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Seperation brings about new feelings...

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    Seperation brings about new feelings...

    I am someone who had serious commitment issues. When my SO and I got together it took a lot of patience to break down some very high walls we had both put up from past experiences. In the beginning, being a LD couple was ideal. Now, not so much. I just came home from visiting him for 3 months and now home doesn't feel like home when he isn't here. I was never someone who thought I would want to stay with one person forever and that is why feeling so alone with out him was so weird. has anyone else had these feelings when they were separated from there SO after spending a long time period together? Did theses feelings of wanting to move and be with you SO go away as time went on and you settled back into life or did they get more intense?
    Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

    I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west

    My SO spent two months with me, and has been gone almost two months and it doesn't really get easier, where you don't stop missing him, but it doesn't hurt to be in bed alone as much as it did, as in im not crying any more. But I miss him, and I don't think it gets easier. Right now im feeling that too, I want to just move and be with my SO right now for always, but things take time, and its hard being in a LDR but i think that the distance does help you to appreciate things so that's a plus. I try to focus on the plus sides, shows commitment and it makes you stop and evaluate your relationship, go back on the memories and replay them in your head, and see how good or how bad things were, and when you see all the good makes it that much more worth fighting for and sticking it out. I know its hard, but stay strong! Just keep looking to your next visit together
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      No way! It gets intense. I mean, the first week or so my SO and I had what we called "withdrawals"and we literally felt sick (upset stomach and such), but they may be intense now, they may fade a tiny bit, but they will never go away. I'm busy with nursing school and everything so I thought it was ideal to have my SO going further away while I'm in school, but no, it totally sucks and I can't wait until he moves up here.

      Yeah,I was one of those ppl who was hardened to the world and couldn't commit as well,but when the right person walks into your life, you are CHANGED!


        When my SO moved I felt so alone and empty. It's not home without him, at all. So I understand what you are saying.
        After he moved I kept expecting him to randomly show up at my house or something... he jokingly called it being
        I still miss him but it's a little better with time now.

        It's still not home without him. and it never will be home without him.
        " There is always hope.

