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Help a Ph.D. student - be a research volunteer

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    Help a Ph.D. student - be a research volunteer

    I am posting this for a researcher.

    Are You In a Long-Distance Romantic Relationship?

    If yes, we invite you and your long-distance partner to be in a research study that examines what being in a long-distance relationship is like.

    We are looking for people who have been in a long-distance relationship for at least 6 months and live at least 100 miles from each other. We invite both married and unmarried couples. We would like to find people who both live in the United States and have a long-distance relationship, and we would also like to talk to partners who live in two different countries, one in the United States and the other somewhere else.
    Being in this study will take about 1.5 to 2 hours of your time sometime between September 2011 and December 2011. You and your partner will each be interviewed and audio taped at times that work for each of you. You can choose to be interviewed in person (if you are within a reasonable distance from downtown Atlanta), or over Skype or the phone (if you live somewhere else).

    What you say will be treated confidentially.

    Being in this study is voluntary. If you decide to be in the study, please contact the researcher, Orsolya Kolozsvari at

    Thank you very much for your help!

    Orsolya Kolozsvari
    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Sociology,
    Georgia State University
    Read my LDR story!

    Do both people have to participate?


      Sounds interesting, will this be published? I might be up for it :3


        Only if one of the two live in the united states?
        our story.


        02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

        "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


          Does this apply to couples who have closed the distance?


            I'm gonna send Orsolya an email with your questions. Get back to you soon!
            Read my LDR story!


              If my SO would like to I'd be intrested and do it!
              I love you Nathan <3
              5/25/09 <3


                Do both people have to participate? Yes, I am looking for couples. I would like to interview them both (separately - one interview with one partner and another with the other partner). It takes max. 1.5 hrs. It can be done over the phone or Skype at a time that is convenient for each.

                Sounds interesting, will this be published? I might be up for it :3 That is the plan, so hopefully yes. I will need to write the dissertation first once the interviews are completed, then look for publishing outlets. If Michelle and Frank are interested, I can share some preliminary results as soon as I have them on the website too.

                Only if one of the two live in the united states? Ideally either both should live in the United States, OR one lives in the U.S., the other in another country, but if anyone is interested with partners who live in two different countries other than the U.S., as long as they both speak English, please send them my way and we can decide on a case-by-case basis if they qualify.

                Does this apply to couples who have closed the distance? No, I am looking for couples who have been in an LDR for at least 6 months and are still in one at the time of the interview.
                Read my LDR story!


                  I'd be interested in doing this. I'd have to speak to my SO first though.


                    My SO and I are gonna do this. Only thing I don't care about in the consent form is the fact that we aren't supposed to talk about the interview with our SO's.


                      I'd totally do this...

                      ...if my boyfriend spoke English.

                      Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                        I would love to do this, but not sure my SO would be up for it. We shall see


                          Going to ask my SO about this. We're kind of in a rough patch right now, but it might be something interesting to do together to help mend things. I'll let you know if I'm participating.


                            i wanna join!!!

                            darn gotta get in touch with my SO..... :|
                            hope we can be part of it!!!


                              I sent him an email today. Hope my SO and I get to be a part of it

