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Not sure what to do

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    Not sure what to do

    Okay, so I've been with my bf for 3 months now. I know, i know were young. 13 and 14 years old. so now I'm just wondering if its possible for 2 people to love each other for a long long time.

    From my experience, I met him in a game called Lineage2, which I knew him threw my sister and so we just started to chat a bit. but then as the months passed by soo quickly he's talking to me less, and wanting to go on webcam less as well and i really hate to be annoying to ask him over and over again so i just wait until he wants to. But it doesn't seem to interest him.

    So I told him that i loved him right before he went to bed and he didn't respond to me. like he didn't say ' i love you too ' last time he told me that it was 'ily' and for me that sign is like a 'Ily as a friend' (maybe its just me).. (my opinion 'I love you' is more trusting then ily)

    I really really don't want to end this. I love him too much to let him go. but I had moments when I wanted to let him go because he really didn't seem to care or anything but I had another moment to tell myself, I cant let this go now, it would be a big mistake and just keep going.

    The thing that is bothering me is he's looks. He is really good looking. I'm just scared that another more pretty then me. more smarter then me is going to show up. he told me that if that ever happened he would've told me I said I trust him because I do.

    I can't really tell/say what/how he would react to other girls. Because we are miles apart. I live in Canada. he lives in Europe...

    Everyday it seems to bugg me soo much to the point where I have a tear...

    But the positive side in all of this is that I'll get to know him more in the summer. He will come to Canada, he travels alot so thats another good thing. He's not traveling alone tho I think its with hes dad. or grandpa. I dont remeber I hope that everything is going to go fine....

    Well you guys are still pretty young, so you have your whole lives ahead of you including finding the right person. And your right ILY is something you say to your friend not your girlfriend/wife/husband/boyfriend, I dont really sense any love between you guys except for friendship, but you know i and everybody else can only give you advice, you have to make the final decision yourself. what is your heart telling you to do??


      personally i believe 13/14 is really young to love someone, but then again i think 17 is (i am 17 in a few months) cant help who you fall for and if you feel like you truly love him with all you have, people shouldnt judge that, there is no set age where people say: 'okay you are old enough to be inlove properly now' and before then it all doesnt count. it depends on the individual and from your thread you seem mature for your age so on that point i agree with caitlin, what does your heart tell you?
      i think you seriously need to have a talk with this boy, he doesnt care about talking to you? going on webcam? doesnt say 'ilove you' when hes made you think he does? that isnt good, in an LDR communication is the key, if you cant even talk there really isnt much else left. im getting a feeling you feel insecure about him and other girls, he should reassure you and you should have the CONFIDENCE in him that he wont cheat on you, you said hes goodlooking, and who knows he might have other girlfriends you dont know about, seems to me that you dont feel close to him anymore so him having someone else is a possibility, can i just say, looks aren't everything... if he's not treating you right; bringing a tear to your eye, he really isnt worth your time. ive been 13, ive thought i was inlove and i stuck around because my heart was in it, but if his isnt... you really need to move on... i agree with caitlin when she says you are young you have your whole life ahead of you, caitlin is older than me(more life experience) so she probably can give you better advice
      bottom line is; follow your gut instinct, we can only advise.


        Like Cailtlin said, at 13 and 14 years old you're both very young. You've just entered into your teenage years and are starting to experience what it's like to be interested in dating and forming relationships. While I won't tell you that you shouldn't try and pursue a relationship with him if you feel it's the right thing to do, I will tell you to think critically before letting your heart grow fonder of him day after day. At your age you most likely don't have jobs, so travelling to see each other without the financial aid of your parents will be near impossible. There's a lot of questions you should ask yourself before going any further:

        Can I honestly see myself going through all of high school and teenage years in an LDR?
        Can I trust him to be faithful?
        Can I trust myself to be faithful?
        How often will we be able to visit?
        With everyone around me starting to date will I feel left out?
        How long until we can be together permanently?

        These are just a very small number of questions which you really need to think about before getting involved in an LDR. Let this be a warning: An LDR is not for the faint of heart. It's more time consuming than a CDR because communication via MSN or telephone is all you have. No lazying around just watching a movie, or enjoying quiet time with each other. The bottom line is this: If you want to get involved with him, and hope he feels the same way about you, can you handle years of being able to only see each other once, maybe twice a year?

        I wish you the best of luck on your journey and ask that you please take the time to seriously consider that which you'll be getting yourself into.

        Peace & Love


          I could only say that every relationship is different, I've seen every type of couple. Just live your love life!

