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long distance relationship and have not heard from him in days

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    long distance relationship and have not heard from him in days

    My fiance and I have been together for about 6 years now..and we are currently in a long distance relationship..He recently traveled to Europe for a "business deal" and I haven't spoke to him for about two weeks. I love him and want to continue this relationship but he keeps reassuring me that he loves me and he's just working on this venture..should i be supportive or should i think twice about this situation? i trust him, but my thing is eventhough he is away for business (that i dont know kind) its not fair or cool that he has to spend days without communicating with me..wat makes it worse is i dont even know when he will return to the states..i need advice please..

    mmm, 6 years is a lot! So I would guess that you have a pretty stable relationship, but I don't get why when he goes to Europe you both cannot have communication. He is not in Haiti or another poor country that not everybody has a phone and forget Internet... Europe is part of the 1st world so there is no excuse of why he doesn't call you o send you e-mails... In fact if he is going for business he probably has access to internet...
    Also is weird that you don't know which kind of business is he working on, why he doesn't trust in you? Or is about somethin ilegal? Or maybe he is not telling you the truth about where he is and for what reason?


      i just lost..and dont know how to deal with this situation...


        I guess there is not much to do until he re-establish contact with you :s or maybe when he comes back, but this is big deal you need to talk about this things with him because there are too many weird and hiden things.
        Right now you only can wait, I don't see what else you can do I'm sorry for this situation, I hope this won't be too long


          His "business" deal seems a little fishy to me, JennyRW is right, if he's in Europe there's no excuse not to have some kind of contact. I call home for free using Google Phone when I'm there, and cell and text rates aren't very expensive for quick communication. I think, if I were you, I'd insist on him coming clean about this "business", 6 years is a long time and there's no reason not to be completely open about it with you, unless it's not legitimate. A few days without communication is fine, but weeks on end without knowing when he's coming back is unacceptable in my book, and I'm very liberal when it comes to these kind of things.
          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


            Let me get this straight: have you been long distance the whole 6 years?

            Whatever his business is he has no excuse not to talk to you. Especially if you're planning on getting married. I think you need to find out exactly what is going on with him and why he is being so mysterious about his 'business'.

            If he's got a valid reason then fine, but he HAS to tell you. Long distance relationships will not work unless you can trust the other person 100%. Right now, you can't.


              Originally posted by LadyDN View Post
              My fiance and I have been together for about 6 years now..and we are currently in a long distance relationship..He recently traveled to Europe for a "business deal" and I haven't spoke to him for about two weeks. I love him and want to continue this relationship but he keeps reassuring me that he loves me and he's just working on this venture..should i be supportive or should i think twice about this situation? i trust him, but my thing is eventhough he is away for business (that i dont know kind) its not fair or cool that he has to spend days without communicating with me..wat makes it worse is i dont even know when he will return to the states..i need advice please..
              I'm confused... how does he keep reassuring you if you haven't spoken to him in two weeks?

              Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                Sounds a little dodgy to me, sorry! I think you should have a long talk with him about his "business" when he comes back onto the scene of things and ask him why he hasn't contacted you and why he hasn't told you what his business involves. Tanja is right, you can't be in a long distance relationship without being able to trust your partner 100%.

