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Anyone who's gone from CD to LD...

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    Anyone who's gone from CD to LD...

    I've been with my boyfriend for 2 1/2 years, living only 3 streets away & seeing each other nearly every day due to school. Now he's moved 100 miles away, & at the minute we're seeing each other 2 out of every 3 weekends, which works out well because of the train prices. We're only 16, so obviously aren't the richest people in the world. But with a rail card, it works out around £25 roughly, which is affordable considering we're only paying once every 3 weeks. But, it'll be winter soon, & unfortunately the price of train tickets ROCKETS. It's ridiculous, so instead of being £25 for a return, it'll be £60 for a return. No way can we afford to keep up the frequent visiting. Our parents haven't said anything yet, but I've got a feeling we'll be seeing each other once every month. Worse thing is, our anniversary is on 14th february, valentines day, & I don't think we'll be able to meet up for that now considering the price just for 1 evening. I'm so sad about it now. Slowly, the time we see each other is decreasing. From almost every day, to once a month. At the minute, just not seeing him for 2 weeks is killing me. I understand there's nothing that can be done. But I just feel so lonely. He's my rock, take him away & I just feel so alone. I know i'll learn to cope as time goes on, but I can't bear the idea of not seeing him for such long spaces of time. & I know how compared to some people on here who live in different countries, my situation isn't the worst one going. Yet it doesn't change how sad I feel. So, is there anyone out there that can offer some advice, who's had to change from a close distance relationship to a long distance one? The thought of it is really getting me down. & I know that it'll change in summer when the fares get cheaper again, but summer is a long long way away yet :/

    My boyfriend and I were very CD until 11 days ago. We lived on the same college campus in the same building, he lived with me and my family for 4 months, and then I lived with him and his family for 3 weeks before I went back to school. We can't afford to visit each other often, and the distance (8 hours) is the same whether I'm at school or at home. (I live 8 hours away from home while I'm at school--he's 8 hours away from either) We just text constantly. That helps.

    EDIT: We don't know when we'll get a chance to visit other than my breaks from school. And if he gets a long weekend or something after he gets a job and starts working he's already said he's surprising me and won't be telling me when he's coming. Just keep the communication up and when you do get to see each other since it will be less often just cherish it that much more. I know the one time we've been able to make Skype work (his internet sucks and mine..well it's provided by my school and it's not the best, the minute I saw him for was great) was great. As was hearing his voice on the phone while I was setting up my dorm room. My phone plan sucks so we rely on texting and rarely get to call eachother unless it's after nine at night or the weekend. But those are the times I'm doing schoolwork. You'll adjust and find your new rythm. It'll just take some time.
    ". . . We obviously have to come to accept it, but that doesn't stop it from gnawing at us day by day.
    The best we can do is enjoy our time together, anticipate our reunions, and remain passionate and loyal through distance." ~Mike <3



      My bf and I were a CD relationship until a little less than one month ago, he had to move cause of his job and I couldnt go with him cause of my studies... We cannot take a train to visit each other, we need to fly, so it's more expensive, we just try to check once in a while the prices to see if there is any discount to see each other at least for a weekend...
      It's being hard but like 11MikesGirl21 said, we are texting during the whole day and that helps a lot, since we waik up to say good morning... And every night we speak over the phone...


        Me and my SO were CD for 1 and a half years, we went to the same school during that time. Now he has goen to Uni and has been for the for the past 6 months. I found it really hard going from seeing and talking to him every day to only seeing him once every few weeks at first and now its every few months. Its hard but gets easier. Just keep communication up


          *hug* I'm sorry. I do think that couples who have gone from CD to LD are having it harder than us who started off as LD.

          That said, could you get a part time job? Or borrow money from parents? And then work it off by helping them with chores or something.
          I work in an office, and I'm usually working Saturdays and sometimes Sundays too, as I have a deal with my manager, I work weekends when I'm here and in return they let me take more days off. So we can spend about a week together every two months. His work schedule is quite rigid, he gets very few days off. So I usually travel up to him. He can't take days off but at least we have evenings and weekends together.

          Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


            My SO & I started out as CD and I do agree it is a really hard adjustment period when you first switch to LD. We too lived down the street from one another and we used to see each other every day. Going from that to LD, where you do not get to see each other is a shock to the system. But, you do eventually adjust. Just do your best to keep up communication as that is what will hold you two together. In my case, we're international and I won't be able to visit my SO until January- making it a full 7 months since we last saw each other. We also don't get to talk that much- once a week by phone and then we text using facebook when we can. It's hard and I can honestly say the only thing that really keeps me going is planning for our future together.


              My SO and I were CD for 4 months of official dating but by then we had known each other for almost a year. I understand how you feel, it's so hard going from him being there to not being there and when the trips seem to get less and less it gets even worse. I think overtime you will start feeling more adjusted and not so sad all the time, it just takes some time. Personally for me the first year was horrible (doesn't mean it will be for you!) but now that we are getting into our second year of long distance I find it so much easier to cope. We've made an effort to skype each other at least once a week and talk on the phone every night for an hour unless something comes up. I think what might help you right now is to get into some kind of routine with your so, make skype dates (if you have webcams), have a movie night or some other type of date, make time to talk on the phone when you're both able. If you keep up with a certain routine I definitely think that it makes things easier and it gives you something to look forward to.

              Madly in love with Michael

