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    So I thought I was going to get a job... they never called so I'll try them tomorrow.

    Anyway, I don't have a job, I offered to pay for a hotel if Robert came to see me, since my parents are VERY old fashioned so they wont let him stay here.

    I want to see him for the holiday's which looks like I wont have the money to visit him. My parents give me $200 shopping allowance for the holidays so I can get everyone something and round trip there would be $102.-$157 there's no way I would be able to get my family presents AND go see him and it brakes my heart.

    Any ideas what I could do to earn money for a hotel for us, or earn money to go up there?
    I've been busting my ass to find a job and no one is hieing here.
    " There is always hope.

    Do you live near any colleges? I love looking around at college's psychology departments to see if they need research participants. My SO and I made enough money for a dinner out last week for only two hours of a study. Good luck, you have plenty of time to make it happen!


      I live near a community college but that's it. I suppose I could ask.
      " There is always hope.


        There is always babysitting.


          Don't be afraid to take a humbling job. Of course working somewhere like Taco Bell or McDonalds is not ideal, but it is a job, and they are usually hiring.


            smart way to get gifts is to get something small and thoughtful on EBAY (you can also try to sell something there if you have something worth selling) ! Or even make something yourself. That way you can save up some.
            Also, and it may sound a bit crazy, but get a couple of your friends together and do a bikini carwash one weekend. I am sure you can make $ that way. Doesn't even have to be something dirty, but girly and sexy so men are more willing to get their car washed and pay for it.

            I do not know if you have even done "name your own price" on, but i must tell you that that option saves a lot of money if you do not care what time your flight leaves. So I am sure you could knock down the price of a ticket quite a bit.


              If you arent queasy donate plasma. I'm going to start doing this as im currently job searching as well. Also what about making your family gifts?

