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First meeting update....

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    First meeting update....


    Well, i finally met my love for the first time on the 20th September, so here's what happened for those who are interested.

    My flight into Edmonton was delayed by 2 hours so i spent 5 hours in Gatwick airport slowly going outta my mind as i hadn't flown before. Luckily as i had my cell i text my SO to tell him i'd been delayed so he didnt have to wait ages for me at the airport, well thats what we thought anyway.....
    After landing,i was questioned by immigration and told i had to answer further questions, i went into PANIC mode! I honestly thought i was going to be put straight back on the plane without to much as being in the same room as my darling. They had concerns over my finacial situation as i was currently unemployed and i dont think it helped i told them i met my SO via facebook. I had to wait in a line-up for 45 minutes till i was called over. I answered all the extra questions and they asked for my So's number so they could call him to confirm the answers i'd given and ask if anything should happen to me would he cover the cost (i had travel insurance but forgot to print out the document and they couldnt except the email on my phone) I was close to tears while they were on the phone, then she said he had pretty much confirmed everything i'd said. She said he was waiting for me and he sounded alot calmer than i looked lol.... then she stamped my passport wished me good luck and i was free to go!! I was shaking so bad as i arrived at the double doors that lead into the arrivals area, my stomach was like the inside of a washing machine. I paused,straightened my Leafs Jersey, took a deep breath and walked through and there he was, my handsome man wearing his blue Leafs jersey (we decided we'd wear them so we could find each other... but by the time i came out there were only 2 other people waiting in arrivals)
    I felt a huge smile spread across my face, he was smiling as he walked the few steps to me and we hugged, all the nerves i had disappeared in that single moment. I knew that i'd made the right choice, that i loved this man and it wasn't some crazy internet infatuation or some make believe relationship. I met his mother too as she had driven him to the airport, she gave me a hug too and we headed out towards the car. We talked about the flight, what had caused the hold up in the airport ect.. My SO and I just kept staring at eachother with huge grins on our faces, and poking each other in the arm, unable to believe that the person we'd fallen in love with just over 3 years ago was there in front of us. He picked a purple flower from a plant we passed and i'm 99.9% sure i blushed as i put it in the lace holes of my jersey, he said i didnt have to keep it but i there was no way i was throwing it away.
    In the car, we held hands still smiling on a huge scale and staring so contently at each other. He couldnt believe how skinny my fingers are, he kissed the back of my hand and i melted, hugging his arm as hard as i could. We stopped at a Dennys for something to eat (i have never seen such a huge salad in all my life) we made small talk as we ate, took a break to apply some chapstick as my lips were pretty dry. My SO asked me the flavour, i said cherry and i couldnt take my eyes off his lips (always loved his lips ) and we shared our first kiss a few minutes later. It was amazing, i didnt care that i was in the middle of a resturant and neither did he. He did say that my chapstick was definitely cherry flavoured though

    We had an amazing week together, watching tv (coupling is hilarious), playing video games, drinking Budweiser, we went to the movies and all manner of wonderful things. Leaving him is by far the hardest thing i have ever had to do, i've cried on and off since sunday night (i was still with him till late tuesday afternoon)
    He is where my future lies, of that i am 100% certain now. But it still hurts to know that when i go to sleep tonight he wont be snoring next to me.
    As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance

    Ahh so exciting!! I'm so happy to hear it went well

    Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

    Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
    Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


      YAY!!! Oh I'm so glad you posted us an update

      Man what BS at the border. I'm glad you got through though! At least it's a good story now

      It'll never be easy, but you guys will get back into the LDR groove soon enough. Good luck! And have you planned a new trip??!!


        I always watch that border patrol show on tv, it can be intense! Glad you were let through though! Its great you finally got to meet him and had a good time. Did he take you to the our massive mall?


          I'm glad your first meeting went well Those guys at the borders are just downright stupid, glad to hear that everything went well!


            I smiled foolishly while reading this. Congratz and good luck, I'm really glad for you both!
            "Everyone smiles in the same language."


              Congratulations on your first visit! Very happy for you!
              I hope you two get to be together again soon. :3


                I was happy to read this! It sounds like you had a wonderful time with him! =]

                "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                  Sounds like a great visit - happy for you that it was such a great time


                    Awwwww! How cute! Very happy for you!
                    I wish I can write something similar soon



                      Happy to hear your visit went well. Best of luck with your relationship
                      " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
                      Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

                      Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


                        AWW!! It sounds like you and your SO had a marvelous time!! That sucks you had a delay at both airports!! Good you got through though! I remember being so scared all the times I got questioned by immigration, so scared they wouldn't let me through, but they did both times so yay. lol I hope you guys get to plan another visit soon and I wish you luck in your LDR!


                          Awwww!!!!!!!!! that is so amazing! I hope you'll see each other really soon


                            Oh man, the snoring is such a comfort. My ex had sleep apnia and it was so comforting to hear him snore because that meant he was breathing and I would wake up whenever he stropped snoring. It was hard getting used to sleeping alone after we broke up, but I'm good now. My current SO doesn't snore, but he does wear socks when he sleeps. I guess I just get the weird sleepers! xD I'm glad you guys finally got to meet. Best of luck to your future!


                              Gargh that sucks about border control but at least you got in! I am glad you had a good time

