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Things to tell people who don't understand?

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    For each of them, id stand tall and proud x

    Don't you miss him/her why don't you just move there?
    Of course I miss them, but its a challenge we can overcome because we love each other. Moving in together might make one of us unhappy right now.

    How come they haven't sent you anything yet?
    because they are busy, it isnt like we havent talked. words are sometimes better than gifts. plus, he needs to limit his spending money, i dont want him spending stuff on me.

    Aren't you worried that he/she will cheat on you?
    yes, but he might be worried i will too. If its an honest and open relationship, it shouldnt be a problem

    Why don't you just find someone here?
    Because why give up on the person you love for someone who might be a rebound or just a booty call until they return?

    How do you handle being alone all the time?
    You become busy and focused. it isnt like you are alone constantly - there are friends, family, and the odd phone call here and there from him

    Aren't you afraid they will leave you?
    Yes, but its a risk im willing to take

    How can you go on dates if they aren't here with you?
    because i still need to go out there and have fun with both guyfriends and girlfriends. going out doesnt mean its set for just girlfriends and boyfriends.


      Don't you miss him/her why don't you just move there? Because I'm still working out plans so that I don't end up a hobo on the streets.

      How come they haven't sent you anything yet? Because we don't see the need to show our affection via fancy gifts, we prefer heartfelt things like songs or poems.

      Aren't you worried that he/she will cheat on you? Yes but I trust and love him enough to give him the benefit of the doubt, besides he lives in a small town he's worked his way through all the girls there.

      Why don't you just find someone here? I have and it didn't work out, I didn't choose to fall in love with him but it just happened and I didn't pick his location either, he is where he is that's that.

      How do you handle being alone all the time? I'm not alone all the time, I'm in constant communication with him, which is more than I got from any guy in the local area.

      Aren't you afraid they will leave you? Of course I am, but that doesn't pertain to the LD any guy could leave me, but there's nothing I can do about it except love him with all I have. If he wants to leave that's his choice.

      How can you go on dates if they aren't here with you? Through the lovely invention of webcam, we don't need to be in the same area to see each other.

      Met: 8.17.09
      Started Dating: 8.20.09
      First Met: 10.2.10
      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


        Don't you miss him/her why don't you just move there?
        I really wanted to go to college in Florida. It's an excellent financial and academic decision for me. He had to stay in Jersey because he has two jobs there and it's hard to find a job these days. So this how it has to be for now.

        How come they haven't sent you anything yet?
        He actually just sent me something!

        Aren't you worried that he/she will cheat on you?
        I'm slightly worried but I trust him. So it's just my insecurities. I know he loves me so I let him do whatever he wants and just trust him.

        Why don't you just find someone here?
        I could, but he's special. I am completely happy with him. Why would I do that just for some closeness.

        How do you handle being alone all the time?
        I do a lot of schoolwork and hang out with my friends. We talk on the phone almost every night. Sometimes it's kinda nice haha I do more studying.

        Aren't you afraid they will leave you?
        No. I know he loves me. That's all I need.

        How can you go on dates if they aren't here with you?
        We don't really. He doesn't have Internet so we just talk on the phone.

        Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
        Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
        Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
        Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
        Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


          Don't you miss him/her why don't you just move there? You realize we're in college, yes?

          How come they haven't sent you anything yet? Well, he's making it for me by hand I'd hope he takes his time on it.

          Aren't you worried that he/she will cheat on you? Kinda hard to cheat when you're not in a "relationship" LOL

          Why don't you just find someone here? I've yet to find someone here who's reasoning in dating isnt only to get in a girl's pants. I don't know about you, but i'd rather have my love than used for sex a few times.

          How do you handle being alone all the time?

          Aren't you afraid they will leave you? Not really. Even if he did, I'd be happy for him. But he knows he'd be missing out on hugs

          How can you go on dates if they aren't here with you?
          Lmao, i dont do skype dates XD and i never went on a date with my ex, even though he was CD

          Should add the whole how can you love some stranger? Everyone starts off as a stranger in your life. Even your parents. you get to know them. I know him, and hearts led the rest of the way.


            i know how you feel like me and my fiance have been together for 4months i really feel she the one shes is diffrent then another one ive met i mean hell i love her its diffrent it has its bad moments but thats to be expected in a LDR what hurts me is my parents actually yell at me cause im in a "electronic" relationship ive tried 8 times to see her but my parents say no?! *she has issues with her dad who drinks heavily and treats her and her mom very badly mom knows about us her dad doesn't* so my parents refuse to let me see her or go to her they dont like it they disaprove they do the why dont you meet someone here its very aggravating when you love someone to death and u wanna marry them but your parents just wanna put a wedge in there were moving in may together to Oklahoma and we can have a fresh start together idc about the little time we had in person together what time we had we learned alot and then not to mention the hours on the phone and in text talking and working it all out i love her


              Don't you miss him/her why don't you just move there?
              No. Iīm in love with a guy who I get to see only every few months, but I donīt miss him at all. Do I speak Spanish? No. Does that answer your question?

              How come they haven't sent you anything yet?
              Because there is this little thing called university that he attends that is ALMOST as expensive as Fedex.

              Aren't you worried that he/she will cheat on you?
              That never even occurred to me. I guess I just trust him more than you trust your SO.

              Why don't you just find someone here?
              Because I ONLY date Mexicans, and I have expired Toronto's supply.

              How do you handle being alone all the time?
              I have friends, thanks for asking. Apparently unlike you.

              Aren't you afraid they will leave you?
              Arenīt you? But yet again, I guess our relationship is just stronger than yours, to the point that I donīt have to worry.

              How can you go on dates if they aren't here with you?
              Dates are for squares. No really, only people in new relationships or failing relationships date. We do this thing called talking. Conversations are lovely, you should try them.

              TL;DR Yes, I am a sarcastic a-- when it comes to things Iīm passionate about. Or even mildly interested in.

              "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
              -Miguel De Cervantes

              Read our story HERE


                These are questions that a lot of us deal with from people who don't understand being in an LDR...but what really irritates me are the people who act like we all NEED to find "local people" if that's the end-all, be-all answer to a happy relationship.

                This is a sensitive issue for me, as I'm active on another relationship forum where I am regularly crapped on for being in an LDR. Anytime I bring up an issue between us, I'm told that I "need to find someone local"...hell, I could say that he and I are happy as two pigs in slop and several people there would still say I "need to find someone local"...

                It irritates me, but at the same time, I have come to realize that they are too shallow and short-sighted to understand that love doesn't understand physical distance. I didn't ask to fall in love with a guy who lives 2,500 miles away and in a different country...but, here I am, and I wouldn't give up what he and I share for anything.

                As for the specific questions:

                Don't you miss him/her why don't you just move there? Because moving and immigration cost money that we don't have...are we supposed to throw in the towel just because we lack the funds to be together right now?

                How come they haven't sent you anything yet? Why should he? We talk on Skype regularly and share more in terms of verbal communication than my own parents share while living in the same house...why is a material object more important than communication?

                Aren't you worried that he/she will cheat on you? No, because he doesn't do anything he doesn't -want- to do...if he wanted to be with someone else, he would break up with me and be with them. He has chosen to be with me...and I have no reason to distrust him.

                Why don't you just find someone here? Because I love him. Duh.

                How do you handle being alone all the time? The same way I handle best I can.

                Aren't you afraid they will leave you? Being CD is certainly no guarantee of a successful relationship...aren't you afraid your SO will leave you?

                How can you go on dates if they aren't here with you? Obviously, we can't go on physical dates. But as I've already said, we spend more time communicating than a lot of people who live in the same home together. I'd rather spend time talking to him about his hopes and dreams for the future than sitting in a restaurant eating an over-priced meal.


