I've been trying to figure out why I've been so sad in this LDR compared to my previous one. My current boyfriend is a thousand times more awesome than my ex boyfriend in my ex LDR, and we also get to visit each more often then a couple of times a year. So why the f*** have I been feeling so sad? Last night, after many tears, I finally figured it out.
It's my self-esteem. You see, my boyfriend has a huge array of close female friends. That's fine and dandy, but all of these girls are gifted by being so well-rounded. They're all attractive, friendly, very intelligent, and very athletic. Then we have myself. I'm very mediocre. Yeah, I'm kinda smart, kinda athletic, not grotesque. But I'm so average and live far away. My biggest fear in this LDR is that he's going to pick from one of those girls and give me the boot. I mean, why not? They're so well-rounded and live locally with him.
I try to turn it around by reminding myself that he must see something special in me since he's with me. I also try to tell myself that he must be a really great person if he has so many friends. But no, it doesn't work.
My ex boyfriend went after one of his female friends (that's why he's my ex) in my last LDR so that just perpetuates my poor self-esteem.
Anyway, I feel down in the dumps I don't know if there's anything anyone can do or say that will pull me out. It just sucks. I've always had poor self-esteem but now that I'm in an LDR, it's magnified. For example, one night he didn't answer the phone and didn't call back. I took it to mean that he was thinking of dumping me (my ex bf started ignoring my phone calls before our fallout). The following day when he called, I started freaking out on the phone and he was completely clueless.
I really don't know what to do. I don't think I'm cut out for an LDR
It's my self-esteem. You see, my boyfriend has a huge array of close female friends. That's fine and dandy, but all of these girls are gifted by being so well-rounded. They're all attractive, friendly, very intelligent, and very athletic. Then we have myself. I'm very mediocre. Yeah, I'm kinda smart, kinda athletic, not grotesque. But I'm so average and live far away. My biggest fear in this LDR is that he's going to pick from one of those girls and give me the boot. I mean, why not? They're so well-rounded and live locally with him.
I try to turn it around by reminding myself that he must see something special in me since he's with me. I also try to tell myself that he must be a really great person if he has so many friends. But no, it doesn't work.
My ex boyfriend went after one of his female friends (that's why he's my ex) in my last LDR so that just perpetuates my poor self-esteem.
Anyway, I feel down in the dumps I don't know if there's anything anyone can do or say that will pull me out. It just sucks. I've always had poor self-esteem but now that I'm in an LDR, it's magnified. For example, one night he didn't answer the phone and didn't call back. I took it to mean that he was thinking of dumping me (my ex bf started ignoring my phone calls before our fallout). The following day when he called, I started freaking out on the phone and he was completely clueless.
I really don't know what to do. I don't think I'm cut out for an LDR