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This time is different

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    This time is different

    Hello everyone! I've been on LFAD for quite some time now. Maybe I've shared my story as a part of a different post, but I don't believe I've really gone into detail. A few of you here have interacted with me already, but I don't know how many actually know much about me. For starters as the title says this time is different. Like a few others here I'm currently in my second LDR. Before I started dating I never had any apprehensions to being in one. In fact the though of dating never really crossed my mind as I've never had much luck with boys to begin with. When I started college in January of last year finding a boyfriend was like my main goal, mostly because I just wanted a companion. After many mishaps and getting myself in a bit of a tight spot. I finally came to the conclusion that I'm the only one who can make me feel good about myself and I'm really the only companion I need outside of a few close friends. Well by that time it was April and I'd actually met a guy and I thought it would work out, but he was an obvious creep and I was just too desperate to see it. During the awful and weird 2 months that I actually communicated with this guy online and through phone convos, I met my first boyfriend. We were friends for 2 months before we started dating. I broke it off with the creepy guy due to lack of communication and a few other things.

    Tyrelle and I had good times as a couple and we were together from July 2010 to January 2011. He was my first boyfriend and the first guy I ever said I love you to. Though we didn't have a happy ending and I had to break it off with him not because of the distance, but because I was just going through too much difficulty with having a good and stable relationship with him. We're still good friends to this day, which is fine by me.

    After crying my eyes out for like a week because I missed talking to him sooooooo much, I finally pulled myself together and started the moving on process. During that week he bugged me to play this game on facebook called Kingdoms of Camelot. It's a war game with alliances and all kinds of stuff. I was never really into games like that so I would've never started playing it on my own. I should thank him though as it's how I met my current SO. So after I started playing I started getting real into the game and was actually kind of addicted. I don't normally go to bed early so I was up late one night in March and went into global chat. A few of the peeps who I talked to on occasion were there playing truth or dare and I asked to join in. So it was my turn and I dared Jason (my SO) to make this horribly disgusting sandwich that my once younger cousin actually made and ate (this sandwich consisted of pb&j with baloney and cheese, ketchup, mustard, and mayo) I have no clue what my cousin was thinking when he made that sandwich, but I thought it would be funny to dare someone else to eat it. Of course Jason refused to eat it, I never really expected him to, but it was funny to get everyone's reactions hehehehehe. Then it was his turn and of course he dared me to do something that I wouldn't really consider a dare unless we were like 5 or something, but he's goofy like that and a big dork anyway . He dared me to be his in game girlfriend for like 5 days. Of course I accepted. I didn't think anything of it at the time. Just a silly little dare and I get to make a new friend out of the deal. Of course in game we never knew exactly what the other looked like, not that looks are extremely important to me anyway, but I must say something struck a cord inside me once I looked into those blue eyes of his (of course that was in his profile pic lol). Who knew that my life would be changed from a silly little game of truth or dare?

    Fast forward to 6 months later and everyday I love him more. We pretty much just continued on with the in game relationship and made it a real thing as by the end of 5 days we were both pretty sad to let the other go. I was up front with Jason about how I still had a few feelings left over for Ty and he never pressured me about it or anything. Needless to say I love my little Scotch-Irish sweetie. My relationship with him is so much different than my relationship with Ty was. Things are slower, more relaxed and passionate maybe because he's older and more patient about things I don't know. All I know is I love him

    Hope I didn't hurt anyone's eyes with all those words

    That didn't hurt my eyes at all haha!

    That's a cute story I like it a lot, and I wish you the best of luck. Hope things work out!


      Awww really cute story


        Thanks Guys! I hope it works out as well

