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What has your SO gotten you!

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    He doesn't really get me anything cause he's not much of a gift giver (specially cause he doesn't have much money either) buutttt I am getting his fav football jersey for my bday next week and I can't wait!


      Originally posted by DemonxOisin View Post
      Mine spoils me ROTTEN!

      He gives me love. And patience. I have Borderline Personality Disorder, which is sort of like being bipolar, but I can switch moods in like an instant :P And he loves me even with that. Heīs a poor university kid, so I donīt need him to send me gifts or something, because what he gives to me emotionally is the best gift EVAR. Rawr!

      Also he learned origami to make me a beautiful rose :P And a little toy helicopter that he has always carried with him since he was a small child. And he helped me pay my rent while I was in BC >.>...<.<...>.>
      So so beautiful. Makes me tear up a bit.

      I have a diagnosis that's gone back and forth from BPD and PTSD, and I'm not easy to love. But my SO loves me anyway, and loves me for who I am. If he never ever got me a single material thing again, I wouldn't care.

      Yeah, your post really hits home, heh.


        We haven't really been together long enough to get gifts for each other, but more importantly, it's what he's done for me. He knew how evil my mom was by description of both my best friend and I and how just because he's my best friend's cousin, she already has a negative notation going for him. Even though he knew all that, he decided to go to the city where my mom was moving to and help her move into her new place because he knew it was his last day here and he wanted to spend it with me and I had to go help my mom move into her place. Regardless of all the negative thoughts she had towards him prior to meeting him, she ended up loving him! I was so happy that she ended up liking him and I was impressed with his sacrifice for me. I mean, who wants to help an evil mother of their gf move in when moving is high stress enough? He did and I was very thankful.


          To be honest, my SO hasn't gotten me a lot yet. He gave me a little calendar of the Catholic saints which I love and whenever he goes out he always returns with a lollipop for me (my favorite). And anytime I see his family they send me off with handwrapped cookies and cakes made from scratch. We've been together for awhile now, but he's from a very poor country and his family is quite poor...they live 7 of them in a small 2 bedroom house with no running water and nearly daily blackouts. He goes to university for engineering on the weekends and works the other 5 days of the week to help support his family. Seeing the committment he has made to his family is incredible, I really couldn't expect him to take out of that money to buy me gifts. I know that one day that day will come and I am completely fine waiting for it.

          In comparison, my ex showered me with gifts...for my graduation, he brought me to the Bahamas, gave me numerous electronics, jewelry, expensive shoes and clothes...yet I never felt loved or appreciated. May sound crazy, but I would say my SO gives me a lot more without spending any money.


            Originally posted by books View Post
            May sound crazy, but I would say my SO gives me a lot more without spending any money.
            I don't think it's crazy at all; I feel exactly the same. My boyfriend doesn't shower me with gifts but he showers me with love every day of my life, and no number of expensive presents could compare to the pricelessness of that


              He got me a personalized t shirt with my favorite team on it and my own name and number as well as a beautiful heart necklace for christmas.

              Finding myself.


                We haven't been together that long at all to be giving gifts like everyone else. On Valentine's day he sent me an e-card and a card in the mail. It was sweet.
                Things happen for a reason especially when you never expected it


                  I agree that it's not crazy at all.

                  Gifts aren't important to me at all, especially expensive ones.
                  I really like gifts that come from the heart and show that the giver has actually put a lot of thought into them.
                  It doesn't matter if it was free or cost 1000€, if it's something that relates to both the gift giver and the receiver, it's a good present. If it's some generic shit that screams "I walked into a store and bought the first thing I saw, because I had no idea what to get you", it isn't, even if it was crazy expensive.

                  My favourite presents from my boyfriend are
                  - the ring he gave me for our 1st anniversary. Not because it's a ring or jewellery, but because it's perfect. It's exactly the style I would have wanted.

                  - a teddy bear he gave me when we first started dating. It's terribly cheesy and holds a heart that says I love you in Polish.

                  - last Christmas he gave me tickets to see Moliere's School for Wives. It was a perfect present, because when I visited him in October had seen the ads and mentioned that I wanted to see it. He seemed not very enthusiastic about it, though and I couldn't buy tickets online so I was a bit disappointed but let go of the idea. He later told me that he had secretly bought the tickets the day after I told him.
                  Last edited by Dziubka; February 28, 2012, 02:08 PM.

                  Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                    My SO likes to spoil me when he can but his current financial situation limits him.

                    My favorite gifts from him have been....
                    - My promise ring. It's beautiful. It is a silver ring with two hearts, his birthstone (since I hate mine), and our two names engraved. He got it for me around the time of prom so it was an amazing gift.
                    - Clinque Acne Solutions Kit. I know that sounds weird but he knows that I am extremely self concious about my acne. I'm also allergic to most acne treatments. He heard about this kit from a friend who said it worked for her and got it for me because he wanted me to feel good about myself. It was really sweet!
                    - Stuffed animals. For every big occasion (anniversary, visits, ect) he gets me a bear since I love them. I don't have all of them anymore (we broke up for a bit and I gave some away) but am starting a collection again!

                    He also cooks me dinner and such a lot. He's amazing.

                    Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
                    Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
                    Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
                    Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
                    Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014

