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Exercise club (because everything is more fun with company)

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    Exercise club (because everything is more fun with company)

    Apologies if this sort of thing has previously been posted before.

    I have a visit with my SO coming up in the next couple of months and it's about this time before every trip that I decide to cut down on the amount of crap I eat and get my lazy bum off the sofa to do some exercise so that I'm in shape when I see him.

    I've been at it for a week so far, but now I'm doing the 'ooh, better skip it tonight because I've got to do such-and-such' routine. Usually I suffer in silence, but I was thinking that - now I'm a member of LFAD and among people who will understand the GOTTA GET IN SHAPE QUICK panic - that maybe we can sort of start an exercise club to spur one another on and offer helpful advice. I can't exercise with friends because I hate talking or really socialising at all while I'm 'in the zone', so to speak, and I thought this would be a great alternative!

    Currently, I do 45 minutes to an hour every night apart from the two days a week my SO and I get to spend the whole evening together. It's a combination of jogging, star jumping, squat thrusts/core exercises (WHICH I HATE!!!!) and sit ups. I'd like to lose a couple of pounds, but my main aim is just to look toned come the visit to my SO. The routine has sort of come together as a mix of what I enjoy (jogging) and an exercise DVD I used to use (core exercises), but I've no idea really how effective it is. All I know is I'm bloody out of breath afterwards, so it had better be doing something!

    Anyone got any tips? Anyone currently in the same situation? Anyone want to shout at me like a drill sergeant and tell me to pick those goddamn feet up, girly boy?

    I would totally be up for a club. I've done this before on other forums. You pick some stats everyone would like to track, like say, weight loss, exercise frequency, inches, etc, and update either daily or weekly.

    Right now I am trying to build up to jogging for a half hour every day. I've been horrible this week; I haven't gone out at all. I'd also like to tone up. I'm soft and curvy, and that's fine, but some of the soft has gone flab, and there's too much curve now. I'm really really lazy, and I need accountability. So something like this would motivate me. And like you, I prefer to exercise alone. I work out harder if I'm listening to my music, and at the end of most of my workouts, I reward myself with a Skype call to my SO from where ever I've ended up on my run. *grin*

    I'd love to do this because like you, I'm seeing my SO in 2 months, and I want to get more fit before he comes. Of course I want to do it mainly for myself, as I am tired of being so unfit, and I want to wear my old clothes again. But I won't lie: I do want to look pretty for him. Oh, and I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding in June, and I don't want to be fat in the photos! So my goal right now is to keep moving, and then lose weight to look decent by June.

    Let's do this!



      My main issue at the moment is this little pot belly I seem to have developed recently; it was all fun and games squidging my tummy into a mouth shape in the mirror until I realised that my visit is fast approaching and I imagine doing my talking belly button routine - though hilarious - won't exactly be a turn on. So that'll be my goal-target-thing.

      I think the core stretches and sit ups will help with this, but if anyone can give me better advice, it would of course be greatly appreciated.

      I'm thinking an idea might be to check in every day to confirm exercise has occurred. THAT way I'll feel guilty if I'm not posting something, and the guilt might motivate me. And I expect you to shout abuse at me should one day I decide to go and eat a portion of fish and chips instead of doing some activity. Because, there's a fish and chip shop right close to my flat and frankly, that's very likely to occur.

      Being a bridesmaid is a GREAT motivator, and as you've got about a year or so to do it, it'll be an easily sustainable weight loss too - because I fully expect to regain any belly pudge that I might lose for this visit come Christmas. Stupid mince pies, they'll be the death of me.


        I would be up for this. I definitely need to be more active o_O
        Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
        Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
        Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


        You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
        Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

        Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
        Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


          I'd be up for this for sure i'm so bad about working out on my own, and I'll kick my own ass if I get to the gym, but i'm horrible about getting to the gym :P
          You never forget your first love...


            I'm pretty sure there is already a fitness Group on this site you guys can join to continue discussing this as this isn't really all that specific-LDR related.


              I'm up for a club! I'm a nursing student at my university and all I do is sit around and study. During the summer I was actively living and now I just feel lazy. This week I have 3 exams so I'm looking forward to trying to start working out after my last exam of the week on Friday. I have a YMCA pass, BUT a good way to start out is first by power walking (which I do to class every day anyway) then jog and such. The core exercises is a very good idea. I miss doing core exercises, but I HATE doing them along. I need a partner. I'm so used to working out in groups/partners because way back in high school I did pretty much every sport under the sun and we always did things in pairs or groups.

              ---------- Post added at 02:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 AM ----------

              Oh yeah, and I have NO idea the next time I'm seeing my SO. He's moving up here to continue school, but he doesn't know whether he's going to be up here 2 weeks from now or 2 months. We both just don't know.


                Originally posted by Rosebud View Post
                I'm pretty sure there is already a fitness Group on this site you guys can join to continue discussing this as this isn't really all that specific-LDR related.
                I don't mean to be contrary, but I wholeheartedly disagree.

                I can't speak for the others, but my fitness regime is inextricably linked to my LDR. I've found it very difficult to keep a healthy, balanced diet/fitness routine since my LDR began because now, essentially, it revolves around my visits with him - which it shouldn't, but thems the breaks. The cycle sort of begins when I leave him/he leaves me after a visit. There are a few weeks where I literally do nothing but sit around in my jammies and eat and be miserable because I miss him. Then real life hits, and the late nights/early mornings begin where we try to schedule our lives to get a decent amount of time to spend together, and when evening rolls around, I'm too exhausted from work and a bad sleep pattern to bother exercising. Then at last, the next visit begins to draw closer, and I realise what a slob I've let myself become for the last few months and it inspires me to do something about it.

                I think this thread is a good place to discuss the effects an LDR can have on your general fitness, as well as advice and tips on how you can get a more healthy balance despite being under the strain of an LDR.

                Also, I do worry that if I tuck this sort of thing away in a group, I'll most definitely let it slip because there won't be as much accountability there as right out here in this thread. Plus, quite a few people have shown an interest and I think it could definitely be fun. So, I'd like to ask that the moderating powers that be (I assume Frank and Michelle) allow us our little space here to coax each other on to ever greater goals of fitness.

                Plus, I don't think we're really hurting anyone.

                Now that we do have a few people interested, I think the important thing first to say is - everyone exercises at their own pace and in their own time. No one should feel bad, for example, for exercising less or more than anyone else.

                That said, maybe it might be an idea to figure out a routine that we can all have a go at and see how we get on? You know the sort of thing, suffering is halved if you share it with others? Especially as we have a soon to be nurse who might be a bit of an authority on what's the best way to keep fit! What does everyone reckon? It'd be like going to an aerobics class or something... only online, and... at all different times. So, kinda not the same really.


                  What's the point of having the Groups feature if everyone gives excuses to NOT use them. At the very least this should be moved to Ramble On, not the front page of the relationship-centered discussions.


                    Originally posted by Rosebud View Post
                    What's the point of having the Groups feature if everyone gives excuses to NOT use them. At the very least this should be moved to Ramble On, not the front page of the relationship-centered discussions.
                    Can we please not have an argument about this in the thread? That's not the point of the topic at all, and it's a waste if energy - negativity always is. I'm happy for Michelle to move this thread to Ramble On if she wants to - but I will contend that fitness and exercise regime is a part of my LDR, and might be for other people too, which is why I don't see there being a problem with it being in the sub-category which says 'find support from others'. Support is exactly what I'm looking for. I also don't see why it's offending anyone being here. It's not like it's multiple threads of spam - it's just one thread for people to congregate and support one another.


                      I think this is the best place to gather interest for a exercise club. I find that I generally head to this section first and forget about the rest (unless I am procrastinating from my study which I then go through all sections one by one lol.)

                      Anyway I am keen Why don't we start the club in the ramble on section after getting interest from here?



                        Originally posted by Madge View Post

                        Why don't we start the club in the ramble on section after getting interest from here?

                        I'm cool with that if it avoids arguments and people getting on their high horse. I'll start another thread in Ramble On later today - keep your eyes peeled!


                          Can a boy join this exercise club or is it one of those girls only ones cause my girl's in really good shape and I have to keep up. Seems like fun and some daily exercise is known to cause the brain to create some good old happiness hormones and chemicals.


                            Will keep an eye out for a new thread, but today to keep myself honest:

                            Walked/ran 6k, focused on running for 6 minutes at a time. Kept up about 3 rounds of 6 minutes run/1 minute walk before I got too tired to do another run. Still, felt good, and this is the longest I've been able to run.

                            For breakfast had a 2 egg omelette with avocado and one slice of cheese, and two veggie sausages. After my exercise I had a protein shake. Later I'll have a rice bowl with veggies and tofu, and walnuts as a snack. I will probably also eat something poor at work, because there are always temptations there. Boo!

                            After work I'll do some arm and leg strength training.

                            And I have no problem with men joining us! The more the merrier! Perhaps I can even get my SO to come out and post here sometimes... or not, hehe.


                              Good job, Minerva!

                              And to stop people throwing their toys out of their pram for no reason, voila!: new thread.

