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Rant, grumble, grouch

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    Rant, grumble, grouch

    So...I am feeling helpless and angry right now. The company my SO is working for is SHITTY. He didn't get the promotion he applied for even though he was the most qualified person there...IE the only one with a degree in that field. And he will have to pay his own way home if he comes back before 9/30. His contract was over the end of may.. makes NO sense.

    And there is nothing I can do to help him. I can't help ease his load because we have such limited time to talk on the days he works. I obviously can't fix that stupid ass company. I can't even send really good treats because they'd not keep long enough to get there.

    From the text convos, he's getting pretty down about it all. And I can't help. There's really nothing I can say beyond that I am here for him. It sucks not being able to hop in the car and go see him so it would be easier for him to lean on me. Oh...and I will be traveling to where we used to meet up and hang out (well same city) so I can visit my aunt who's been sick since xmas eve....really before that but she went back into the hospital on xmas eve...her bday.

    SCREEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I hate this feelng and there is not a mf'n thing I can do about any of it. I suck at being helpless....

    /end rant. thanks for "listening"


    I'm sorry you're feeling so helpless. I think my hb oftentimes won't even let on that he's down as to not make me feel this way, because it's really hard not to be able to help in any way. I'm sure he appreciates you being there to "listen" to him, though, and that will help somewhat. It sucks that he didn't get what he wanted, but perhaps it is for the best in the long run and that might bring him back to you sooner? What about making him a "cheer up" collage or something like that again? I'm sure that would make him smile. Hope you feel better soon!


      Thanks Luna...I have a carepackage that I will be sending out in the next few days so I am trying to come up with SOMETHING that will make him feel better or at least give him a smile to include....but so far got WILL come to me though!

      I wish he'd gotten it, even though that would have guaranteed him being there the rest of this year minimum. I want him home, but the confidence and other boosts that would have given him would have been well worth the missed time together.... but all things happen for a reason...just have to ride it out and see if the reason becomes clearer.


        *Huggles* I know this feeling all too well when something happens like that, but ya know talking to your loves online, phone or texting when this happens even though your not there it helps that there talking to you at that moment


          A lot of hugs! I hope everything works out for the best!


            *hugs* I do the care package thing when he gets down. I think that's one of the hardest's not being able to be there for him. It breaks my heart! The care package is sure to cheer him up though!


              Thanks ya'll! Hugs back. The care package has somethings I am pretty sure will make him smile...but now I wanna do something super extra special...Too bad I can't send myself via USPS ROFL


                *hugs* i've never dealt with a situation like this..
                but i hope you feel better soon! and that your SO sorts everything out because itl make you happy that hes happy


                  awww hugs, I am sorry. I hate that helpless feeling!!

