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Attraction Growing with Time?

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    Originally posted by MadMolly View Post
    With my current interest... never met him in person... but the moment I first saw his photo, the entire earth dropped around me and my insides melted. Well kinda. Instantly, completely overwhelmingly attracted :P I can't wait to meet him...
    Haha I haven't met my boy either, and I'd seen pictures of him back almost 4 years ago when we first became friends online, but it'd been a long time since I'd seen photos of him, so when he sent me a recent one, I was literally like "hey boy heyyy" haha I can't wait to meet my SO either
    You never forget your first love...


      I think if you're not attracted to someone physically you never will be. I have felt so-so about exes and overtime have found them more handsome. But I've been out with guys who I did not find attractive at all. That never changed.

      Of course my current SO is beyond sexy and totally lovable too


        Yes yes!!


          I thought he was handsome in all the photos I saw, but as he was married, I filed that opinion in the back of my head. Even after we met the first time, I thought he was attractive, but again my brain didn't dwell on it as he was just my friend and was still married. It wasn't until after he split from his wife and we met up again that I let myself think about him. Now I think he's ridiculously sexy and I love looking at him, and every day I grow more attracted to him.


            Originally posted by Dziubka View Post
            How can attraction to your SO not grow over time?
            I agree. I feel like in any relationship the longer you've been together the more attractive you think your SO is



              Funny thing is, my SO and I were just talking about this last night. Of course, before we started dating I was physically attracted to him. I thought he was very handsome. But as time goes on, I can not believe how attracted I am to him. Just thinking about how attractive he is turns me on. Haha. But its not only physically that I am attracted to him. I am super attracted to who he is to. Emotionally and spiritually, I find my SO INCREDIBLY attractive. I think as you grow to love a person for who they are, they naturally become more attractive in all ways.


                yeah completly. not that i wasnt attracted to him in the beginning, but as more time passes i grew more attracted to him, and i think since being together in person just made it so much better, because yeah you can see in pics and on camera but i in person i really got to see him, and ill just say is just yum.
                I love you Nathan <3
                5/25/09 <3


                  I think the more you know someone, the more attractive they get. HOWEVER, there has to be something there to begin with. Attraction isn't just looks, its also personality. And if you have both of that going, whew! You've got sparks! I loved my SO actually more on a personality basis first and then he started really becoming devilishly handsome as time went on


                    Gonna roll a "Yes"


                      Oh most def!!! OMG yes!!!!!


                        Definitely, when I first saw a picture of my SO I thought, eh he's not too bad looking but now when I see his face I'm like wow how did I get lucky enough to land a guy this beautiful. To me he's not only gotten more attractive physically but also emotionally. I can just see the beauty radiating out of him and it takes my breath away.

                        Met: 8.17.09
                        Started Dating: 8.20.09
                        First Met: 10.2.10
                        Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                          Of course!


                            I was aware that he was good-looking when I first met him, but I wouldn't have said I was attracted to him. Of course I also had a huge, and hugely unhealthy, crush on his roommate at the time, which may have clouded my sensibilities a bit. My attraction to him, both physically and emotionally, has steadily increased over time - especially since we became a couple. Now, just thinking about the fact that I get to kiss him whenever I want (well, when we're together at least) makes my heart beat a little faster!


                              I think when you fall in love with someone, their physicality is enhanced by what you know about their soul. I definitely have become more attracted to my SO as time has progressed, although I've always thought he was cute. His laugh lines were what first attracted me to him. When I first met him, there was something gut-wrenching that attracted me to him, like an instinctual connection. Since the moment we've met, we haven't been able to stop touching each other--that's one of my favorite things about us. Our connection has only enhanced over the months, and as my knowledge of him as increased, my attraction, physically and physiologically, has grown by leaps and bounds as well.

                              In other words, I am so insanely attracted to him, heart, soul, mind, body, that it's beyond words.
                              "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


                                I can't remember what class I learned this from in college but studies have shown that the longer you are with someone the more attractive you find them.
                                I actually kind of feel like I'm still about the same with my SO. I'm really attracted to him but I wouldn't say my attraction has grown. I think it's because we're apart for so long being an international couple. (I have experienced this in the past though and I know it's possible. Whenever we visit each other, I would say my attraction grows during the visit but when we're apart it doesn't really grow.)

