mainly for your own sake, find out what he really thinks and feels, before you do any actions at all.
              "Everyone smiles in the same language."


                You like to generalize saying "you americans...." Well I'm not american, or canadian, or british or from any English speaking country but I understand the same as the rest of the people about stalking, acosadora, molestatore... Put it in any language that you want, the meaning doesn't change!
                And the fact that you are crazy and you need help ASAP is not affected by the fact that americans told you that, reality is reality! You need help, that can be confirmed by americans, latins, europians, middle easterns, asians...

                Why torture yourself with this fantasy??? By the pics that you have in your profile it is evident that you are beautiful, you dont need to be going after a looser that likes to trick girls on internet... I'm sure that if you just let that go you will find another guy. Sadly some guys are like him, but others are really good guys, just dont trust them so fast and if someone says that he loves you that fast it is probably because he is tricking you. Give yourself the chance to meet a new guy. But for that you must leave that francesco alone! If you can't do that, and your obcesions still this bad please look for help, do it for yourself!


                  Right let me get this straight,
                  You've been talking to your SO for roughly a month, we're planing a visit,marriage and kids. He got cold feet and cut contact so you want to go to where he lives which is in another country to find out what happened.

                  This is not rational behaviour!!
                  To me, it seems you freaked him out. If your prepared to go to another country to find out why he dumped you after a month is NOT normal behaviour by anyones standard.You said when you had arguments he stood his ground so he obviously has nothing more to say to you. You need to face up to the fact that he has dumped you, doesn't want to be with you,talk to you anymore. Going to his home will more than likely get you arrested and sectioned.
                  As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                    Learned the hard way you can't reason with an unreasonable person. All the logic in the world won't get through to someone who is convinced she's right and everyone who disagrees with her is an idiot. She's living in her own world, and will resent anyone who tries to explain the real world doesn't work like her fantasies.

                    Pointless to keep this going.


                      - Grow up
                      - Let go
                      - Move on with your life.

                      There. It doesn't take a genius to comprehend these words. Do yourself a favour.


                        Anyway, I thought since the other thread has been closed then there will be no more talk/discussion about this.
                        But I found this again.
                        Seriously, I think whether this girl just can't accept the fact and people's advise here..
                        She just think that it is amusing to read comment and so many people pay a lot attention for this thread...
                        *shrugs* Sorry if I sounded harsh, but that is just my thought from what I read, because you seem like enjoy it apart from they give you nice comment or not.
                        As for me, this will be my last comment for this thread or any kind of threads that you may post related to this issue.

                        Good luck with your life!


                          Oh my GOD! Seriously girl, move on! Its obvious that he doesnt want to see/speak to you, so accept that and move on! Find a guy who does care about you. You really do sound obsessive, stalkerish and out right creepy. The other post was closed, so why carry it on here? People here give you honest advice, not sheltered stuff like "awwh isnt that terrible, go stalk him and fly to see him and ruin his life" which is what you obviously want to hear. To be quite honest, im fed up with your attention seeking ways and you really need to leave it be, or stop posting about it.
                          Sorry to be harsh but i think everyone just wants to stop hearing about it.


                            this stuff is more amusing than troll accounts on youtube to read... If this story is true you need to grow up chica! 'almost a month' is not really anything you don't learn that much in depth, just surface details that really don't mean much. but if you want to be bat shit stalkerish go for it, have fun with the Italian police. Ruining someones life over this is ridiculous and a very sinister thing to do. Obviously you have never been on the internet before if you are unfamiliar with people who play with others emotions constantly! At least you were lucky not to get a creeper who lets you show up and does horrid things to you.
                            "taim i ngrá leat mo anam chara <3"

                            Kitten: -laces fingers together- our souls are one <3
                            Keith: -blushes and gazes at lovingly- forever and always <3


                              I don't understand what this thread is about. Do you want more comments from us or what? You need to let go hun for your own sake. This is not good for you. Close this thread and forget about Fransesco. Or if you decide to go after him don't announce it here cause honestly, we don't want to know.

