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Differences between you and your SO

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    We have different cultures (therefore diff music too) and religions but we aren't so different at all. We tend to have the same values and enjoy most of the same things except video games since i don't play much. He is gonna be a chef and I will be a doctor but we both want to work in California. We laugh together and love being together.


      Im a metalhead. She's not.
      I practice screaming when shes not around

      But the difference thats ever caused problems is our sleep cycles actually. She goes to bed a lot earlier than I do, which makes it hard to skype late at night. Even harder when we sleep together.
      Ive been working on goin to bed earlier though. University keeps me up pretty late


        Me and my SO have big age differnce 29 years gap
        We dont have anything in common, for movies hes into comedy drama types and for me i like fantasy sci-fic history.
        Hes more active he loves his work and very responsible so moving a lot , for me I like laying down being lazy i like going to univ though i think its the place i can move a lot.
        For music we share only one type which is country
        We are from different culture too but hes originally from my culture .
        Sometimes it hard to communicate becuz hes busy at work and I go to univ so i have a lot of free time so i get upset a little over this even though i should understand that . Our feelings and relationship built up so now we love each other
        Last edited by GFI_1155; August 15, 2012, 12:09 AM.


          Me and my SO are really alike, we both like pretty much the same things, both enjoy doing the same things In the beginning of our relationship when we first met in person, he would say that he liked things and I would be afraid to say that I liked them too because I didn't want him to think I was just copying him to make him like me more :P
          No time zone or distance or anything can keep us apart


            We both hate country music . We both like spicy food. Have the same taste in music and we understand eachother humor. He is more competative, I'm not. He is the optimist and i am the pessimist. Other differences are different culture, different languages. Different timezones. I am more talkative and a dramaqueen :d. He smokes and i don't. I think that is all i can think off for now.


              We have the same historical/political interests but different views on politics/religion [some what] and completely different tastes in movies / music , I don't really ever watch films.

              But our senses of humour are completely the same and except he's a bit more laid back for planning/time-keeping...we're quite similar really.


                we just work together and work our way around it. for instance she'll just jump right into something without thinking about it first, as im more cautious and need to think about everything before i do. I like to save money, she doesnt she likes to spend it, she likes to dress more girly and wear makeup, i do not im a tomboy, shes very close to her mom and dad, while i love my parents i probably could go for years without talking to them and not be bothered. I like it that way
                Last edited by Caitlin2009; August 15, 2012, 09:08 AM.


                  Originally posted by Softy View Post
                  I think that being different doesn't matter if you both agree with each others' differences.

                  Me and my SO are very different~!
                  Different country. (him in the US and me in Canada)
                  Originally posted by Softy View Post
                  Different language. (him english and me french)
                  (me English and French, him Persian and English)
                  Originally posted by Softy View Post
                  Different age (we have a 8 years gap)
                  We have a 4 year gap, he's younger than me!
                  Originally posted by Softy View Post
                  Different music tastes (he's a big fan of screamo and i like Jpop/kpop)
                  nope, this is one thing SO and I actually have in common!! We both love just about everything music-wise!
                  Originally posted by Softy View Post
                  Different tastes for food (we sooooo don't eat the same things)
                  Very similar tastes in food. We can generally predict what the other will like by our own tastes!
                  Originally posted by Softy View Post
                  Different religions
                  yes, I'm Catholic and he's Baha'i... but religion is really not important to either of us... so in a way we have that more in common...

                  Originally posted by Softy View Post
                  We have also a very different background...
                  yup! Me = French Canadian, him Persian.
                  Originally posted by Softy View Post
                  Having an age gap like this, we are at different 'stages' in life.
                  our age gap isn't as big but with him being younger, we are in different stages of life... I have a family, the idea of having a family is JUST starting to not scare the crap out of him!

                  Originally posted by Softy View Post
                  Yet, we respect each other, we understand each other, we love each other more than anything in the world.
                  Some differences are harder to deal with others but I believe that if you love and trust each other, you will be able to understand that differences don't matter.

                  First met online: June, 2010
                  First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
                  Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
                  Third visit together: August, 2012
                  Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
                  Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
                  Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
                  Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP

