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Getting a Flex belt

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    Getting a Flex belt

    So my mom puts $200 a month in my bank account of which she gives me $25 a month for me to spend the rest of the money is to go toward a car, I can't touch it or she will kill me lol... but seriously I cant touch it.

    Well next month ( October ) she is letting me get out a little extra so I can get a Flex Belt off of Ebay.
    Which means I'm going to get into shape and look sexy when I get to see my SO next time.
    As if being sex deprived wasn't enough for him I'm going to be hot as hell on top of it.
    He wont be able to keep his hands off of me

    Do you do anything to improve your looks before seeing your SO?
    Does anyone here use a Flex Belt?
    " There is always hope.

    DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY!!!!! Those are such garbage!! If you want to look good for your SO eat healthy and do some real exercise. Don't get fooled into thinking a vibrating belt is going to be a magic cure. Seriously, run for 15 min a day, do jumping jacks, it doesn't take much but the belt won't strengthen your muscles or give you toned looking arms. Push ups and running up and down the stairs for ten min will improve your overall appearance. Nothing comes easy as you should know being in an LDR, put a little sweat into it, you will be pleasantly pleased.


      I'm trying to get in shape for a few reasons. One, just to feel better about myself. I've gained weight over the last couple of years and I hate how I feel -- all the clothes I own are tight, I can't run up the stairs the way I used to, I hate shopping for new clothes. I want to be fit and healthy.

      Also, next June my cousin is getting married and I'm a bridesmaid. The last thing I want are a bunch of photos of me in a shiny dress and fat!

      And yeah, getting fit for the man is nice too. He says he likes me as I am, and I know he's telling the truth, but I'm not happy with my body right now, and I don't want that coming between us.

      So now I'm running. I'm actually doing the Couch to 5k program, which I love. At the end of October, I'm running my first 5k. I'm eating better, trying to cut back on unhealthy snacks and add in more fruits and veggies. And tomorrow I'm joining Weight Watchers, just for the accountablity.

      I hope to lose 50 pounds in the next year.


        What the hell is a flex belt? Sounds like a scam to me. The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you intake. There. That's the secret to weight loss. Eat less, exercise more.


          I also think it would be a waste of money. Even if you're not up for doing much cardio, you could always do something like yoga or pilates. You could even just google some basic stretch diagrams and practice those. It will tone you, giving you more of a slim, athletic look and it will also improve your balance. I'm a dance teacher and I have asthma that flares up with intense cardio, so I find ways to work around that.

          Oh, and of course, diet! The best first step you can do is to wean yourself off beverages that contain sugar. You would be surprised at how much weight you can lose just by doing that.


            I don't want to lose weight its a belt that tones your Ab muscles. I've checked out reviews from tons of different sites and I've seen pictures that people have posted every single review I've read was positive.
            " There is always hope.


              hmmm...when you said you were going to "get fit," i thought that meant you wanted to lose weight in general...

              i know this might sound a little rude and i apologize, but it sounds like you've already decided that you'd rather bet your money on getting slimmer in the most effortless way sound so determined to get in better shape for your SO, so i wonder why you've resolved yourself to putting so little effort into it...

              anyways, just for your own protection, is there a money back guarantee on this product? i would check into that...


                I don't personally use one, but my sister was gifted one and one of my close friends has one. Didn't work at all for them at least. Probably because the secret to toning your abs is really losing body fat. You can have the best ab muscles in the world, but if you aren't eating right or doing regular cardio your muscles won't really 'show' which is the definition you are looking for.


                  Yes you need to eat well and do cardio to help lose fat. The belt has to reach the muscles if it can't reach the muscles it can't tone them. Its a toning tool something to add to a work out, its not meant to help you lose weight. It takes cardio and and healthy diet as well.

                  And I've tried working out for a while but it doesn't do anything for my abs So I want to give this a try.
                  Its not like I'm getting it to be lazy. I'm going to be using it for an hour a day plus doing cardio and eating right.
                  " There is always hope.


                    You can also tone well by using weights I'm still working to lose my last bit of belly fat, but after doing crunches with a weight machine, I have a lot more definition. I'd suggest doing something with weights, it'll give you more definition and make you more fit in the long run!

                    Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                    Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                    Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                      I got one as a gift and i used it and it did nothing for me, my friend also used it as well (this friend is a lot smaller than me) and it also did nothing for him, i'd say not to waste your money on the flex belt at all. I would recommend the Korean hula hoop (while painful they do work a little).

                      Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                        Abs are the hardest part of the body to "tone". First of all you need to have like 0% body fat. Then you need to work constantly on your abdominal muscles in order to get the illusive 6-pack everyone seems to crave. There is no short cut.


                          Why not spend the money on consulting a personal trainer, even for one session. They can show you what kinds of exercises would help get your abs toned and a general work out routine.
                          "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                            Originally posted by Rugger View Post
                            Why not spend the money on consulting a personal trainer, even for one session. They can show you what kinds of exercises would help get your abs toned and a general work out routine.
                            That is a good idea. And also eat a lot of fiber, that is what worked for me


                              While I am at the gym one of the things I do is the plank for my abs..hurts but you don't need to go to the gym to do it you can do it at home

                              If you really need it you should buy it but there are lots of different ways to work on your abs without spending money

                              When my SO and I met after and properly got together I was actually at my highest weight (damn american food ) So I just started running and going to the gym and got back to my normal size. I like being in shape for my SO. He also likes keeping fit.

