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When Fate Knocks...

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    When Fate Knocks...

    Today has been a rough day. I'm trying to find a second job so that I can start saving money for plane tickets and/or to help with moving in the future. (Also, I need to start paying student loans.) I applied for a Census job a few weeks ago. When I called today to see if they received my application, they said yes and were impressed that I scored so high on their exam (Wow! You scored a 97, that's really high!), but then they proceeded to tell me they've already hired 1200 people in the last two weeks, but not to get upset I MIGHT get a call in the next couple of weeks. Followed by another disappoint on another job that has trainings coming up this week, but I can't attend because I have NHS induction and UIL to attend at school. Then, I take my two kitties to the vet. They both have worms and ear mites, and Ginsberg needs an antibiotic. I can't afford anything though.

    I sit there in the waiting room fighting back the tears, because I can't get them the treatment they need and I feel like a horrible pet-mom. Not only that, but because I talked to my SO about the plane ticket for July that neither of us has the money for yet. I MIGHT be able to buy it in May, but hopefully/definitely by June. We didn't get far in our conversation because he said he couldn't afford it and that's all there was to it. I just felt hopeless, like it was 3 years ago all over again. (I'll explain this soon when I tell our story.)

    I log into WoW today to talk to a friend in our guild. I'm telling her about what's happening and how much I miss him and how scared I am that things are going to repeat themselves. I start to cry, but I'm interrupted by a loud knock on the door. It's the UPS guy with a 1800-Flowers box. As soon as I see it I try to hold back the tears, but they start coming anyways. I sign for the box, come inside, set them on the table and start to really cry. I get the note and it says "To the woman I miss and the woman I love. It really saddens me that we keep having to not see each other on happy occasions. These are to insure that today you smile that smile I love. Happy three months!" At this point, I can barely see to open the box. Inside are a dozen red roses and a box of Godiva truffles.

    I began crying from despair and fear and found myself crying from pure joy. The flowers arriving could've only been preordained as a sign of Fate that things are going to be fine; that they're going to work somehow, someway. I don't know what else to do but be thankful, smile through the tears, and send up a prayer to the Universe for all the many blessings I've been given.
    “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.”

    Wow, what timing! That is really cool, and I agree that sometimes things are just meant to happen and it shows itself to us as we need to see it.
    Best of luck finding a job! I'm in a horrible retail position, making almost nothing, and having a hard time with my dog shopping as well. If it's just drugs they need, you might try a regular pharmacy, sometimes they have the meds cheaper, (Kmart has a lot of pet meds) or 1800petmeds might have a better deal.


      What a wonderful gift and suprise...
      And I am sorry about your pets. Here is a natural treatment for ear mites you might already have in the house. It might not work to get rid of them completely, but it should help them feel better:

      I couldn't find anything for worms though. Looks like the medecine from the vet is the only safe way to treat them.

      Take care!


        awwww thats sweet of him to do of course they'll be ok,with most LDR's many times things always work out one way or another. No worries *Huggles*


          Originally posted by Rach321 View Post
          What a wonderful gift and suprise...
          And I am sorry about your pets. Here is a natural treatment for ear mites you might already have in the house. It might not work to get rid of them completely, but it should help them feel better:

          I couldn't find anything for worms though. Looks like the medecine from the vet is the only safe way to treat them.

          Take care!
          thank you for that!!! one of my kitty has ear mites, there is one thing you can do to treat the worms if you go to Petco or whatever your local pet store is its called Trade Winds Tape Worm Tabs. fair warning it is expensive, i dont have the money to take my cats to the vet myself at the moment so i know how you feel. I'm defiantly gonna try the ear mite thing


            awwwwww that is soooo super sweet!!


              That is so cute! I would die if that happened to me! In a good way. Bet that cheered you up!


                that is sooooo cute, i hope you feel better now and that it has given you hope! i hope everything works out for you soon x


                  That's so sweeet!! I hope it all gets better and you get to see each other soon *hugs*


                    That's so sweet!

